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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. dont use apps and sites then lol i know theyre shit, its so much fun flirting in person , u get beautiful deep eye contact, great convo, humour ,flirting ,feels soooooooooooooo, good man, cant get that online
  2. they just bitches no need to talk to someone like that if someones making convo and being friendly
  3. Women want a deep emotional connection , having a partner that REALLY understands them with a man that really loves himself, if he loves himself , he has nothing to give but LOVE❤?❤ since he's not lacking , he's truly authentic and aligned with loving reality and making the world a beautiful place
  4. get yourself out there and socialise, join meetups, social groups, organisations, volunteer, change jobs, also listen to leo love yourself, you will be magnetic to people if you love yourself. I even had women approaching me on mdma, that drug removes all mental filtration , it changes your body language somehow because how you feel inside is transfered to other people via body language. You could try therapy work through some issues.
  5. Just take a chill pill man, talk to women and see who you click with, it will take a lot of searching, but im sure you'll find someone you have similar interests with. Remember they want to get to know you just as much as you want to get know them, women arent as desperate for sex which is why they aren't as needy, i mean they can get it when ever they want, if they lower their standards . but its the whole sex component tht makes men desperate
  6. u get aggressive? maybe u should work on your self esteem , just laugh at someone trying to get under your skin
  7. @Schizophonia if you have an insecure personality it will make you rage
  8. @Butters I think it depends on your personality, if you have a good heart and are highly empathic , but shy and anxious, that cocaine will override your anxiety and self doubt
  9. @Schizophonia @Butters People on cocaine are fucking annoying JESUS
  10. @Butters i know autism is good for self reflection and its bad to beat yourself up, maybe just do some self relflection after the social event as pointers and let intuition guide the way.
  11. This is what MDMA has taught me, neurotypicals don't know something that autistic people don't, they arent born with superior social skills, theres no free will remember. Autistic people are slow to learn to socialise and struggle so much because they're in their heads constantly , thinking ,rationalising, understanding, gaining knowledge (which is a very good thing for school, academia, work, technical stuff etc) , but it doesnt work for socialising, because theres nothing logical about communication and emotions. People have general guidlelines for socialising, but they're pretty flexible for most things that the autistic person worries about and you'll be surprised at how tolerant people are and the leeway people give. 93% of communication is non verbal, so whats not being said, so how can you formulate how to talk and get to know someone, when there is so many variables, you dont know what someone is thinking, what their intentions are or what their situation or their personality type etc. This means you have to be in tuned to whats going on, feel into your emotions, feel into your body, feel into other peoples emotions. are they holding eye contact? if not they've lost interest in talking to you . What is their tone of voice like? are they smiling? , are they giving you the 'gaze' . When you're on MDMA you dont gain any new social skills or personality traits , you're the exact same person, you are just so R E L A X E D , you can still say boring stuff or socially clumsy stuff, but you arent in your head so you are much more socially calibrated to whats going on , if you're in your head you're anxious and will not be able to hold conversation, when you're relaxed you feel so comfortable in your own skill , you can literally approach anyone . Most of the time the conversation fizzles out, you move on to someone else. It just puts you in the mood to socialise, you love yourself and everyone , you are so at peace. This transmits to other people as your body language is magnetic, women approach you. Neurotypicals dont know something we dont, they just dont beat themselves up and ruminate so much when bore someone or are a bit awkward they just trial and error , trial and error, trial and error. Autistic people dont have as much emotional robustness, so we get discouraged if we make a mistake and take it to heart, we then try to analysise and formulate how to do it , which never works , you cant formulate how to socialise. I guess i'm kinda blessed that my special interests are sociological and humanitarian based, it helps really helps for socialising as my autistic friends at uni, just stayed in their rooms mostly. L E T G O O F T H E M I N D, it only breeds anxiety, but use it for intellectual stuff not when talking.
  12. If 93 % of socialising is non-verbal that means you really have to pay attention to social cues, your intuition has vast amounts of information in it than you could possible fathom beyond you're imagination, reminds me of an allan watts quote " To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don't grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead you relax, and float."
  13. I was born with hydrocephalus, but my sister also has it so it must be genetic as well
  14. Society makes me feel like im a loser for not having loads of sex and engaging in relationships, i know beating myself up is just adding fuel to the fire, but people just get under my skin. I'm not even a virgin, but society makes you feel like somethings wrong with you, society is just so obsessed with it all. Now you have college drop outs working at mcdonalds thinking theyre better than you, yet they are as dumb as a post. I know its not rational but i just dont know how to let go , its the way society makes you feel, maybe im too impressionable, i just want to feel good.
  15. @Sugarcoat live life by your own standards, there is no 'right' way to live it, but some ways are less conscious sure
  16. @NoSelfSelf NT's do have rules but they break them all the time, whether tht 'rule' should be enforced is also up to discretion, how many times do the police turn a blind eye to stuff, in some countries you can pretty much just pay the police off
  17. What I'm getting from this is grow s thick skin and be cocky back "why you so concerned about my life clearly nothing going on in your own "
  18. Neurotypicals don't use them rules are just optional
  19. im autistic i need less rules , rules dont work with socialising lol
  20. @NoSelfSelf how can you have your own society
  21. you got the best of both worlds congrats
  22. You've heard the cliche you cant have sex with someones personality, i mean sure yeah you want to be physically attracted to someone that is important , but at the same time without connection , vibe and personality , its just empty emotionless sex, like with a hooker, even with a hookup you'd want some sort of bond unless its just a very casual thing, i dont like one night stands too empty. I have women in my life that i find physically attracted and wouldnt turn down to having sex with them but at the same time I wouldnt date them i dont vibe with them , we'd have not much to talk about it would be a robotic relationship, therefore id feel more for someone that is somewhat less in looks if i love their personality.
  23. If everything was handed to you in life or never struggled you would have no appreciation of it, its truth worth, the transformation and journey you underwent to develop yourself to acquire things other people dont struggle with. It grows you as a person, your character and makes you more empathic to others that also struggle. This is not a little thing its beautiful. The beautiful feeling when you fall down again and again only to one day finally triumph and to know that you persevered and always believed in yourself and to invision your life what it would look like if you succeeded. Life is all about growth and exploration thats why life is challenging and its a beautiful thing.
  24. You're a beautiful person, no matter what, dont let people bully you, you're exactly where you're supposed to be right now, work on yourself, love other people, if you put people down its because you feel crap about yourself and have to bring others down to your level, msery loves company. Forget about then you are so much better than them. You are loved,
  25. @Schizophonia im talking about a different beauty to you