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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. I think people should receive benefits but in the form of food stamps and housing/ other living costs other than just being handed money that could be squandered
  2. I'm guessing corona has cut your meditation retreat short, kinda ironic considering you were wanting to self isolate to begin with
  3. @Sucuk Ekmek Society can't continue to neglect these people even if they may never make them see the truth, they can intervene so they dont go down that path, i mean how shit must your life be that killing people is an alternative to living in society. I think taking away guns would be a start, we have school shootings in europe...... go figure. 70 people die a day in the us from fire arms either suicide or by accident or killing etc
  4. You can't make someone see the limitations of harming others if they genuinely believe they're right. When jihadi plotters in jail go to rehabilitation sessions with a counsellor they say something along the lines of " are you here to reprogram me" like the government wants to brain wash them into thinking false beliefs and that they're right so; rehabilitation with the justice system is just like putting a goat in front of a mirror until it goes ha thats me. Make them talk about why they committed the crime until they realise themselves the limitations. I can relate to that growing up being autistic i didnt understand why my peers left me or treated me with contempt until i had aha moments later on in my late teens , i didnt understand what was socially appropriate, it had to hit me itself like getting hit by a bus. Being shouted at and treated with contempt did nothing to make me realise anything just like shouting at a goat and hitting it wont make it realise that the thing in the mirror is him. I suppose the bad treatment made me fear them, but that fear turns to anger and people who have significant anger management issues on top of that would lash out, hence all the violent attacks in the world. Bad treatment wont make a goat realise the image in the mirror is him.
  5. @arlin ive had temporal experiences of no self before , until the ego made a recurrence, it proper freaks you out to begin with, i can't think of anyway else to describe it than other than you're just 'gone' the mind desperately scrambles to define itself, but it can't theres nothing there and then you realise that you never lost anything because something that isn't there cant be lost
  6. Thinking about leo's recent video on my own experiences with flirting, i remember back in college i had a coursemate that was just a friend whom was quite sweet on me in the beginning but some other guy swooped in their first, I had other options so i was kinda meh about it, fast forward like 6 months the guy whom it was his first girlfriend started receiving attention from other women and wanted to experience that so that ended and he broke up with her ( i mean she did kinda rush it and trap him into a relationship very quickly so i think i'd of done the same) I grabbed her interest again (unintentionally) when I myself started talking in the group of my fascination of psychology and personal development topics and she related that to her own experiences, "you're so inspirational" I remember sharing a video on facebook about 'the shocking truth about paradigms' by the man leo himself and the NEXT DAY in environmental law class my lecturer whom knew i was fascinated by philosophy was like in "the field of science we have whats called paradigm shift." I was only half listening and the lecture was like" whats a paradigm charlie" and im like " oh its a model of reality". which further seemed to impress her, not like i was even trying. The intuition aspect to this is about how we both realised we liked each other when nothing was said, on a college trip at the pub i went and sat across from her and just asked about herself and her face just lit up like a christmas tree, the group we were with was teasing because they knew i was a shy guy and said "would you shag charlie" she muttered a coy quiet no but you don't want to seem like a slag and have to save face. Back at college she was with our group and i smiled at her , she smiled back , i increased my smile , she increased back, i increased again she did again until we're both just full on smiling at each other and she was blushing uncontrollably. I never researched much on intuition but in that moment it was just like an absolute unspoken confirmation we were both into each other, its like a force of nature, i didnt have to do anything as I was just expressing who i was and mother nature took care of the rest.
  7. Ive always thought if you bullshit yourself then what others believe is irrelevant as you've already done the damage to yourself
  8. Reality is nondual there is nothing separate to have free will, you can look at from two different perspectives that essentially mean the same thing either you exist and control everything inside and outside of your skin or you don't exist and control nothing, whats important is that you see there is no separation everything is happening just like when dreams occur without a controller.
  9. @Dlavjr this was years ago we went out for 9 months but then she went to do an MA Degree abroad and i dont do long distance , we were already friends for a few months but when she was single its just happened, it felt right , im usually a shy guy and dont always get many opportunities but in that moment I just knew we had a spark
  10. Just seem to be running into people with severe anger issues and the university town i am in is a ghetto town which the government treats as the country's social rubbish dump. This person that grabbed me was sectioned for several weeks for chasing someone down the street with a sword, she (transgender) so basically a man picks on me because im short and an easy target just like everyone else that has bullied me in my life, ive been mocked for not standing up for myself but when i do i get started on, i nearly glassed someone last year because he was going to throttle me in a nightclub for whatever reason he had against me , but security threw him out first
  11. Some people just have unbelievable anger problems, anything just sets them off. I had a housemate grab my my neck over a discussion on the washing up for god sake, i mean in what situation apart from self defence is violence every justified. I had mates all my life that we have engaged in light hearted jibes and cheekiness. It then comes as as surprise that ive encountered people that take any form of light hearted humour as an attack to their "authority". I get threatened, i stand up for myself as to not be treated like shit and get attacked. How the hell can you deal with these people its like im thinking anything i say to them is going to set them off, truly unpredictable. I'm ashamed to admit that its made me very bitter with the world, whenever im going about my day and miserable people have to make me live in fear just because they feel like shit. My housemate has apologised but its an awful situation because i cant trust them anymore, any word i say i feel like im walking across a minefield. She (transgender) told me a while back that she chased someone down the street with a sword and got sectioned for several weeks, like fucking hell who am i living with, cant wait to graduate and get out of this backwards city full of junkies and undesirables, litterally this city is where the government dumps those on probation out of prison for the north of England, so say a person is from liverpool and are jailed for GBH or something, when released on licence they cant have them in their home city where their victims are so they dump them in my town and leave them mostly to be homeless and have to meet their probation officer every few weeks. The governments policy reminds me of ghetto areas that cities have apart from this place is the ghetto area of the country. I'm only here because the university has such a good environmental programme that i want to excel in,cant wait to graduate in may, just hope i dont run into a deranged junkie in the middle of the night.
  12. ISPs in the UK block them automatically you have to email them to get rid of the filter so i have to use a VPN, maybe change your provider to one that has that by default
  13. find someone that likes you man, i know you dont want to be alone again, but no relationship is better than a bad one by million miles. Just see if she respects you and wants you, if you get negativity from her, she will kill your self esteem, your call buddie but dont waste your life out of the fear of being lonely
  14. join meetups and other activities you enjoy. Their will be a social group for any kind of interest. You like medieval battle reenactments, their societies for that. Chess clubs are pretty much universal, you name it and it will exist. Then when you are engaging in something you love it wont be hard word socialising, your passion will be the driving force to help you improve and will do all of the heavy lifting. Their might even be a cute girl or guy for you at this social group, talk about your interests, go out on socials, bam you have friends and relationship opportunities. If you try cold approaching then the chances are you probably wont be compatible with them, its like trying to find a needle in a hay stack, but focus that desire for a friends/ partner on your interests/ passions then you'll improve your chances. I don't give a shit about horses, but if idated someone and they were horsey mad, then it wouldn't work at all, because i literally just couldn't care less about the subject.
  15. I can imagine leo would come and wack me with a monks staff like they do in meditation halls in temples for talking about a netflix show, but the ending really speaks to me. The main character Joe who is a psychopath kills people and locks them in a glass box out of 'love' and tells himself they didnt't deserve to live as they didn't value love and something 'good'. In the end the sweet girl whom he imagined she was, was actually the same psychopath he was and he HATED it and whilst he was trapped in the glass box he said "ohhhhhh so this how my ex felt when i trapped her and tried to kill her, then actually killed her" its like his mind woke up to his own bullshit and he understood how everyone he killed felt and that they didnt deserve to die, empathy was taught by experiencing it for himself. His psycho girlfriend whom he thought was a sweet girl was a female version of him, he met himself. The beginning quote reads “If he has a conscience he will suffer for his mistake That will be punishment as well as the prison.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment the sums up karma :your prison is your identity, you are held hostage by trying to defend it and you punish yourself by keeping yourself there
  16. my psyche does indeed have an inability to give up materialism, the thing i cant give up the most is the attachment i have for my family. friends come and go and I accept that, so that doesnt bother me. My family on the other hand are always there because they are my family. I tell myself they wont be hear for ever so make the most of the time you have with them, make sure to visit them often as you are wasting your precious time on this planet by not visiting. When my grand parents died I accepted it and there the obligation to visit them vanished as they were dead obviously;perhaps my mind thinks that i can do spiritual work when my parents die, whenever that day comes.
  17. build social skills, be around nice people not dickheads, not all tough people are bullies most are pretty nice just the insecure and bitter ones. Journal all your social observations, i was a mess at 18, just commit to working on socialising and never doubt yourself just keep on going and even if you do something wrong accept and move on, only way to loose is to give up
  18. people are selfish, just like you, accept it and move on. Don't be discouraged from messaging people though not everyone will ignore you. I know the drawbacks of instant messaging is tht it creates a disposable culture where people toss friends and relationships if its not working, but we can't go back now. I wished id been at college 10 years ago before tinder and facebook.
  19. I know death is inevitable i just want to do some things first before it occurs
  20. I recall Jed mckenna claiming that the first step towards enlightenment is the most difficult but, afterwards it will follow an inevitable journey that takes aprox 2 years of an incessant quest for truth unless the person succumbs to brain injury or physical death. The first step is exactly what you're not wanting to do and that is giving up on your entire life and letting the physical organism do its own thing stop trying to control it "take your hand of the tiller" as Jed says. the voice says if i let go something bad will happen im here to keep the physical organism safe or me as the mind claims. all that matters with the path towards enlightenment is intent even knowledge and practices come second to it. The intent to discovers truths even if it kills you because have an restless inability to continue to being false
  21. be wary of the people who say they are honest. A candour affected is a dagger concealed-Marcus Aurelius
  22. Has any one seen this movie? I think its the perfect analogy of platos cave, the way truman discovers his fabricated reality not out of being motivated by pleasure, his drive for truth comes from an inability to stand being false, he couldn't live his fake life when it didnt seem real. I feel people think enlightenment is a state of bliss, its not but its a state of being true. I feel like i would go mad if i was truman if everything in my town that i was trapped on all started to revolve around me, maybe thats what enlightenment is like going mad for unravelling truth ps i feel its great they called him truman, ie hes becoming 'a true man'