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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. Does being angry make you feel depressed? even if you think you've solved something through anger, theres always the cocern that issue is going to come back twice as hard and hence no way to win through such low consciousness emotions. What effect does being angry all the time have on your life.
  2. Journalling, contemplation, therapy , psychedeics, meditation ( to calm the monkey chatter)
  3. That's only in terms of enterprise and technologically. Socially the country is a shamble. Europe looks at you like Syria
  4. There is definitely intimacy based porn out there, like u said there's a market for every kind of interest. It focuses on bonding , eye contact and kissing. I feel like the whole step sis genre is born out of that desire for intense closeness and intimacy and that's hugely popular, also live interactive cams of real couples is focused on this
  5. Much more basic than human civilizations of course, but as far as the animal kingdom goes this is incredible phenomena. The ants despite their size hold territories hundreds of metres in length and have complex stratergies to defend them. They build dozens of nests consisting of complex labyrinths between the cannopies which they link via branch networks. The nests act as areas for food storage and barracks for their soldier ants that defend foreign weaver ants and other insects occupying their space. I find it incredible that nature on such a small scale is possible of such complex operations, it reminds me of what Peter Ralston mentions in his book on 'pursuing consciousness' that Self can be thought of as a force. This force is impersonal but what ever it acts on has an inclination towards preservation of its state and aggrandisement for its survival and against decay. This also shows that your human intelligence is an active process of the universe and is impersonal even your failures. The universe is all YOU and it is nothing
  6. Could be what's best for what purposes
  7. Great way for interactive participation , could have Q and A , interviews with other people like Martin ball etc , psychedelic trips would be pretty cool
  8. I have a few high-functioning developmental disorders which you could say makes me a bit slow and prone to make a lot of mistakes, I can't seem to break out of the endless habit of believing that thinking over each mistake endlessly could generate better understanding and knowledge about how to better accommodate that challenge in the future. This all ties in to my image of myself (the ego) in that if I give up on this process of endlessly analysing ,I won't know whats coming next, whats the physical organism going to do? I have to regulate my own mind so it doesnt repeat mistakes. I've just finished reading the 'way of zen' by Allan Watts and the book was essentially saying a lot of the same thing throughout the chapters " give up control, give up knowing". The concept i loved the most throughout was the zen term 'wu nien' which means 'no thought' or 'no mind', this is our intellects natural ability to effortlessly perform actions without the dithering between the choices of 'good' and 'bad' options. I don't want to give it up, I just feel I can't, im afraid, if i let the mind act spontaneously it will make my mistakes even worse if im not regulating them. I know it seems like im contradicting myself here, but I feel paralysed by the idea of not being able to do anything and just leaving everything up to itself.
  9. Just going to dump my favourites ive been listening to for years
  10. Can't refuse to admit I'm probably more feminine and compassionate than the average guy , just how my brain chemistry and psychology is, everyone is different i guess. I think the macho alpha male neurotic outlook to be quite stupid, some guys just blow their top over nothing and its not like they win either, they're miserable and are paranoid about anyone challenging their 'status' even though most guys don't care about dominating others. I was wondering if this demeanour might, however, help with passionate intimate sex that women claim they want or is that just for them and guys have to be more icy and detached in the bedroom, like letting her do the feminine bit and the guy stays in the masculine. I like sex more when I know she actually likes me and its slow and focused on connection rather than hard fast sex to get over their boyfriend or a distraction , like scratching an itch.
  11. Your brains effectiveness and your motivation level to improve is equal to how aware you are, so the solution to this is to find out what makes you become less aware and how to improve how aware you are, here's my list. Alcohol- speaks for itself, people do and say stupid shit whilst drunk Drugs ( although i don't plan on doing anything mentally demanding when taking a psychedelic, its for when I'm on my own) Depression ( probably the equivalent of drinking a pint of beer or half a pint if you're a light weight like me), I've nearly crashed my car because i couldn't concentrate due to low mood. Anger - performance is useless whilst angry, its why the driving licence authority tells you to calm down before driving as your concentration is significantly reduced. Tiredness- don't operate machinery or try and work whilst tired you'll make stupid mistakes and it could be dangerous, my friend flipped his car as he fell asleep at thee wheel and luckily survived but, even if you don't fall asleep you'll make a lot of bad judgements and miss things. Negative thought patterns ( similar to depression, but if you are on an obsessive spiral of thinking you aren't engaging in what you're doing and will lash out or do something ineffective) Stress- if you are stressed out, don't work , if you do your work will be shit and you'll make mistakes, best to relax first or reorganise your life so you are less stressed. When you are unwell- don't neglect your health, as trying to pull through will produce poor quality work as your brain cant focus on your ill health and concentrate at the same time When you are down on yourself and beat yourself up- similar to negative thought patterns but, when you are filled with self hatred you have not motivation or interest in engaging in whatever you are doing and will lead to very poor performance and majour fuck ups. Thats my list, let me know if you have anymore that could be added. The solution to this is unconditional self acceptance and self love and the same for every aspect of reality as well. Everyday practice being aware through mindfullness, you could pick an activity like brushing your teeth and counting the strokes and watch the traps for when one of these on the list could affect your awareness level.
  12. @Bittu If they're letting you out soon, I think they realised you're not actually crazy, just 'erring' on the side of caution. My teachers at school would threaten to get students senctioned if they spoke out about teachers not handling bullying making the school look bad, which I find fucked up, not that they could actually do that though, just trying to frighten people.
  13. @Bittu On what grounds were you sectioned? were you shouting Leo's gospel to people in the street? "WAKE UP SHEEPLE"
  14. Mindfullness and meditation are all examples of non-action in which we exert effort to do nothing to undo the action of mind or try to get it to stop like putting brakes on car whilst driving brings it to a stop
  15. I suppose this post could fit into both this section and the spirituality section as it covers both; free will doesn't exist this is something you become deeply conscious of the quieter your mind gets, as the voice in your head is what sustains the illusion, If you can't think, you don't feel like you have free will, there's just nothingness. You've heard the saying "if you're unaware , you are not aware that you're unaware" seems like a pretty meaningless statement but, from another perspective can be deeply profound. This means it was never your fault for anything that ever happened, good or bad, it was just the fruit of your conscious level and your awareness can go up and down, you take some alcohol you lose awareness, your inhibitions disappear but, you may do something or say something stupid like drink drive, that was your awareness level at the time. Nothing can be done to increase your awareness, nothing can be done to motivate yourself to increase awareness, the motivation usually has to come in a flash of insight or a deep understanding from someones wisdom. Mindfullness and meditation are examples of practices that may alter your awareness level as this gets 'you' to leave the mind alone so it quietens itself. This is action through non-action , you grow in awareness by not perpetuating mind. You can't even do anything to make you understand, understanding has to happen by itself. Theres no reason to feel bad about any of this, its all just happening, you don't take a movie personally, so why 'your' life
  16. I can resonate with that to an extent being more feminine, I absolutely love foreplay almost as much as the sex and find its a good way to get warmed up, cuddles afterwards is amaze
  17. of course men are more horny, when have you ever heard of a woman going to a prostitute??? the sex industry is massive, even in places where prostitution is illegal
  18. @Thewritersunion Greenland belongs to Denmark but they self-govern.
  19. Last year Trump offered to buy greenland off of denmark which was deemed absurd and hurt trumps feelings. The country did get hit by corona but, only had 15 cases all of which have recovered without any deaths, now the US government has issued a stimulus of $12.1m /(£10m), to the mineral-rich nation that other majour world powers have highlighted interested in. I don't feel that denmark is a pushover however and will ignore trump if he acts like he's owed something and will teach the us that you have to play by the rules.
  20. If your only concern in life is making money then thats no life at all, even if you are poor you should gain some other benefits from your work. Social bonding with your colleagues and customer and business clients ( something ive always loved); creating flow states in your work, where you feel like you're contributing to society and are mastering other skills, having work taking you on a personal adventure, growing you to new levels and explore new aspects of reality. Work for me is about creating beauty in the world regardless of what the job is, I want to explore all life has to offer and the money is just another bonus ( I can't work for free, but if i was rich enough id volunteer to do something that covered all these points).
  21. Instagram model, you don't need much talent to get rich nowadays, a lass I went to secondary school with does that and her exams results spelt F.U.D.G.E
  22. we all have to get old, noone can escape that unless you want to join the 27 club
  23. @UnconsciousHuman @UnconsciousHuman Never would've spotted that, also whats with the profile pic?
  24. @UnconsciousHuman obvs not, but you don't know who a woman is from across the room, Just because I glance at a pretty lass, doesn't mean i want to date her, its called eye candy for a reason