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About Lila9

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  1. Because reality is real. unlike dreams. There are real-life consequences in reality, unlike in night dreams. There are things you can do in dreams with 0% real-life consequences, but you can’t do them when you are awake without consequences. If you cut your hand in a dream, there is no real harm to your hand. But if you do that when you are awake, you may suffer from real consequences that affect you. Saying that there is no difference between a night dream and a waking state is not accurate. Just because reality is complex and susceptible to our subjective interpretation doesn’t mean that it is illusory. The illusion in reality is our subjective, biased, and corrupted view of it, our perception of it, but not reality itself, which we can’t even accurately or fully grasp. Our perception of reality is also limited by our biology, making it very difficult and even impossible to fully understand reality, as our senses may not perceive it fully accurately in the first place. Our senses perceive reality good enough to meet our survival needs, but not to fully understand it. We can only theorize and invent concepts to understand reality, but those concepts are illusory. Reality itself is just the playground in which all illusions happen. Reality is what there is. Illusions can’t exist without reality, there must be something real to create illusions and sustain them. It’s the same as light not being able to exist without darkness. If everything is light, then there is no light.
  2. Meditation describes the bridge between you and God/higher self/higher power, in my opinion, this is an accurate term.
  3. I have never felt aversion to my period, nor shame about it. Since the first time I received my period, a month after I celebrated my 14th birthday, I have been neutral about it and have seen it as a natural aspect of my life. I feel connected to my body, and I find it difficult to see something coming out of it as ‘gross.’ I remember that in school, I had female friends who were afraid of a rebellious blood stain on their pants during their period, with the potential of others seeing it. I was afraid too, but I admit that I had worse and bigger fears in my life than a rebellious blood stain on my pants that someone might notice. I think that I was even secretly proud of my period, and I still am. I don’t care much when a stranger somehow discovers that I have my period because I did nothing wrong. I already suffer from the pain, and I don’t want or need the additional mental burden of doing extra stuff to hide it as if I were a criminal trying to cover my crime. In the last few years, I have learned even more about my menstrual cycle. I have learned about the four phases women go through every month. Each phase differs and has many dimensions, such as biological, psychological, and spiritual. The phase of the period is when the hormones are very low, and the energy is low. The body feels very old and tired, the body aches and acts weird. This phase is symbolized by the “crone” archetype, and it is a time for contemplation and rest. In ancient times, women were allowed and encouraged to rest in a quiet place during their period, but in the modern world, women have to function and socialize as if they have the same hormones as men, without actually having the hormonal system of men. I hate working during my period and a few days before it because I have mood swings and low energy. My body is physically weak and aching at that time. I have the need to contemplate and think about my life. I don’t want to be around others much, I want to eat tasty and nutritious food and rest. I want to take hot baths and be left alone with a book or my journal. Luckily, I have a flexible workplace in which I can take a day off or work less when I need to, without many questions, but it wasn’t like that in my previous workplaces, and I had to insist on it sometimes. I wish there was more awareness and compassion for women and the fact that women have a different hormonal system than men. Women have a monthly cycle, while men have a daily one. Men’s energy is highest during the day and decreases as the day ends until the next day, this process repeats itself every day. Women, on the other hand, have a few days in a month, around 10 days, that cover two phases out of the four of the menstrual cycle, in which they have relatively high energy (to work, socialize, and be in their “doing” mode). The other two phases are the more low energy, difficult and longer ones, like the luteal phase and the period phase itself. Society is very ignorant about the female menstrual cycle, and women are ignorant about it as well. Today, women are very disconnected from their bodies and hate them, demonizing them to various degrees. And it saddens me. The liberals pretend as if women are identical to men, overlooking our hormonal differences from men, while the conservatives demonize everything related to female biology, such as pregnancy and the period. Both fail to acknowledge the hormonal and biological differences between men and women without demonizing the other or putting one above the other, while adjusting the system to equally suit the needs of women and men, not just men. This results in women paying the price of surviving in a system designed for the biology of men.
  4. Socializing may be a form of suffering for some people and can severely affect their mental state. I am one of those people, and I believe what Leo says about his personal experience because I have the same experience. I do seek connections, deep connections, and sometimes I get tiny crumbs of it when I socialize, but it is not enough for me. It is never enough because most social interactions don’t prioritize true connection, instead, they often revolve around satisfying needs like seeking validation or approval, share shallow information, kill the time, entertain etc. Rarely is it about genuine connection and intimacy. I deeply value human connection and intimacy and genuinely want to be seen and to see the other. However, it is very rare to form such deep connections with people nowadays because of the very structure of our capitalist and patriarchal society, which values individuality, being busy, and achievement over connection and intimacy. Spirituality makes me feel connected, meditation and my dreams also give me a sense of connection, nature, art and reading as well. Meaningful and deep conversations with people make me feel connected too, especially when they are vulnerable and authentic (though it’s rare because it requires intention and courage as many people, like myself, suffer from fear of intimacy and vulnerability and find it difficult to be authentic). But merely socializing with people who talk for the sake of talking, and entertainment for the sake of it makes me feel alienated and miserable.
  5. Since I discovered the sacred geometry theory as the underlying structure of both physical reality and consciousness, I have been seeking ways to incorporate it into my spiritual practice. I found this channel run by an artist who draws mandalas based on sacred geometry principles. He starts almost every mandala with the Flower of Life structure, which serves as the foundation for any sacred geometric shape. The process of drawing mandalas, especially in such a technical way that requires precision, accuracy, and concentration, brings the mind into a uniquely serene meditative state. This may be preferable for those who find it difficult to meditate in stillness but have a love for art. One can learn a lot from the free tutorials on his channel, but he also offers a course and a free Discord group on the topic. I have not subscribed to his course yet (maybe in the future when I will have more time) but I have learned from the free tutorials and the content he shared. I have been enjoying it for a while and thought I would share it here. Here, he is drawing a mandala based on a crop circle (Milk Hill, 2001) The crop circle, like most if not all of them, is also based on sacred geometry principles, demonstrating how universal sacred geometry is.
  6. Wow, I don’t know how to talk about it with others without sounding insane, but this is such an interesting topic. Many people are automatically so dismissive of such things, and on top of that, many today’s brains are so cooked because of technology addiction, which suppresses empathy, while telepathy requires empathy. So even if we remove the barrier of openness to this possibility, there is the barrier of technology addiction which is not easy to remove. Maybe in 100+ years this will be something basic taught in schools. That would be great because this is a universal language which can be used with humans, animals, plants, extraterrestrials etc. I will check the podcast because it amazes me.
  7. Beautiful conversation between a holocaust survivor and an Oct 7 Nova survivor:
  8. Can’t wait to see her performance in the Eurovision 2025 ✨
  9. If you want to defend the Palestinian leadership, then defend them. My point is not that Palestinians deserve what is happening to them but to show how they are manipulated and exploited by their leadership. Their leaders basically can do ANYTHING hurtful to the Palestinian civilians excusing it by external forces, such as the West, Jews, Zionism etc. It also happens in Israel, with Bibi and the right wing but the difference is that we have some sort of democracy, pluralism and opposition, still.
  10. For me, a terrorist is someone who intentionally kills innocents.
  11. Most orphans in the world don’t commit mass killings. They simply continue their lives as best as they can. And heal. There must be some ideological factor involved. As a leader in Gaza, I can be very corrupt and make the living conditions of my people terrible. All the money and international support they receive, I can hoard and keep within my family, who enjoy a luxurious life, security, and freedom, while I convince the citizens that their economic situation is dire because of something external like Jews or Zionism who did them this and that which they must sacrifice their lives to fight against. And that they will be rewarded if they die (religious belief). From an external perspective, people might say: “Look, Palestinians are so oppressed by Israel that they have no choice but to commit terror attacks! Their situation must be so bad! How can we help them? Let’s donate money.” Or when Israel attacks as it did as a response to Oct 7. People legitimately concerned about the Palestinians and donate money, there are many organizations. But that money, of course, goes to the leaders, who become richer while the Palestinian people grow poorer, more broken, and more traumatized and more radicalized. While the leaders, instead of promoting healing they buy more weapons. And the cycle continues. If I were a Palestinian leader, whether we win and occupy the entire land or lose and are left with nothing, it wouldn’t matter because I win in both cases. Even if I were to die, that would still be a win because I would be seen as a martyr and my family will receive even more respect from the Palestinian citizens, I would be seen as an hero and it will inspire the younger Palestinian generations to be martyr, continuing the cycle. This is an endless cycle. I don’t say that Israel has no responsibility in the conflict, I just describe the part to which the Palestinian authorities are responsible for.
  12. They are as cunning and manipulative as our leaders. Politicians use the same techniques on both their people and the media. No politician can be fully trusted. They have stolen a disproportionate amount of the money donated by kind people to Palestinian civilians, men, women, and children. They are thieves.
  13. I have read it from a book written by a former Hamas member who is also interested in spirituality.