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  1. I was going to make this post in the journal section but I don't see myself updating it on a regular basis. I have been practising a lot of mindfulness and reading books and listening to podcasts on spirituality. Today as I went for a jog and listening to my usual podcasts, my mind stopped. The trees and the grass were greener then I have ever seen them before, I had noticed the holes in the leaves. The voice coming out of my headphones was of intense clarity, the birds were beautiful as they flew and chirped above me. I jog here all the time and yet every thing looked like I had never seen it before & I felt this intense feeling of happiness? It was a strange experience and I felt this strong urge to touch the leaves on the trees. When I got home I meditated for an hour, during my meditation I put my awareness on my hands as they were touching each other and I have never felt them so soft, it was as if all of my nerve endings were magnified, I felt like my body could have had an orgasm just from the feeling of my hands. After the hour was up I put my hands over my eyes, my heart was racing as i felt my consciousness intensely. Everything was black and empty, it was rather frightening but at the same time it wasn't. Now I feel sick like I want to throw up and confused. I'm not sure if this was some trick of my mind or meditation high? Has anyone else experienced anything similar or perhaps can share a video relating to it.
  2. @MartineF I have also done something similar to you without knowing that it was called shadow work thanks to Mal. I think it's a great exercise. @Mal thank you for defining it. @Lorenzo Engel thank you for sharing the video. Looks interesting, will watch when I get some spare time
  3. Can someone please explain to me what shadow work is? I've seen it mentioned on here and I did google it but can't believe everything on google and would rather hear a definition from someone who's actually experienced.
  4. @Richard Alpert can you post a link to it? I'm Not sure where to find it.
  5. Gold Coast, Australia
  6. @Heart of Space yeah I've fallen for some selfish douchebags in my time, it's that detachment and confidence that a guy like that has that makes a girl so attracted to him and im sure his pretty face helped a little as well Status isn't as important as confidence, humour, detachment etc but it's nice to have.
  7. @Heart of Space well I guess you are dude so I'll take your word for it.
  8. @Heart of Space that's nearly the whole package, having all that would definitely work as you say, but it's not "needed". Nothing worse than an incredibly good looking guy without the right internals going on. An ugly guy with the right personality will get way more girls, but the whole package is better
  9. @Heart of Space I don't think it even matters so much about style. It helps, as does good looks and muscles but that's not what a girl REALLY wants. Get all the internals down, confidence, humour, detachment, status. That stuff is stimulating
  10. Stimulate her emotions. Humour works very well.
  11. @Mal ah yes I see what your saying. I do like the strawberry analogy and can totally relate. In my opinion there are things you can do to become "aware" though
  12. @Richard Alpert awesome thanks so much for all the tips and good advice. I kinda do use meditation as an escapism, when I meditate it's very calming. Wow 4 hours, my maximum is an hour and a half in one day but definitely looking forward to when I can manage 4 hours, I bet it is amazing. I'll keep in mind all of your advice, I've been using multiple techniques from people I've learnt from this forum and I ready am noticing an improvement (must be working ).
  13. @Mal I see a few posts on here saying similar things to what you are saying and I am trying to understand. Do you not think it's beneficial to try and understand awareness? Are you saying that we may aswell not bother doing this work in attempt to raise it? if we didn't learn about and practise mindfulness/awareness would it even be possible to just "be"? I only ask because you clearly understand this more than I, and I'm interested to see your opinion on my questions I asked.