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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. @Tyler Robinson he might not have been a murderer but thats still abuse, he used you like a caged animal to live out his sick fantasies because he had unhealthy cravings that caused harm to people
  2. so you loved him because you were together but not the abuse, he didnt love you otherwise he wouldn't have been nasty and violent
  3. @Tyler Robinson an adult cant have a healthy relationship with someone that young the developmental differences mentally are enormous that also goes for people with learning difficulties they're not adult children, they're adults that experience the world differently
  4. @Tyler Robinson did it feel like a loving relationship to you ? from that past mindset?
  5. you could always try a different city, or start your own meetup, people would probably come out of the woodworks everyone likes drinks and good convo, buy the end of the night i cant help but talk about metaphysical topics, i have to learn not to get to nerdy though as most poeple prefer the everyday topics
  6. you arent going to find a girlfriend in a nightclub, I recommend going to drinking meetups on the website, when i lived in the countyside I booked airbnbs in the city to attend meetups we'd go to a few bars and then go to the clubs afterwards, go to enough of them and you'll find someone to click with
  7. if shes blowing hot and cold I wouldn't bother, shes blowing hot and cold and using you as a maybe option if things dont work out with another guy. Another thing I will add is stop searching for a girlfriend just be casual get to know them have fun and ask them out later, you dont want to be on a date and not click
  8. @Danioover9000 perfectly happy here, but people are loosing their nut over this
  9. wtf is wrong with this country conformist mothafukas, can't believe people queued for 30 hours midweek to see a bloody coffin, don't these people have jobs???
  10. @Leo Gura the royal family is the last remnants of the british empire and its bloody and colonial past, its the country cultural identity, it would be like america without its 'FREEDOM' Therefore we get it rammed down our throats by the british media to the point where all businesses have decided to close on monday out of respect just because someones grandma died
  11. well sure the ego is always in for a rude awakening, but once u get passed the horror u dont want to go back, unfortunately the drugs wear off and the ego returns.
  12. are you on the spectrum at all? because the only way to get through is the force yourself to get your heart broken then you'll develop a thick skin to rejection, but its going to sting at first
  13. Best metaphysical film ive seen in a long time, the film can also be viewed as love letter from the mother to her daughter that she accepts her life choices and that her mundane life is the best existence
  14. I think using online esocrts are more ethical because they're creating their own profiles and doing it because thats how they want to make money rather some shitty 9-5 job, definitely useful for getting some sexual experience when you're clueless
  15. nightclubs aren't places for connections I wouldn't waste your time, you'd be better off going to some meetups or other social activates with people your own age. You're not going to find the love of your life in some drunken orgy mosh pit where u can't hear yourself think. If you have great looks sure you'll have plenty of women being drawn to you but you can't build connections there
  16. I recommend joining a social work environment, I worked in services for years and its massively brought me out of my shell. You could also meetups, or some sought of city socialiser. There're introverted ones as well if you're new socialising, I loved playing chess with the locals when I was at uni , there wasn't a chess team at my uni. In my city they also have a board game meetup everyone there is very introverted plenty of them are probably on the spectrum I imagine, but i'm speculating. You could even make your own meetup. I do go to a zen sangha but they're mostly all middle age folk, the guys that run it are in their 80's. I recently moved from the countryside to the city because my social life was DEAD in the sticks. I also was looking for graduate work. Service industry jobs are usually quite female dominated so if you break out of your shell, you may be well find mutiple women are after you. Forget all about dating and getting a girlfriend just have fun, they'll make it obvious to you to make a move when they're ready. I have autism myself so women get fed up of dropping hints when they're interested and make it blatantly obvious because i can miss these things. Have fun
  17. If you flirt and act warm to him then It will encourage him to display his own natural humour and personality, if a girl isnt sweet with me it makes me think she isnt interested , but then again thats they type of girl I'm more drawn to
  18. I couldn't stand to date a celebrity usually quite stuck up and naracisstic, fame can ruin a persons integrity and authenticity when they're bombarded with desperate attention 24/7
  19. @Leo Gura Is this the part where you tell us it was you and how you overcame it
  20. By deconstructing the ideas and assumptions that are held to be true as to why you think its wrong, trace it back to its source, where did it come from ? and when you find the foundations for them beliefs , question what makes you so sure its true
  21. homosexuality exists in the animal kingdom, not all members of a species are needed to reproduce , excessive competition leads to instability amongst social groups. Your homophobia is conditioned from your cultures values
  22. The problem with spiritual meetups in person is its mostly middle aged people, I may do less spiritual stuff and do more bar type socials as I'm in my 20's , enlightenment can wait as i dont feel like im done with life yet
  23. Just saw this at the cinema, great metaphysical movie about nihlism and the futility of life when we're restricted to the set of conditions of reality, the protaganist is able to transport her consciousness to her alternate selves in infinite realities where she was born , but on the mundane side it can be interpreted as a love letter from her daughter to get her to accept her homosexuality and life choices to world and not be ashamed of her.
  24. In europe regular police dont carry guns, because since the population is armed they dont have the intense trigger happy fear where they shoot a guy at a traffic stop. Theres always armed police at large events with thousands of people but, thats necessary security. I would rather my gun rights be taken away than have the opportunity to choose one on someone as dont forget they can always carry a gun as well if you feel threaten. Guns should just be for shooting game or dangerous wildlife .
  25. I develop high levels of empathy when I increase my level of consciousness, when inside of me is an empty shell their is only love for everything that is or isnt depends on how you look at it