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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. Sure there was porn but it wasn't everywhere and most people didn't get online to the 2000's. A soon as I hit 11 that was my first encounter of sex mostly online porn everywhere . Probably done some damage where I could have learned interacting with girls when I was a bit older
  2. Anger is classed as a negative emotion and anyone can say instantly that its not a pleasant emotion to feel, but they wouldnt't contiue to feel it if they didnt think the emotion had uses for their life. I feel if the individual became deeply conscious of how it ruins their life they would take steps to cease doing it. I can't put into words myself the devestating effects because i can't see all the things it effects.
  3. Bit of a weird post, but i find traditional advice to be more complicated. The traditional method is to have your backside in the air like your going to be butt fucked, but its incredibly hard to keep the syringe in at this angle, last time i tried the 5 meo solution went all over the floor. Bloody £20 worth gone to waste. So after practicing with just water, I find it much more convenient to just lay flat on the floor and then you have the optimum angle to keep it in and easily squirt. Just trying to save people from wasting it like I did. I got a little buzz from a tiny amount that went in but that was it.
  4. Most of us are 90's babies, when we hit puberty thats when the Tsunami of online porn came in, Your generation had to steal your dads playboys and that was it
  5. @Danioover9000 that doesn't really need stating. I still find it laughable that paid porn is higher quality. I find though when I really can't focus on some work at home a quick nut sorts Me out , so I can get rid of them thoughts and get back to normal, it really is a good stress relief
  6. Anybody who buys porn in this day and age needs a good luck at themselves, literally any genre is available for free, you have an office fantasy it's out there, hippie chick fantasy it's out there
  7. @DefinitelyNotARobot Leo admits to nothing he's a good christian boy who goes to church every sunday
  8. LOL could just imagine Leo with a shamanic dealer on a street corner , "pssst kid you want to experience god, I got the stuff u need"
  9. Could just imagine trump claiming it to be fake news if he got access to a twitter from his ventillator. I Feel the man is ego run amok in stage orange society , defending his self image to the death
  10. I find it interesting that you recognised him after many years apart each time with such a brief encounter, I've met people briefly when being out and about but won't be able to recognise them if I saw them again. It seems like some mystical force at work for you to be sure its him unless, you are indeed delusional and it isnt the same guy. If you seem him again add him on social media to stay in touch as this may have some amazing value. You could be delusional its the same guy, but the only way to be sure is to ask if you've met before " YOU LOOK SO FAMILIAR WE'VE MET SURELY" noone will think you're crazy for asking that, its quite common to think you recognise someone
  11. If I the ego doesnt want to surrender, what must be realised / done to achieve this?
  12. I've been extensively collecting data from reports of ego death from psychedelics on mutiple platforms and have encounted a lot of similarites of the egos reaction to it as its about to be destroyed and they relate to my own experiences. I find it funny though its like what do you think was going to happen, did you really thing you could be enlightened and still have 'control' over your individual mind. Common reactions "OH NO what have i done" "its ok you are going to come back down" "oh shit so this is how it ends" " Lets not do DMT again " " I remember this , its so familar but I've never been here in my life before" " I'm going home" "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I DONT EXIST" "holy shit" "this is it" "this is absolutely undeniable" "GOD IS REAL" Do any of you resonate with these reactions, everytime I experience it, I feel my everyday sense of reality getting slightly weaker as the memory of it strengthens
  13. Probably ended up in hospital for drinking bleach to fight corona as he recommended in the tv statement. He wanted the country up and running again when a second wave was beginning
  14. @Preety_India The wife is an airhead model, this is why reaity stars shouldn't be leaders of the free world, too narcissitic and vapid
  15. I think he should heed his own advice and inject some bleach or dose himself with uv radiation to kill the virus , he's a pantomine president
  16. I find that your state of mind has a significant effect on the trip, things you are thinking about throughout the day or maybe stuff you've be stuck on comes face to face with the conscious mind in these states. Affirmations can change your self image and outlook on life to a degree. So can the same be said for surrending if I affirm that I'm going to surrender does it have any effect? has anyone had any luck with this?
  17. Oh dear thats sounds brutal , mind was just a minute of being anxious thinking " oh shit this is it" then I broke through, before coming back down several minutes later, the problem with N N dmt is its just so short only lasting about 15 mins
  18. Theres nothing ironic about not wanting your dream state house to burn down even if it is the mind of God
  19. How would you react to a confrontation or threat? Not react and ignore them or stand up for yourself or get aggressive back?
  20. Jesus dude set and setting you don't want safety concerns enterning your mind when breaching the event horizon
  21. Your inner state effects the quality of the trip since the trip is nothing more than a reflection of your mind and if you have emotional blockages this will stop the light of consciousness from illuminating the ego and various aspects of yourself
  22. They make it personal so its definately to push my buttons to some extent like when I say i was talking to some friends and they are like "you have friends ????" trying to make me doubt myself, like whats the fecking point in being like that? what are you trying to achieve?
  23. I can see peoples anger even being expressed indirectly like making commments to get under my skin and I just think to myself you must not be happy with your life or something otherwise why the need for the attack
  24. put your pee pee in her vajayjay and move your hips backwards and forwards, im a two pump chump man myself