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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. We've discussed on here many time that online dating is shitshow with a winner takes all environment where everyone looking with the abundance of beautiful people on these apps are all chasing after the top 20 percent and ignoring 80 percent of the other profiles, it creates the illusion that any guy could date a super model and any woman could date a rockstar you just have to swipe enough ........... friendship apps are great for building social circle and theres no pressure to score or impress the person etc so you can just relax and chat and they could invite you to a social gathering , party or whatever and introduce you to more people . I've got plenty of friends that were friends with their now partner for years before they went on a date, so completely ignore the advice you have to rush into romance you can very well be with someone on friendly basis and things change, but dont have that expectation though just enjoy socialising. to me its the lack of pressure why these apps are more preferable , desperation is the biggest turn off ever, so theres no needing to get anywhere
  2. this post is for anyone who feels inadequate because they're a virgin or not having sex or getting female attention. Just recognise that you are already whole and complete, you are perfect exactly as you, even if you die a virgin, you can change how perfect you are, even if you sleep with 1000 women you are no more perfect then when u started. Just feel the love inside of yourself, think of time you were with a friend you had a deep connection with maybe you were on holiday or at a nightclub together, think of good times with coworkers laughing and joking and being together. think of nice times you had with your family. Did you need to prove yourself to them then? no, you are perfect. when you feel this love inside of yourself it does al the leg work for attracting women, even if you make a social mistake you'd brush it off and laugh and she'll probably forgive, you wont believe our lovely women , they have so much empathy, when you feel this love inside of yourself you will be lightyears ahead of the cocky asshole chads, with the emotional took kit of a donkey, just because you can stand up straight and say a load of lines in a nightcluv doesnt mean they are good partners, this self love you feel is going to be answer to learning how to attract and sustain a relationship , i mean sure you can take pointers from people but its self love which you need to trust uttermost as these pointers there just guildlines you have to rust your own innate judgement system if you dont all you've be left with is anxiety in you head, completely unable to do anything or make any kind decision when talking to someone
  3. give up on yourself, thats the counter-intuitive thing. In doing so it might bring about the fear of uncertainty, of How will I survive? how will i get what I want? how will i find peace and happiness? With surrender comes freedom from the inner turmoil of the mind and an allowing of openness to let things naturally play out. Trying to control everything only antagonises it
  4. Shallow , trivial form of happiness
  5. even if you get what you think you want through ego you cant even enjoy it anyway as there is the fear of loss and fear of insecurity and unworthiness. With surrender everything is allowed which creates an openness for things to be authentically be brought into your life
  6. thats because we become conditioned to fit the mould which stifles our individuality
  7. the abrahamic seem very dualistic , any kind of worship fuels seperation
  8. @Consept In zen there is a concept calling 'standing in your own way' self sabotage basically where you cut yourself from what you want by pretending that you are seperate from it and need to acquire something to be worthy of it. The irony is this mechanism is what fuels seperation in of itself
  9. its a mental health crisis , mental health support , connections and opportunities to socialise and be part of something is certainly missing . We are a social species , how ironic now that we all live in cities and can connect with each other with a touch of a button ,yet are more isolated than ever. Ignoring incels wont make them go away, I suppose this post is guidance for incels that are not at the point of needing psychiatric treatment. I go to neurodiverse meetups easy to talk to people there than regular drinking ones, other than that go to socials which are relevant your passions like if your into coding , you'd go to a tech meetup or if you like wrestling they'd be something for that etc
  10. i dont blame people for living with their parents in this economy , I know plenty of people that live with their parents and have a partner so thats definately not going to to stop you from finding someone , its your personality or you not looking for someone you are compatible with
  11. nothing more attractive than someone that loves themselves , you're putting the cart before the horse , before anyone should start with learning social skills and attraction etc they need to built the foundation with self love, self love is bedrock no amount of any skill or knowledge is any use without self love and when you learn to love yourself all this learning how to attract someone just becomes second nature , relying on intuition rather than intellect. Nothing can hurt your chances with someone more than self loathing and negativity, with self love you stop being so self centered and just focus on giving to the other person which is worth the world more than any gimmick or trick that you use to manipulate someone into bed which is inauthentic anyway , women can smell inauthenticity from a mile a away it just reeks of desperation as you NEED the person to be complete. Just start seeing yourself as being whole and complete already unconditionally , the alternative is to hate yourself which will mean you can never love another person, maintain your self loathing go ahead see how it works out for you, but you could one day to drop all the rules for self love. Please tell me how hating yourself will get you anywhere.?????????
  12. learn to love yourself and find happiness outside of women and they will flock to you , are you on the autism spectrum? because i know what it feels like to be worthless and unloveable as you can get a lot of bully and negativity from society who quite frankly don understand autism, and some people are just dam right assholes, you dont want them in your life, you want people that love and support you for you. Just love youself, let go of needing wowmen to be happy and they will flock. When you dont need anything from them your authentic personality shines. so always remmember to love yourself its the answer to eveything
  13. Why create pain and misery and suffering? If God is all loving and loves itself, Why create problems that lead to people seeing the world as not as perfect, Is it to embrace oneself in a unlimited way even if one is suffering? why does god want to experiences these states? Surely a god that wants to create perfect reality woldn't have suffering and misery in it?
  14. new this would be on the forum, only difference is that it will take cash flow from criminals i say thats a good thing
  15. its essentially synthetic mushrooms, they are very powerful I had a couple and reality was reduced nothingness
  16. @Emotionalmosquito I dont think you realise how difficult it is for women to prove rape, many dont bother because they dont want their lives dragged before the court and to be interrogated by the police to see if they're lying. A woman has been locked up in the uk for eight and a half years for lying about rape and being held in sex trafficking ring framing several innocent men, she even went as far as to hit herself in the face with a hammer to fake injuries ( who the fuck does that , thats gonna bloody hurt) its cases like that which make it so hard to be believed for a woman . One woman lured multiple men into pub toilets then try get attention by saying it was rape, but the police can psychologically identifiy lies and the cctv showed her laughing after the encounter so you wouldn't be laughing if you had just been raped, another case where someone seeking attention and trying to ruin mens lives has made it so difficult for real victims to be believed
  17. no i appreciate hair that is lushes and well maintained
  18. i have a hair kink so suppose plenty of people would think im weird i can litterally get off touching some beautiful soft long hair
  19. they dont hold any relevance for modern day democracy , its just pageantry and tradition
  20. its not about being scared, its about being practical, the government can just reorganise the police and enact law change if the police aren't serving their interests and those in power are elitist. The royal family are basically immune to arrest, we had a strong liberal labour leader a few years ago that was popular with young people but the media (which serves the elite) painted him as a dirty communist just because he had true values to make society better for every day people but of course we can't stop the rich elite from becoming any more rich than they already are. The french had the right idea beheading their monarch and now they hold those in power to account.
  21. rimming feels good sure, but i dont find a butt attractive, boobs on the otherhand are just raw beauty, its like a mosaic
  22. its populist the police wont make arrests if its unpopular because they will have to deal with the fall out, criticism , demand for police restriction and budget cuts etc. If on the other hand people peacefully demonstrating causes widespread offence they will also have to deal with the fall out, people rioting , counter protests, criticism of the police for tolerating it , then lack of police support then budget cuts and further restrictions on police autonomy . Its unpopular to arrests palestinian protestors due to the emotion involved in it, although I think they have draw the line at death threats and direct support of terrorism. On the otherhand people criticising the monarchy is just going to cause brawling and aggrovation between the far right that love ma queen and country and the left that like to make a noise . I do have to laugh though when people through eggs at king charles he litterally doesnt flinch 'is that all you got ole chap ive been dodging eggs since i broke up with diana'
  23. rejections simply means sorry im not interested geez dont overthink it, nobody owes anyone anything
  24. whats the appeal of butts? i dont get it? you want to tongue that asshole?
  25. ive never ever met a hyper masculine man that was happy, always got a chip on their shoulder , always looking for a fight. They get off on conflict , they make group settings awkward because people have to tip toe when they're around them. The hypermasculine man senses this and stops engaging with the group as much because no-one wants to feel awkward .