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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. autistic people have more of a self focus on their own stories and idioms so people can't understand their own stuff as they havent bridged the gap to make it relatable and confuse people, the word comes from the greek prefix auto which means self, it lacks empathy and struggles to understand people. Some people are so severe they cant even speak as their brains havent wired to connect to other people
  2. Primary 1.1 secondary 3 i care about people but i love pushing boundaries im a honey badger
  3. @Something Funny u shouldn't feel like it's wrong to have kinks, I had a housemate that liked watersports and toe sucking, I like hair myself, kinks are common
  4. @Leo Guradude u shat on the carpet humble yourself wheres your infinite love if you cant love cringe. we're you remember
  5. ran out of my dorm room at uni in my boxers, thought i was in a metaphysical hell prison and had to escape heard someone coming (probably coming back from the clubs) hid under the counter in the communal kitchen as i thought it was a demon prison guard, ran back down to my cell or dorm got the wrong room it was locked thank god, if it was open someone would have screamed if me high on lsd went into their room half naked drugged up, ran to communal bathroom, decided i would try again to get back into my cell as i didnt know what would happen if the guards caught me. got the right cell or dorm room this time, hid under the covers, heard more people in the hallway probably going out for a cig as u cant smoke in ur rooms, and thought I heard them say " ive been here for 850,000 years , you get used to it after a while" . peak ended after an hour and my delusions ended and went and talked to someone in the corridor to get my sense of reality back. The dorm building was a quad with a courtyard in the middle so it kind of looked like a prison especially on lsd
  6. @Joel3102 When I was at uni, I had someones get their mum to ask me out on maccies drive thru, i thought that was weird and inappropriate as why wouldnt u talk to me yourself, but it shows that people dont hold social 'rules' as fixed and should instead just focus on vibe and reading them. I dont agree with asking people out when they're on the clock anyway as I literally cant leave. couldnt give out my number on shift anyway against store policy
  7. experienced a mushroom and lsd trip whilst dreaming, during one dream the walls were revolving in swirling colourful patterns just like in an actual psychedelic state, my thoughts were more clear and more in touch with my true emotions rather than the persona i usually put on, then my dream dad is like wtf are you doing son, then i woke up
  8. i was eligible for one, you can usually get one if you have any significant health condition
  9. propose to her its the next step after getting back with your ex
  10. I blame the internet, constantly having peoples happy lives plastered for all to see on youtube , facebook, social media etc , also the internet provides blackhole echo chambers where depressed isolated individuals can group together and create toxic ideologies. People are so isolated now a days, we're more connected than ever and the world has become so small, but we're interacting with people from our own isolated self obsessed bubble, what a surreal twist
  11. since when did we have private chat lol
  12. Leo uploads his brain data to a super computer, like in the black mirror episode where you can create a digital cookie version of yourself
  13. depends on where u are, my housemates barely went out in uni, i went out all the time solo in middlesbrough , only times i got lucky was when i was solo. Either that or setup a meetup group for club / music events and piggybag your way into them that way. Done that before
  14. I love most things media based that are metaphysical its my favourite genre. Anything to do with time travel, alternate realities, time loops, space travel, I also love media based on the characters subconscious and how the mind shapes reality. I feel metaphysics bridges the gap between spiriutality and science, as science says there are things that just can't be know like what is reality and where did it come, but it tries to see as far as it can get, when we try to bridge the gap between the super large and the super tiny, our models of reality all break down as that all there is to this worldview models and worldviews. Metaphysics focuses on the constructs we have of reality itself and determining what they are and how they create reality itself. Dark is a deep and convoluting plot line that follows 4 families in a small town in germany over the centuries stuck in an endless time loop , really makes you question how you can make reality feel real by believing its real and that real itself is meaningless as anything else, is this universe occuring in imagination if there can be no proved object without a subject.
  15. @Leo Gura don't be mean to autistic people , socialising is like 10000 x harder for autistics
  16. what do you think about porn
  17. @Tyler Robinson What would you expect a person to do with mental/ emotional problems / learning difficulties noones going to want to have sex with them, go to a prostitute????
  18. I agree that robots should look like adults , but its just a sex toy , not a living entity it literally has no effect on anyone. Maybe in the future where AI develops sentience then we can open dialogue for AI rights, but then where do you draw the line does a vending machine have rights, your hair dryer, but thats whole another debate
  19. i dont like exotic pets , they belong in the zoo
  20. dont kink shame people not cool
  21. Just purchased a dab rig and was interested in how the experience differs
  22. Only with lucid dreaming but I don't think that counts as sobriety
  23. Uhhh no don't mix it with stimulants, it doesn't sound healthy and could lead to racing thoughts and paranoia