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Everything posted by Chives99
Chives99 replied to Eternal Unity's topic in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events
Mass media has popularised shootings amongst people who share the same grievances, thats why they have to write a manifesto or upload a youtube video or write a blog post ranting about their ideology, it spreads their message to other people. Guns are also deeply ingrained in US culture leading people to think to pick up a gun. I also think the US doesn't really look after people especially marginalised people. The police are militant and brutal because everyone carries guns, lack of affordable healthcare, expensive education, lack of workers rights, lack of access to mental health support, homelessness rampant in all cities. Leos previous video mentioned the monkey experiment where baby monkeys that were taken away from their mothers were fucked up and couldnt function. Lack of love is a serious issue. -
Its a complete mind fuck that non-duality isnt the end of the awakening process and that enlightened teachers aren't fully awake, what does a god realised person look like , how are they different from non- dual awakened people. Is Jed mckenna god realised? Adyashanti? any youtubers? . If I ask an enlightened speaker if they're god, they laugh and say "there is noone".
@Danioover9000 Don't get me wrong they're many other factors here at work being a loner wont make you a shooter, poor mental health , personality disorders , abuse etc all contribute. Hermit monks have no animosity towards the world
I can't pretend to be something or someone I'm not, I don't have masculine interests or a masculine personality, I'm not camp but, definitely more in touch with my feelings and heightened sensitivity this also goes along with my ASD, I thought the best option for me would be to find an austistic girl because its only been on rare occasions when a neurotypical girl has been drawn to me and they had autistic boyfriends previously so they probably preferred someone who was a bit quieter. I recognise I don't fit the typical heterosexual dating dynamics which makes me not bother with pickup as I don't really resonate with them. I find I have more luck just becoming friends with a girl then gently flirting with them if they show any interest. Does anyone here have experiences with alternate heterosexual dating dynamics?
If you want to be social and can't thats where the hatred comes in as psychologists state " mass shootings happen when social integration has failed" so there is an attempt, but it doesnt work and they're rejected
are you referring to the myers briggs personality types?
Theres a new film come out called 'EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE , ALL AT ONCE' if you like rick and morty you'll love it as its about nihlism , purpose and the multiverse. Also theres a netflix series called Russian Doll, if you're a sucker for a time loop and time hopping you'll love the show
what do you mean by 'sensor'
err a funny metaphysical film that touches on nihlism and the acceptance of the mundane as perfection
my thread of course
Normal people dont do this, lockdown probably spiraled already existing problems in his life; social/ emotional problems , social isolation, bullying, lack of a stable home etc.
Social Isolation + the internet is a bad combination, If you have struggled to fit in and realised you can't relate to people easily you retreat inwards and that inevitably leads to finding people online with the same hatred and frustration for society ( if you don't have the right support networks or noone gets you help), this inevitably leads to forming toxic narratives and world views to explain why you don't belong and that gives you purpose. This seems like better than killing yourself to live for a purpose to fight why you don't think you fit in. " the reason I don't fit in is because multiculturalism and ethnic equality has destroyed white America where I belong" I think whats needed here is intervention with people that sturggle to integrate with society and being tolerant of those who are different. Japan has the hikimori crisis but japan doesnt have guns, also japan has mass conformity culture which would drown out radical views somewhat.
The drug is also a sedative and all sedatives produces nausea like effects, the trip feels awful when you just want to be sick or end up being sick, dont quite understand how people can come to like this drug so much, can't focus on your trip when the nausea takes over
If you have enough charisma you can pull anything off, that is until technical expertise is required
I've dont it before but, when you've bought all the ingredients its more cost effective to buy it from a professional
Psychonaught facebook groups are filled with low lives trying to scam people, which is why they implemented a no sourcing policy
'life doesnt conform to your survival agenda why u should stop bitchin about the war in ukraine'
leo you're still alive
@Manusia on the blog
I don't have a problem with using guns to hunt game and wild animals, but why does the public need dangerous weapons for protection against people. Don't forget other people can carry guns too, not to mention they are also dangerous in which people can be harmed from firearms accidents. Guns give people a lot of power and power can go to your head, if you think you would come off worse from an altercation you wouldn't get involved in an altercation and you could always be stopped by members of the public. That doesn't happen with guns you can kill someone in an instant and noone can stop you as it takes a split second to pull a trigger. Gun related homicides make up around 3/4 of all homicides in the US and the US has the highest homicide rate in the developed world not lagging far behind south and central American countries with cartel problems. There are a lot of people who feel they have nothing to loose and they want to express themselves before they kill themselves or throw their life away in jail and guns most certainly give people the means to carry this out which can be very alluring when you feel very low. It is also said by mental health experts in the media that giving people distance between them and the means of suicide drastically reduces suicides, a gun goes off in a second, theirs no pain, no time to calm down, no time to prepare, you can have a certain urge in a split second and then its all over. I feel its the same way with shooting homicides you can have one very bad day and you have the instant means at your disposal to kill a lot of people in a short amount of time, you know the statistics from the media so you know the chance of success to express yourself. The media sensationalising shootings bombarding the public with constant news footage about every single aspect of the persons life and the incident turns the perpetrator into a nihlistic anti- hero for people that have similar disgruntled feelings about society or certain groups of people, which can be a source of inspiration in that they are making a difference for whatever they believe, so the media certainly doesn't help as well. Whenever their is a shooting in the media authorities are on alert for copy cat killers or other people that have been inspired by constant news footage I acknowledge we have a knife problem in the UK and even more shockingly its the Gen Z's aged between 12 and 15 that seem to be carrying out most of these attacks that have happened in my country in the past 10 years, but you can't massacre a lot of people with a knife as you can be easily disarmed and killing yourself afterwards with a knife isnt very appealing, which at least provides somewhat of a deterrent; stronger laws to punish carry knifes are what is needed.
Expect nothing , believe nothing , just have an empty head
its a matter of just seeing which ones let you in, not all of them dont let in singles, it varies from city to city. Some cities nearly all of them are no singles, but others aren't as much. Get rejected from club , try another. Which nationality are you?
Chives99 replied to thenondualtankie's topic in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God
I can't eat whilst tripping no appetite at all, by the time the peak as warn off, I can function enough to make basic meals -
The new city I moved to have a no single policies in basically all the nightclubs, think they're paranoid about potentially stabbings and girls drinks being spiked, its an awful shame , but theres shit people about so I can understand. Went out all the time solo at uni because my flatmates were too busy being glued to their girlfriends