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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. You get to know each other a bit first, online then in person, then organise a meet. Been talking to a guy for a while he says him and his wife want to have a gangbang after a football match (soccer) at the pub. I don't even like football but don't mind a few pints at the locally watering hole so i'm going anyway.
  2. What are your thoughts on social sex, its not relationship based, but is a lot of fun and you get to meet lots of new people and get to meet up for non-sexual socials as well. Social sex is for people who are really sexual and want to meet like minded people for non-commitment based fun, sexual activities include gangbangs, dogging, sex parties, threesomes etc. Sorry to be so blunt, but I'm a really sexual guy and enjoy sex more than just one on one. I know its not intimacy based per se , but you can meet a lot of great friends out of it and have non sexual socials as well.
  3. @PurpleTree well you don't touch the guys its not gay sex but, you will see them naked so thats something to be aware of.
  4. I use weed as a sleep aid, I don't need it but melting into your bed at night provides a great mild psychedelic introspective bed time, sometimes sprinkle a bit of DMT or 5 meo into to merge with my bedroom to heighten the experience.
  5. Most on the spectrum are high functioning, but general society might think of them as being a bit 'weird', but I find it easier to relate to people like them
  6. Not saying that you have to exclusively look for autistic women but I find them much easier to get along with, I'm speaking general but I find neurotypicals dont have as much tolerance and can smell that your different therefore look for something 'better'. I feel that a lot of it also is do with social pressure and people don't want to be labelled as being with a weirdo. I Go to a few autistic meetups and theres just no pressure as you realise everyones in the same boat and have difficulties with social interaction as well. I also feel I can be my quirky self and dont have to follow the herd which is exhausting, trying to mould into what society expects of you. I also find at other meetups and city social events there're a lot of foreign people there since they've moved from a different country they dont have any social connections whatsoever and are in the same boat in not having a social circle, therefore are easier to talk with as you aren't an outsider to the group.Come to think of it thats what a lot of meetups compose of foreign people and non social butterflies; then again if your social butterfly you don't really need to go to meetups and the like.
  7. well coffee isn't going to be expensive, but for a meal it is, women have jobs nowadays, you could make it fun and say you get the cinema tickets and I'll pay for the meal or whatever
  8. Humility is a great value
  9. I'll think you'll find most people lie about their sexual past. Men dont want to seem inexperienced/ undesireable and women dont want to look like the village bicycle
  10. I recommend or you can find all kinds of social activities in your area by looking online. I moved to the city from the countryside to get a social life as it was impossible where I was from, had to a reduction in wages, but it was worth it than being on my own. Whatever you enjoy just look it up. meetups are very common because theyre loads of foreign people in cities that have no connections.
  11. weed always knocks me straight out, you dont need much, better than any sleeping pills
  12. @SgtPepper The reason you cant do acid casually is because it has a 16 hour come down, not quite the same
  13. You have a nice life , why trade reality for nothing.
  14. I'm not talking about street prostitutes, but plenty of sex workers really enjoy their job maybe it's a second job on the side or they like being their own boss, but some women are just highly sexual and get turned on by meeting up with strangers. Its a different scenario if it's in a poorer country, but in the west it's a different sexual interest. Some people are into swinging , some people do outdoor sex , some people go to sex parties. Not everybody has the same views on the matter.
  15. The same man that begged the gov to bail out virgin airlines with tax payers money. The rich are dispicable
  16. Is non duality another way of saying we can't say what reality 'is' because any concept isn't it , just a concept ?
  17. Knowing without a 'knower' sounds like another word for awareness
  18. It is the mind that creates distinctions, no mind = no distinctions. Without thought how can two things be told apart?
  19. I got a temp ban for making an drinking game, "take a shot for every time Leo says 'exactly' " . That game would be pretty lethal to be fair
  20. She reminds me of myself on a strong dose of mary jane , where you just melt into your surroundings