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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. @UnconsciousHuman Can't lie I do like boobs, arses are of no interest though
  2. This isn't incel theory this is sociology, for social survival people stay mostly within their own social circles, its not that important for people below middle class but for those above, it is. Prince harry and william have been branded as breaking tradition by marrying 'common follk' but, they aren't really common folk, meghan markle is a famous actress and kate middleton was from a middle class family. They wouldn't be seen dead with some pleb. Famous people marry other famous people because it furthers their survival in that social circle , bradd pit wouldn't marry a nobody, neither would cameron diaz, they would be shunned significantly " I can't believe he's with her, a nobody , what a loser". The king of england in 1936 had to give up is throne to be with a woman he loved and everyone shunned him, even his own family.
  3. Thats more of a problem for women, athletes are pretty much at the top of the social hierarchy and can get any women they want so you just want to sample all the flavours like being in a sweety shop, not saying all athletes and sportsmen are like this but, when you have that power its hard to resist, All the European kings of time gone by had misteresses so technically everyone in europe has some degree of line to the throne due to being the decedent some where along the line of an illegitimate born
  4. @Leo Gura how are you supposed to feel confident and secure when you can't be sure whether a guy truly likes you for other than your looks, super models have this problem when dating athletes, they think he's head over heels for her then he goes on cheats on them with their best mate or whoever. Thats why rich men are cautious about going after someone with no money as how can you be sure they aren't there just for the wealth. At least less attractive people no they are more valued for their other qualities.
  5. watching adam curtis on bbc, made me realise how corrupt the world is. He does documentaries centralising around peoples desire for power and the complexities that govern it
  6. From Leo's recent video All I ever wanted was just a bit of love, i feel worthless and seem to accept that, which makes me just hate people that make me feel this way. All I needed was to be told I can love and accept myself regardless, then whatever happens its ok. I'm good enough so to speak
  7. The US justice system is far too draconian. Cops are to trigger happy, in Europe people don't have guns so tasers are sufficient in most scenarios. The justice system is big business in the US so its their best interest to lock up people for minor crimes for much longer when a community sentence would be suffice. Justice should be about rehabilitation
  8. When leo starting talking about looking at nudity on psychedelics, i was thinking damn i always thought i was wasting the experience by looking at these women, but couldn't help myself. Its like the universe encapsulated raw beauty and psychedelics made you hyper aware of it, your senses become acute
  9. Trump appears to be using the same tactics as Putin to maintain his grip on power. Trump doesn't seem to have any values or care anything other than himself; you can see this from his speeches and how he acts on social media, anyone that criticizes him prevents him from doing exactly what he wants or goes against his wishes gets directly attacked by him. When he was denied the absurd offer of buying Greenland from Denmark, he personally attacked the Dennish prime minister calling them stupid. In Russia, Vladimir Putin's closest advisor Vladislav Surkov comes from the Avante grade art world and has helped Putin maintain his grip on power for the past 20 years. Those that have studied his career have claimed he has turned Russian politics into a piece of modern theatre by incorporating ideas from conceptual art into the heart of politics. His aim is to undermine peoples perception of the world so they never really know what is happening. Surkov got Putin to sponsor all kinds of groups from Neo-nazi skinheads to libertarian human rights organisations, he even backed groups that opposed Putin and the key thing was he let people know that this is what he was doing. People were left not knowing what was real or fake. One of the bravest of Russian journalist wrote " its a strategy of power, that leaves any opposition constantly confused, a ceaseless shapeshifter that is unstoppable because it's undefinable". This is what Surkov is believed to have done in the 2014 conflict with Ukraine where the Crimea was annexed. In 2014 Surkov wrote a short story called 'non linear war', it is a war where you never really know what the enemy is up to, or even who they are. The point of the war is not to win but, to create a constant state of destabilised perception, in order to manage and control. Trump seems to be using these same tactics in American politics. He constantly chops and changes his positions and who he supports and changing the narrative of the world. US troops were pulled out of Afghanistan without any inclination of whether it was a victory or a defeat and then trouble arises again and we are told we are making a presence in the region. In the present, Trump is appealing to peoples worst fears and grievances during the lockdown, going against common sense and endorsing protest groups that criticize the lockdown, despite this lockdown being absolutely necessary, he will back, support and criticise people like a game of chess to boost his own image, regardless of the stakes. Trump won't accept any responsibility for the fallout and negative consequences and when he's bad ideas have negative repercussions, he will no doubt find a way to get the blame landed on someone else.
  10. @Serotoninluv this isn't a conspiracy theory, just modern day politics.
  11. Seems like sending lambs to the slaughter, I've been following the live statistics daily and the US has not "passed its peak" contrary to trump in the past 2 days us cases have increased by over 100,000 .The peak hasn't been reached yet. I don't think trump even cares if people die, less dependables in his eyes, if he did he would listen to what health experts were actually saying. I think trump has the thinking of a medieval Emporer but operating in a modern day society, whatever brings my country on top even if that costs millions of lives, he probably only put the lockdown in place to not lose his population ie workforce and not destroy the country, but he'll sacrifice many for the success of the country to get ahead of others to thus boost his ego and dominate the entire system.
  12. women tend to be much nicer, just their psychological makeup
  13. OK, but, can i keep the one about 9/11 being done by ancient aliens led by the lizard royal family paedophile cult???
  14. @DivineSoda Sweden has different conditions, they are very sparsely populated with 23p/sqkm2 , where as with England its 259 per sqkm2 , Sweden can get away with a low virus rate just by restricting cross country and intra- city travel and social distancing
  15. What is a human life worth? what is your life worth?. Growing to stage green means you will have to make some sacrifices for your compassion in that caring and providing for your citizens will weaken your ability to dominate the world. Switzerland probably is the country that takes care of its citizens the most and it has no need to dominate others, threats such as China and Iran could be handled by much greater cooperation
  16. @Inliytened1 it seems to be mainly concentrated in majour cities such as New York and LA, but I wouldn't trust suitable distancing measures of other states/counties given how easily it is spread, not much use opening up the economy when more people get sick on a mass scale, can't produce if you're ill. Opening up in these lesser hit states would have to be done very gradually, maybe only allow some people out to work/ run errands on one day and others on another, also temporally employ people in important industries such as fruit picking and factories. In the UK people are taking these jobs as they have no other income and are bored being sat at home all day
  17. how the virus will change the world.
  18. this is our darkest hour, could do with a coronavirus special to guide us through, plus who else is bored stiff during lockdown, at least I'm in the countryside, id lose it being in lockdown in a city
  19. I already have autism so can't get it again
  20. Druggies will always find a way to get their fix, dealers are dressing up as key workers to sell in the town I went to university in. If we are to get some positives out of this hopefully this will be the trans-stage dilemma in spiral dynamics forcing societies and nations to become more conscious and expand their identity
  21. @Red-White-Light "hello this is samaritans, we strongly advise you do not get rid of your ego if you do we will all disappear like a mirage "
  22. I understand that conspiracies do happen and governments do cover up their misdeeds, but conspiracy theories are a lot of speculation and dangerous speculation at that as seen with the 5g causing coronavirus theory it which people damaged infrastructure for something based on a hunch.
  23. wait a minute you're telling me i deluded myself so i could undelude myself, wow god i mean me really is a shithouse, tricking itself just for the crack
  24. This Virus is testing us as a species and our ways of thinking and survival strategies. Capitalism in the west has shown its weakness and expiry date with the shrinking of the middle class and the growth of the rich poor divide creating majour problems. Capitalism has kept on surviving up until now because no majour threat has exposed its limitations with its problems only increasing slowly. In the middle east and other developing countries still stuck in stage blue and red, they are being forced by the virus to drop their ideological squabbles and work together as their ideas will be of no use when they've been wiped out. China and North Korea are obviously lying about the true impact of the virus on their countries. Their consciousness level is so low that they would rather have a greater virus impact than loose their power and social standing in the world ; the cant stand it if they're seen to be as a country that cant handle a disease. North Korea has such a poor health system and people have poor diets due to the government having little interest in social welfare and an obsession with militarism, therefore it will likely have devastating consequences on the country when all is cared about is nukes. This will be a wakeup call for the country but, i imagine Kim jon un will take is ideologies to the grave and it'll be for after he dies for change to occur. This virus levels out the playing field with survival competition, it doesnt discriminate, if your rich or poor, old or young , a different race etc you have just as much of a chance of catching it and it seems to be killing people of all ages as well although,younger people do have a higher survival chance. Across the world majour businesses and industries that could never imagine seeing themselves fall are going into administration in just a couple of weeks, over a million people in the UK have signed up for state benefits with everyone else on government redundancy schemes or for the self employed. Landlords are receiving no rent as their renters have no money, although their own mortgages have been frozen. This event is going to create a massive paradigm shift as its been revealed how fragile our economy is and how much we depend on one another in society. This is all pretty ironic in the UK because, a week before lockdown the chancellor was announcing massive spending plans despite it being completely against the parties values and vaguely informed how it would be paid for and the extent it would be distributed. Thats all gone out the window now, the conservatives made massive cuts to the national health service and public services and now we've been caught out, without the infrastructure to cope. Its going to be lower classes that will bring about change after this pandemics end like in many cases in history. The homeless themselves could never rise up as they're not centralised, have mental problems mostly and dont have wide enough support, so they will never be able to help themselves. The working classes and help from the middle class will drive change. The poll tax riots in 1990 in England revealed this, all across the country refusal to pay was high and reached this non payment for te tax reached 50% in some areas, with bailiffs that tried to repossess were met by angry mobs. The courts were clogged up and couldn't process the cases. This civil disobedience and protests forced the PM to resign and ended the tax. I dont see homelessness being tackled after this as the gov are only putting them in accommodation now as otherwise they'll spread the disease like rats and they'll be back on the streets afterwards, although they're putting pressure on the gov with their incessant squatting of empty buildings. The other lower classes and some people from the higher classes as well will be in financial ruin after this, there is no way governments can not cater to them after the virus as the crime wave and riots from this will destroy the country, Italy is already seeing organised looting of shops as their savings run out. This will causes a massive value shift in our country as selfish individualism and endless profit seeking has left us all vulnerable as it only works when we have good conditions. China has already announced they'll not kill wild animals and cats and dogs as this as been established to be a key source of this outbreak and other outbreaks in the past, this event has radically change their culture as its always been a big part of it. The west will see a majour shift towards green with many orange businesses wiped out by this pandemic.
  25. @Free Mind many businesses will be wiped by this, the pain will be a disincentive to this way of being as we see how dependent we are on one another