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Everything posted by Chives99

  1. oral isnt as effective, id recommend plugging just because nasal causes nausea for me with the risk of it dripping into your stomach, also i hate snorting things up my nose burns like a bitch
  2. Its crucial that you're detached in your intimate relationships if you need someone else to be happy then you will always be dissatisfied , if shes not reciprocating leave her to it and wait for her to get back to you, but if shes taking the piss and responses after a while I wouldn't bother responding , dont let people use you, show yourself some self respect and find someone that treats you right. People are indeed selfish but remember women get cheated on all the time so they dont have it easier. Go out and talk to some more girls, you can do it.
  3. @Sincerity why do you need to take such a long break i feel fine
  4. @LordFall When your're selfless you dont feel unhappy because your not so concerned about yourself trying to obtain stuff , women should really just be a side thing , you're arent going to attract a woman any way if you're coming from a sense of lack thats just selfish, why would a woman want to be with a selfish man? contributing to the world and making others happy is an expression of love , which is true happiness
  5. Well I'm a people person and I want to help the world become more empathetic, but i have to work on myself first
  6. You're already complete. you dont need to pursue anything, you dont need a new goal, just accept everything is perfect right now
  7. I feel that what stops me from being motivated is my low self esteem , you may have heard the taoist concept standing in your own way, not forgiving myself stops me from moving on, I have autism and I hate myself for upseting people or getting things wrong or making people feel uncomfortable without realising, but because I cant accept it instead I feel the need to fight back and defend myself when people become hostile with me, when really u just have to say sorry and accept it whether they want to be friends with you again or not. Theres no need to fight back, all this energy is being wasted in self defence and keeping me stuck. if you dont need to succeed theres no more problems, you can love yourself without needing results and just work on it anyway, because you love doing it
  8. Thats why your not getting laid ur too selfish, thats whats charming confidence because u dont care so much about yourself and your focusing on what u can give to the other person and what u can give, when your talking about yourslef and making someone laugh ur giving and in turn they'll give it back. I reminds me of the alan watts quote " give it all away and you'll get it back"
  9. @Sincerity but im most honest when in this high consciousness state
  10. @Sincerity yes i need to share it before i come back down otherwise the insight could be lost
  11. this is what it feels like to be complete. I accept if i fuck up, I accept if i mistakenly hurt someone I can forgive myself and make amends. If someone is angry they are hurting they need love and compassion and understanding, poor people that are angry, they need love.
  12. Thats what happen to me the first time i pullled on a night out she just gave me a look of interest on the dance floor, danced with me a bit , then made out with me, lost her briefly and thought she had left but as I was about to leave she told me to wait up and took me back to hers
  13. dude its a social event, the whole point in flirting is to get to know people, it should be fun , not serious, be playful, then when u get to know each other a bit , then u can ask her out
  14. You're like the nazis at the end of world war 2, deep down you know the game is up but, giving up feels like a fate worse than death because your identity is wrapped up in it, you feel you must go down with it, letting go is counter-intuitive it involves trusting that you will make it without the need to control things, getting things to conform to your will. Without need there is no sense of lack, when you have no lack you have nothing to give but love.
  15. There are no problems to solve, everything is as it should be, you didnt do anything wrong in the past , there are no rules , God allows itself to fuck up and loves that its an expression of its being, thats love, letting go, allowing anything to be , everything is perfect.
  16. I personally it feel its very inappropriate and obnoxious to be chatting girls up whilst their busy going about their day you are imposing, you dont have a right to force yourself on someone thats not nice, if its a social place , so your work colleagues or social event or occasion thats perfectly fine to chat to them, because thats a place where you meet people and socialise thats its entire purpose, and guys go out with their work mates to some pubs or bars or whatever after work, its all about being part of something so you can relate, you get inivited to a wedding great lots of singles there surely. flirt with that cute coworker smile and look happy at her she'll feel your joy and want you to give it to her, even if you go out with your mates to a club or work colleagues whatever talk to women you meet there , theyre meant for socialising, Girls want you, they just want it to be in the right situation, if you werent so needly and desperate u wouldnt struggle so much, you can always improve your social skills and conversation skills, its never too late for you, believe in yourself, be vulnerable , put everything on the line, this goes for both sexes , you fall in love, to fall means to surrender control and manipulation, it happens just as the sun is shining, your cells respiring and the earths systems are ongoing constantly, its all just happening.
  17. this principle is useful because it allows people to let go of the past and not feel guilty, noone has done anything wrong as their is noone to be a bad person, some actions are more skillful or conscious than others
  18. waking up isnt about knowing things, but to transcend the ego and also to develop the psyche requires plenty of knowing .
  19. parsley is gross just use weed.
  20. @Kalki Avatar how do you pm?
  21. Theres no happiness in ego and survival no how good your external circumstances get, the mind causes so much misery , but if you want freedom from all of that theres a way out its called liberation