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Everything posted by Richardzz

  1. Years ago I used what I call "positive programming statements." I would say things that I wanted in my thinking 25 times 5 times a day. I did this for as time, not sure how long, possibly a month. A while later I discovered my little book with the list of statements in it. What amazed me was that everything that was on my list had happened, including passing my drivers test. I hear what someone was saying about getting rid of the negatives, but I'm not convinced it's a first - then thing, so much as program yourself, then deal with the negatives as they bubble up. Now my issue, I have realised that I am rubbish with money. My work life had always just earned enough to pay the bills and a few modest treats. If I get a windfall, I suddenly have a list of things I just can't live without and blow it all! I have started programming myself with positive statements relating to money. I like money, I like having money, I like earning money, I like getting money, I like making money, I am good with money. I really like the idea of intrinsic motivation. Leo was the first person that has made me aware of this. I am hoping that by reprogramming my sub-conscience with a healthy and good attitude things will change. For years I have told people that I'm bohemian! But I would like to be able to earn and save in a way that I can have nicer things than I have now.