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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. @Leo Gura do you have that track for the gallery of absolute infinity segment
  2. Funny thing is, all that will end if you surrended your life
  3. @Martin123 Why fight with reality, you really think you can fuck with God, i mean you are God, but delusion will always loose in the end. Death always delivers
  4. If you need to be alive you will be in hell, because one day you will die.... You will loose everything, all your loved ones, memories, attainments, etc I enjoy life very much, but im working to become unttached to it an enjoy it without attachment as Im conscious of how much suffering that brings. Noone said unconditional happiness didn't come with a price. Hint : the price is your entire life
  5. @Martin123 You'd be surprise how little you actually need, You are free to drop dead right now, nobody says you need to be a live. Wanting to be a live is healthy and fine , but only a self needs it. If you got rid of your self then the physical organism wouldn't be distraught of the knowledge of its upcoming death
  6. Desperate people can be dangerous, not everyone is as lucky as just been take advantage of ( although I know thats not pleasent either)
  7. Depends on your goals, if you really want enlightenment then going Hardcore is a great way, then pickup where you left off afterwards. Enlightenment will be put on hold if your Mrs. is texting you throughout the day,
  8. I remember in Leo's red flags video for relationships If they're not willing to see you once or twice a week then why the fuck are they even in the relationship WALK AWAY if they pull that shit. In a non demanding way say how you expect to be treated then walk if they don't agree to it. Being able to walk away and mean it actually makes someone think you have a higher value even if you're not. Its all apperances anyway when it comes to relationships
  9. Pursuing spirituality is a great way to get over these 'needs' that are hardwired into your brain, your self agenda has co-opted them for its survial as a self and its identity. "I am someone that doesn't get girls but if I work REALLY hard I will get one" thats the story being told that is trying to survive and your actions drive women away which perpetuates the endless story. The ego really isn't looking out for YOU its trying to maintain the story otherwise it doesn't know who it is. If you became mindful to this largely unconscious activity you could make an effort to stop doing it. Then when you don't need a girlfriend ironically you get women interested by dropping this activity then the spiritual world becomes much more interesting than pussy.
  10. It shouldn't be a replacement for things you enjoy in life sometimes I just have to do it to destress then I can focus better. Knock one out before a strong determination sitting is very useful
  11. I have mild autism and didn't fit in school, had friends in primary school but got left behind in high school. I gave up and withdrew into video games and toxic online commuties that blaimed society for not fitting in, BUT THEN I got into college and I decided this was my big break to have a second chance at life even though i was miles behind everyone else socially and eventually led to getting an autism diagnosis at 21 (came to the conclusion something must be wrong) The problem I'm facing now is that this insecurity and defiency of not being loved has hardwired my brain to need a girlfriend, its so hardwired its unconscious I have to be mindful otherwise I will literally go unconscious and end up staring at some lass or fantasize about her. After enough education and experience I'm finally willing to admit that this stratergy just doesn't work and to give up on needing anyone completely. Still have to catch myself though , watching myself like a hawk. Another thing I've learned is you don't even have to say or do anything, neediness can just be sensed , especially among women, could just be lingering eye contact when they aren't reciprocating ( if they reciprocate the long gaze at the time then its fair game, its invited), going out of your way to see them is another example, trying to force conversation is another, it must be NATURAL. I've been told naturally ive very funny but blown so many opportunities just because I cared about being with them. Anyway I'm getting dedicated for enlightenment now , after seing how pointless it is needing people and a strong desire for truth and now I have 2 women in my workplace inboxing me, but that would be a distaction for enlightenment, why is the universe cruel. ( having a girlfriend is a fulltime job)
  12. @Gesundheit What I'm saying is , street people can be dangerous. You don't know their mental state. so an individal taking on this responsibiltiy is not going to end well likely
  13. You're being naieve good Samaritans end up getting robbed and attacked as they trusted a desperate person , let the local gov deal with the homeless or volunteer for a charity with the correct safeguards. I've been robbed and had a knife pulled on a mate threw coffee at him to get away, place is a shit hole
  14. @Gesundheit Nah you'll wake up without it after falling asleep at the shelter and your car will be disassembled. I went to uni at the town that's the opiate capitol of England I wouldnt trust a junkie as far as I could throw them , pickpockets that carry knives
  15. Maybe I don't understan this as I've transcended the need for approval since my spirituality makes me not fit in to mainstream social games and I sure as hell don't want to give up on my spirituality. What gets me though is the fact these women would be disgusted by this amount of sexualisation of themselves if it happened in person and the amount of thirsty behaviour towards them, but online they lap it up like starving wolves.
  16. You'd regret it when a smackhead steals your kidney to sell to dodgy dez in order to score , although the lack of teeth would make a good blowjob so swings and roundabouts
  17. I'm surprised trump hasn't endorsed the conspiracy group , he has no limit to how low he'll steep, maybe his advisors told him don't fucking do it
  18. Holy shit it crazy what people believe maybe that's how it feel when I look back at my pre enlightenedtened self
  19. I'd be a hypocrite if I was against considering I've shagged plenty of them . I'd rather she just kept it to herself like I would. Wouldn't be very good for a relationship during though so I'd want her to stop
  20. Ha I remember that ?
  21. Wheres My homedogs that's been here since 2014
  22. @Preety_India I think you are gravely misinformed about the incel community there's a big difference between them and a shy introverted nerd with a good heart. The former could very likely hurt you. In Canada this year a teenage killed a mother working in a massage parlour, his mind had become warped by online hate groups. I mean for fuck sake not that many people have had sex at 17 nowadays, too busy on their gadgets.
  23. Can confirm have sunk to fuck some emotionally immature, psycho Whales to skill up when I first started out at 18, I mean I should have just stuck to prostitutes but then no game is learned. One time this lasses ex boyfriend was following our group back to uni halls was tempted just to fuck it off and go home and have a wank, but thought fuck it, it's experience
  24. 50% holy shit we're simple creatures, I remember seeing one documentary saying the first ever image uploaded was a nude