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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. People in society make out that theirs something wrong with you and your worthless, they marginalise you and it makes you feel like crap , I think its a guy thing becauses mens self worth is tied into what they are providing for society and men that arent sexually active are perceived as being undesirable because they have nothing to offer. I dont really want to fit in with people that are going to bully me but i still want to be part of something, I dont care if a woman rejects me but I dont like the way society makes you feel that your broken and worthless. I just want to be loved. Maybe this is why people with more severe mental problems lash and hurt others, they too just want to be loved. I suppose you could just say pay no attention to it and build a thicker skin, it does get to you though
  2. one night stands just leave you feeling empty
  3. lol they have to stand in awkward positions for long periods of time to get the right camera shots and do retakes its not all fun and games, you kinda have to be a serious sex addict to want to do it, pornstars often have quite chaotic lives as they are performing an intimate act so friviously and it does kinda mess up how you relate to sex.
  4. is it like really wacky dmt?
  5. women are lovely, go talk to them, im sure they'd love to get to know you.
  6. @hoodrow trillson what im getting at is that they bully each other to fit in , otherwise you'll be marginalized.
  7. I'm speaking very broadly here, but people have called me cute and boyish before because I like to have fun, spontaneous , curious and get a lot of enjoyment out of life. It seems that conformity has made a lot of people too serious and boring, but to be part of their club you cant be yourself as you have to blend in with the herd. Thats why ive never fitted in entirely within a group because i dont want to be a square, i like spiritual groups as they celebrate diversity and uniqueness. Dont get me wrong you can be serious when you need to such as when working or organising etc but I dont think life should be taken so seriously we arent here for very long so enjoy it.
  8. we're the imagination of ourselves, there is no person, never was never will be. Enlightenment means 'I' dont exist, There was only ever oneness performing an act called 'john doe'
  9. @luqqzr Love yourself, that will attract the right person
  10. Who gives a fuck who women think are more attractive???? you are your own unique person which your own qualities, interests, quirks, etc Well done on making loads of progress on socialising keep at it by going to social events etc you say you can talk to loads of strangers now and make eye contact thats a big achievement. Your value isnt defined by how many people you've slept with or how many relationships you've had. The only people that brag about that dont have much going on in their life. Live your own life, chat to women, if you get a good vibe ask them out. Vibe is good because it isnt based on need and desperation its like a felt thing, you feel the chemistry between you. 83% of communication is non-verbal so if u feel like crap or are anxious, your body language will communicate that and they will pick up on that. Get out of your head and live your life. Have you considered therapy?
  11. @luqqzr sounds like your projecting this resentment of mistreatment of others onto women beacuse you believe you'll be good enough if you get a loving relationship , but it never ends because you arent fixing the root, perhaps you think other guys are better than you because they have a girlfriend. You dont know their story however they might have a million and one problems you dont and their relationship might be toxic behind closed doors. So many men beat their partners , they certainly arent better than you, resorting to violence is such a heavy low.
  12. @luqqzr who said you were worthless??? is your mind listening to bullies from the past, did someone mistreat you? were you not accepted by people?? the mind will cling onto stories of unworthiness if its absorbed it from somewhere, the mind reflects the information it is given to it. learning to love yourself means you have to abandon that narrative. You can love yourself without any requirements.
  13. ok so practice self understanding and self awareness, through that you will naturally no what type of woman you like and what sort of women you hit it off with, you'll get an intuition, I dont like loud sassy women, but I dont want her to be too quiet that she never wants to go anywhere because Im a social guy and love talking to people, I like women that are very sweet and nice and loving, I discovered all this through self awareness.
  14. @NoSelfSelf i dont like the term game because it implies you need to learn a technique or a rulebook, what the socially awkward guy needs to do is go to therapy learn whats bothering him, why doesnt he think he's good enough and then he can in a relaxed way chat to women without trying to extort anything from her and gently get to know her, he will fumble and thats ok but if she really likes him she will help him, when i was awkward starting out i had this girl opening all the doors for me " are you going to walk me back" she was helping me , it allowed me to relax, it was so natural.
  15. @NoSelfSelf Game is mostly about fixing your wounded psyche and learning to love yourself and tap into your authenticity, all the practical stuff like when to escalate touch, when to ask out, who to approach will come mostly naturally if you fix your mind.
  16. This is very black and white thinking, have you met all women, ok so you've had some negative experiences, women arent perfect, neither are men, look at all the problems guys have over 90% of the prison population is male go figure. Perhaps dont look at women as a source of something to extort something from then and instead have fun getting to know them, its not a race, theres no finish line, no winners or loosers, its just life. You wont have a positive relationship with women if you dont love them, but that also means you have to learn to love yourself.
  17. @Spiral suppose the ones that do are immature people
  18. I have had encounters with people marginalising me for not be a' man' or 'good enough', I cant be around these people they just trying to provoke you and make you not carefree and happy, the only way to shut them up is to go on a rant about mass shootings
  19. love yourself, regardless of others opinions of you.
  20. well done for having the confidence, im proud of you , you just havent found the right person yet. When you find them you'll just know, its kinda like a force like gravity , you dont have to whip yourself into a frenzy to get them to like you or try and say the right thing it just happens.
  21. Would you say black and white thinking is trying to pin something down and say it can only be this way? That would be mean reality always an open question and it can never be case closed for anything, maybe science will never figure everything out and its always going to be an endless pursuit. That doesnt mean science is useless just that it will never get a theory of everything.
  22. Black and white thinking causes people to act too emotionally in a situation and could all too easily make someone make the wrong decision as they cling on to their strong positions and react emotionally when the situation wasnt dire they just made a mountain out of a mole hill,always being open to something not being the case allows you to evaluate each situation with a calm , non reactive and adaptable mind. The map is not the territory