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Everything posted by Lila9

  1. It's not what I'm saying, it's just your biased interpretation.
  2. Not surprising. Russia has always been homophobic, misogynist and racist. I can't believe that I grew up into a decent human being despite being a Russian and growing up with this mentality. With that being said, fuck you Putin 😊
  3. Yes, there can be definitely better ways to neutralize a child rather than directly killing, it's odd.
  4. From what I know, Israeli soliders never target children unless they risk them in some way. I read that one of the children has carried improvised explosive device in his hand and intended to throw it on the soliders while the other was throwing rocks. There was an exchange of fire between Hamas terrorists and IDF at this area in the WB and children have taken part in it. They were sent by their family relative and upon my quick research this familiy relative is a Hamas terrorist. It's not the first time children are sent by adults with bombs and weapons because they do not arouse suspicion which made IDF to pay a lot of price in soliders and civilians lives. These children should be at school or at home doing their homework and not being recurred by Hamas to sustain this cycle of terrorism. Where are all the human rights and children rights organizations? Why they don't do anything to stop children from participating in terror attacks which risking their lives and the lives of others? The thing is that they are so biased against Israel that they simply ignore it. They never mention that these young people were sent to throw rocks and commit terror and were shot as a defense. They portray this as if the soliders decided to shoot out of no were.
  5. All the religions are limited, flawed, delusional, toxic, hypocrite, dangerous and holding back the people to some extent. But the religion which masters the art of holding people back is Islam. Muslims tend to be rigid and don't respect or honor any rules or law except the Sharia law. While Christians, Jews, Hindus are more flexible in that regard.
  6. Lol 🙄 Hope it will go to some beneficial education like English, mathematics, science, history, sports, art which will help the children to grow into reasonable adults who will create better society in the Palestinian territories and not some Islamic ideological brainwashing education which fuels hatred towards Jews and the west and create more terrorists.
  7. This former Hamas member proves how far a person can go when abandoning a toxic ideology. People often blame Israel for the conflict, yet they don't hold Palestinians accountable for their toxic mindset, which they tightly cling to, fueling the conflict. If Palestinians were at a stage where they challenge and question their toxic ideology, we could discuss two states, one state, or any negotiation. It's essentially up to Palestinians and Hamas to wake up and rise above this mentality; Israel can do little in this regard. Attempting to awaken Palestinians and Hamas by pouring money and allowing more freedom is like trying to awaken Donald Trump or Andrew Tate in a similar manner—it would only cause more harm than good.
  8. They receive orders from Hamas in English to keep waiving and smiling, there are footages where we can clearly hear the orders. The hostages follow it because they are in fear and still have the mindset that they are at the mercy of their kidnappers, their body language screams that they want to get out of there as fast as they can. It's all a cynical staged game of Hamas, a reality show for the mass where the villain tries to portray themselves as the good guy to the audience at home.
  9. Absolutely. This is a flaw in the western liberal thinking, that if we only pour money and let them the freedom, they will become decent human beings and everything will be good and peace and sunshine. This is no naive, I couldn't stress enough how naive this. This is the attitude Israel had all this time and the fact that it led Israel to the October 7 attack only proves that the more Israel support Palestine, the more dangerous it will become to Israel. People ignore the factor of ideology and stage of development. Toxic ideology is toxic ideology is toxic ideology which can be created in good or bad conditions but thrives in good conditions in particular. You can't really effectively negotiate and create peace with people whose ideology is to kill all of you. There is a ceasefire but Hamas committed terror attack in Jerusalem today, Israelies have been murdered. Again. As people say, if Israel will put down its weapons, there will no be Israel. If Palestinians will put down their weapons, there will be peace.
  10. This conflict is challenging and questioning core beliefs and values people have from both sides. I consider myself liberal but in this conflict I don't agree with liberals. This conflict made me see more clearly flaws in the liberal thinking and hypocracy which I used to be part of. So now I'm type of hybrid or a sane liberal I guess.
  11. Gaza isn't occupied by Israel; it's a fact. You can think what you want, but it doesn't change this fact. You are cherry-picking Jews you personally agree with to confirm your bias, which may be antisemitic. Just because a few Jews agree with what you think doesn't mean that you are correct. Only because a few women out of many, agree with certain misogynistic beliefs, doesn't mean that the men who hold these beliefs are not misogynists.
  12. AJ English is the same like AJ Arabic but in English. Same bias.
  13. Ranked as the one of most unbiased news outlets by whom? Hamas? lol It's known for its anti-Israel, anti-American and antisemitic bias. AJ is directly used as a propaganda tool by Hamas to spread their narrative, this is probably the most biased news outlet there. Wikipedia:
  14. Literally. They even don't bother to check whether the info they consum on AJ or these shady X accounts is correct. As long as it suits their bias, it's fine.
  15. Yes, Arabs treat each other really bad.
  16. A very serious problem is awarengly ignoring the fact that Hamas deliberately uses people in Gaza as human shields, and blaming everything on Israel. Luckily there won't be Hamas soon.
  17. There was a war between Jews and Arabs, Jews won. The end.
  18. The flawed logic is to equalize Hamas to IDF. They are the complete opposite of eachother by their goals, values, level of development. If people don't know how to distinguish between an army which aims to protects its civilians and between a terrorist organization which aims to kill and destroy as much people as possible, then there is a serious problem.
  19. This narrative that Palestinians have such brutal, radical Islamistic terrorist organizations who terror Israel for years just because they are occupied by Israel, and only if Israel will stop the "occupation" they will stop, is completely wrong and history proved that.
  20. I wish all the Israeli hostages will be released from Hamas captivity soon. I pray for them.
  21. Israeli women and children were kept in cages in captivity by Hamas: Hostages report hunger in captivity: An Israeli boy was forced by Hamas to watch the October 7 gore videos when was in captivity:
  22. At first it made me laugh, the stupidly rude attempt of including this footage of an Israeli woman in suffer with the goal to imply that this was happed to a Palestinian woman by Israel, and then it made me sad because this is such a cynical usage of the pain Israelies went through (pain the AJ didn't bother to mention at all, still in these days). What also made me sad is that there are people who literally buy into this manipulation and not aware to that.
  23. Al Jazeera is direct Hamas' propaganda tool which is loyal to Hamas' narrative only. It has no reliability. For years, Al Jazeera is known as having an anti-Israel, anti American and antisemitic bias. I know that Palestinian prisoners have very decent conditions, including medical care and the freedom of education. It's better to be prisoned by Israel than being an hostage by Hamas.