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Everything posted by Lila9

  1. It's funny that when IDF are symbolically burning candies they are "the most evil in the world" but when Hamas raping women, beheading babies, burning people alive, they are freedom fighters, defending themselves and doing legitimate act of resistance. This level of hypocrisy... ๐Ÿ™„ Is beyond my understanding. I hope this elderly woman in the article you shared will not find herself dead by some Hamas terrorist because she "cooperated with Israel". I hope Hamas wouldn't put their hands on her. They have no heart or mercy.
  2. Lol they burn the candies supply which was given by Gaza citizens to the Hamas terrorists on October 7 attack. Gaza citizens celebrated the massacre of Israeli people with those candies. The IDF soldiers burn those candies as a symbol of fighting against the terror. The amount of misinformation and the distortion of the truth on social media is fascinating.
  3. Biden seems pretty decent for me as well. I feel annoyed when people judge him by his age.
  4. He looks like an angry little chicken that just hatched from an egg with this yellowish blonde hair plume. I like it. Aliens probably think he's cool. I bet they don't have someone like this in their civilizations.
  5. Lol, their perception is indeed comes from ignorance and lack of real life experience of the conflict. All the info they gather is from biased X accounts. Intresting.
  6. You just have no response because you know I'm correct. For you it's easier to attack me personally by saying that I'm whiney and flat rather than responding to the matter. Gotcha.
  7. Lol these terrorists have butchered innocent men, women elderly and children, they have committed great atricorcy. Fat privileged and wealthy Hamas terrorists. Not only that, they also steal humanitarian aid from the Palestinians of Gaza and sell it in high prices. All the money and aid comes to Gaza ends in their greedy hands.
  8. You probably don't care about Palestinian children. If you did, you would have wanted Hamas to be eliminated and replaced with good and conscious leadership that could build a haven for these children, a modern and democratic Palestine with human rights, women's rights, and LGBTQ rights. Currently, a Palestinian can be executed in the blink of an eye for being gay or wearing short pants if she's a woman. A Palestinian can face execution for criticizing Hamas or not following Sharia law. Is that the type of society you wish for the Palestinians? This 'open air prison' wouldn't be a prison if it weren't dangerous for Israel. Israel has the right to put boundaries between them and those who want to harm them. All they need to do is to stop the terror against Israel and all the bounderies would be diminished, no checkpoints in every corner are included. This is that simple. If Hamas truly and really wants a ceasefire, they should start by bringing back all the hostages and not breaking the ceasefire, as they did recently. They are not serious.
  9. There are 50% children, it's not mostly. The thing is that there are 50% adults, and they are responsible for the children. Going to war with Israel and knowingly expecting backlash despite having other options to solve this conflict through negotiation and communication is irresponsible. They and their children are paying the price for their choice. Teaching children to hate Jews and throw rocks on soldiers instead of sitting in a class and studying is an act with consequences. Everything people do or choose has consequences. They are not choiceless victims as they are portrayed, they are adults who support terror against Israel, knowing that it might come at the price of their and their children's lives. The children are the innocents who pay the price for the decisions of the adults who supposed to protect them. This is the case and it was always the case in any country and situation. The children of the German people who supported the Nazis were innocent as well and paid the price of their parents supporting Nazism.
  10. I feel sorry for what is happening in Gaza and I feel sorry for the Palestinian fate, as much as I feel sorry for the Jews. It's true that there are consequences for building a Jewish state in a Muslim region, Israel is paying the price for choosing to build a modern Jewish state in a place surrounded by not very modern Muslim states, even though Israel in particular is connected to Judaism. Same goes for the Palestinian people, they are paying the price for their choices as well. They chose to support Hamas (most of them), and even those who don't support Hamas, they chose terror against Israel, they supported leaders who preach terror against Israel, they started the wars, they chose it at the expense of healthy communication and negotiation, since the beginning. Even though they lost the wars they start, they keep starting wars, and loosing and paying for it again. And again and again. There is a phrase in Arabic that describes this situation, it means that for every choice and decision there are consequences. "ูˆู…ู† ุฃุฑุงุฏ ุฃู† ูŠูƒูˆู† ุฑุงูƒุจุงู‹ ูู„ูŠูˆุณุน ุจุงุจ ุจูŠุชู‡"
  11. Beautiful โ™ฅ๏ธ ๐Ÿ•Ž ื—ื’ ื—ื ื•ื›ื” ืฉืžื—
  12. Heartbreaking how many cultures have been removed due to Islamic occupation of the middle east. The middle east looked differently prior to Islam, many many beautiful cultures. Huge variety. And now there is Islamic superiority there and everyone who is not a Muslim is doomed to constant violence and terror attacks. Islam occupied 50 countries, and nobody's care but when Jews return to their only homeland after being occupied and expelled twice, everyone shouts that Jews are occupiries of the poor Muslims. And not only that, they expect from Israel to tolerate the abuse of the Muslim Arabs who call themselves Palestinians and "treat them better" despite these poor Palestinians wanting to eliminate all the Jews, and despite Jordon, Lebanon and Syria still treating the Palestinians in their territory like a class B citizens. The quality of life of Palestinians in Arab countries are worse that the life quality of Palestinians of the WB and Gaza together. Yet, nobody cares about Palestinians in the Arab countries ๐Ÿ™‚ Syria alone expelled 850,000 Palestinians. Nobody cares. What an hypocritical world ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™€๏ธ
  13. Thank you I had a creative spark at night, glad that you liked! That's hilarious how people describe Zionists and what evil characteristics they attribute to them, without realizing that they are normal people dealing with terror, not that different from the average American, French, German or any other hunan who may deal with the same Islamic terror threat. A Zionist = a Jew who wants to live in his only ancestral land. So simple.
  14. A Zionist, super Zionist, mega Zionist, ultra Zionist, and super mega ultra Zionist went to a bar and saw a young man nervously sitting in the center of the bar, sweating, shaking, and murmuring something in Arabic. The Zionist said, "This man looks suspicious, he might be a terrorist." The super Zionist agreed, "Indeed." The mega Zionist concurred, "Indeed." The ultra Zionist also chimed in, "Indeed." The super mega ultra Zionist said nothing. He remained silent for a minute, then approached the suspicious man and whispered something in his ear. After a few seconds, the terrorist in question took his jacket and walked towards the exit until he disappeared. The other Zionists looked puzzled and confused. It wasn't long until the super Zionist asked the super mega ultra Zionist, "What did you whisper in his ear that made him walk away so rapidly?" The super mega ultra Zionist smiled and replied, "I told him that if he gets out of here and refrains from committing the planned terror attack, I will help him enter the Israeli prison and live like a king with 100 virgins instead of 72 in heaven." The super Zionist asked, "What will happen when he enters the Israeli prison and realizes there are no 100 virgins there?" The super mega ultra Zionist responded, "It doesn't matter, he will receive free education and realize that there is no heaven and no 72 virgins, and would be grateful that I saved him from losing his life to this stupid belief." And then they lived happily ever after. The end.
  15. The religion tolerance in Israel is stunning.
  16. "Maybe we should work on trust first" ๐Ÿ˜‚
  17. Lol ๐Ÿฅฒ๐Ÿ˜‚
  18. This is a good analogy, the kid who lost to his friend and is now dedicating his life to beating him. He chose to be a victim for the rest of his life because he lost the game, instead of switching his mindset towards building himself and living his own life. Gaza could thrive, and so could the West Bank if they weren't so inclined towards hatred. This ideology against Jews started long before any occupation occurred, which proves that it's not about any occupation, it's about Jews. The famous Nazi book Mein Kampf, written by Hitler, is very common in Gaza and the West Bank, it's one of the best sellers there, and Hitler is seen as an inspiring figure rather than someone with a toxic ideology.
  19. Netanyahu is a self-absorbed narcissist who doesn't care about his people. He is a clown, not a true leader. This man shouldn't govern anyone or anything; he should be sitting in his coach solving sudoku. However, if we're talking about someone really crazy, it's Yahya Sinwar, who governs Hamas in Gaza. This man has been killing Palestinians with his own hands. He spent 25 years in an Israeli prison, not for killing Israelis, but for killing Palestinians suspected of cooperating with Israel. His obsession is chasing Palestinians who he believes are cooperating with Israel. Many of the Palestinians he killed weren't actually cooperating, they were just people living outside Sharia law, not believing in God, and engaging in secular activities forbidden according to Islam. One example to his brutality and usage of force towards his people is that at one point, he forced a man to kill his brother by burying him alive, all because of his suspicion that the brother was collaborating with Israel. Yahya Sinwar is obsessed with Israel, an ideological fanatic like Ben Gvir but possibly even worse. He has been like this since a young age. When he went to prison at 28, he was asked why he was still a virgin. He responded that his love for Palestine is greater than his love for women, and most of his time is spent on liberating Palestine (from Jews). His ideological view of Israel, Israelis, and Jews is much worse than any statement Netanyahu could make. Netanyahu said that Israel is light, while Hamas, and maybe also the Palestinians, are dark. It's not politically correctโ€”something you wouldn't expect from Western leadershipโ€”but it has truth in it. Once you understand how Hamas operates and what they believe in, you realize that they are not governed by any goodness or lightness, this is pure evil, a pure and unreasonable force of evil that many Palestinians are hijacked by.
  20. Intresting video debunking the Pro-Palestinian nerrative with facts.
  21. Lol, they also got Andrew Tate, Kim Jong Un, Putin. All the saints, integrated and righteous people they got, standing with the freedom fighters, aka, Hamas, the men who kidnapped Israeli children and elderly just because they love them so much. How cute.
  22. I can't ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚