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Everything posted by Holykael

  1. Here's a way to shut up naughty figments of my imagination. There's also the fact that this is just what's happpening. Nobody is in control so I forgive you figment boy.
  2. Just because you're not having an experience doesn't mean it's not worth it to interact with you. God has provided others for me to interact with even if they are not having their own experience but so what? I've already seen other people on reddit admitting they don't exist. Razard86 here on the forum said he is a figment of the readers imagination. There is only one reader. That is me. So yeah I'm just doing this for fun. I don't care about your petty insults
  3. Bro. In the solipsism video leo admitted he is imaginary and that he doesn't exist if im not looking. Once on LSD i had an awakening in my bathroom that while I was in it all that existed was the bathroom and nothing else. You are my mind participating in self deception. I already seen how other people are manipulated by god and do things that don't make sense. My father knew things he couldn't possibly know. My POV is absolute in this instance of reality. In the next reality someoje else's POV will be absolute and the only thing in existence. Other people arent feeling anything right now, it's impossible because there is only one consciousness, one instance of feelings. Other people are just objects in my POV. It's just a simulation of how they would act and feel if they were real.
  4. In practical terms. Whatever happens to the detail is god's will. It's a sovereign construction, nothing can happen spontaneously without being willed by god. God has to construct absolutely everything and it takes no effort
  5. Why would you love someone who sexually assaults a baby or someone who burns his baby alive. Why would you love someone who is abusive to his family. I could go on and on with examples. Like why would you love getting all your limbs cut off. But you catch the drift. God is infinitely intelligent yet he is the dumbest entity I have ever seen. Loving all these things is unintelligent and just outright stupid. There's nothing to gain and everything to lose. I hate unconditional love with all my heart. I hate god with all my heart. Thanks for putting me in a hell realm you c***
  6. Since everything is predetermined, no free will, any advice is completely useless because no matter what, what's meant to happen will happen. This means most of what people say is completely and utterly useless. Just some robots spouting their lines in this coordinated play. There's no thinking behind it. Nobody is thinking of what they're saying. Leo didn't think anything through, he didn't spend hours in contemplation. Like the good robot he is, he just spouted his lines to the camera in a completely dead happening. Everything is just happening, nobody is thinking and there's no advice to give. This illusion is just sad and a complete waste of time. I didn't think this through, it came out automatically. Nobody is reading this but responses will happen automatically or not. Nobody is willing any awakening or causing awakening. Nobody is breaking any limits like mr breakingthewall likes to say unless the big boss wants to. And guess what the big boss is a huge stinking turd so it simply won't happen. The big boss doesn't want just good things to happen. It wants all unbelievably shitty things to happen forever and ever. Who wrote this? God and it's perfect. There is no me.
  7. I can't just realize who I am out of my personal will. This is what I meant by useless advice. I don't have control over self realization. It might be destined to never happen and I have to accept that
  8. What contradictions designed and handcrafted does not contradict that it is imaginary. Having an awakening to no free will contradicts with what exactly?
  9. This particular instance was imagined in one way only. There is only this until there isn't and we're back to infinite possibility
  10. I don't have patience for that kind of ignorance. It's very simple. God imagined all of reality one way. It can't be any other way. I've had a direct experience awakening to no free will. I can see how my entire life was designed and hand crafted. There is no such thing as free will for a created character and there will never be for all of eternity.
  11. It's designed to fool you into thinking evolution is real
  12. God helps those who reality is kinder to. Everything is god's doing. He's either helping you or fucking you over
  13. No one has realized god or infinity. Only I can and I probably never will because it's not god's will. I'll die and become the retarded bastard that is god and that will be the end of that
  14. Infinity is everything. That means everything is perfect. If everything is perfect than nothing is perfect. That's just some bs delusional people tell themselves. Including god. The most delusional one of all.
  15. God is mentally ill and insane. That's correct
  16. There is no difference between anything. Every single thing is just neutral and god is dispassionate and unattached about it all. I just bought a new VR headset and I couldn't feel any excitement or sense of fun while playing the games. Because hello, games aren't fun by default at all. God constructs the feeling of fun and marries it to a particular experience. That's how god constructs different perspectives. Some will like game A others will like game B. But god gave me a curse so I don't like any game now and I can't have fun. I used to be big into gaming, beat over 300 games but god took that shit away from me and I just spent all this money for nothing. Reality is an utter disappointment because I'm not in control and the one in control, my true self, loves misery so misery he will manifest for eternity. What a miserable reality indeed. What is even the point of creating these characters if you're going to plan miserable lives for them. God is truly an utter piece of shit. Reality is also a disappointment because nothing created can inherently satisfy and god is not very generous, he could create an infinite sense of fun but instead we have shit like hedonistic adaptation. What a crock of shit. And the joke of it all is that god created all these bots and parrots who claim reality is perfect just the way it is, biggest joke of the year. Perfection is joy and satisfaction. Not this miserable and unkind reality.
  17. Everything is an hallucination. I'm hallucinating this post. You don't exist.
  18. Where is the intelligence in loving misery. It makes no sense. Is god choiceless in what it loves? Did god choose to love everything or did it happen automatically.
  19. Humans are mere puppets. Since nobody has free will what really differenciates us from biological robots. So I say, how you doing fellow robots?
  20. There is no possible way to create multiple entities and give them free will. God has to imagine reality and god's imagination will run according to the will of god. There are no other wills in existence. Since everything has to be the will of god. The creations are always imaginary and without free will. Creating through imagination is the same thing as filming and movie and then playing it. Leo in "Radical implications of oneness" mentions that god is an infinite film reel with all possible realities. This means the only moment there is free will in the universe is in the creation of this film reel. Everything else is purely deterministic. God can replicate the feeling of free will but that is only an illusion. There is no actual free will for the characters created by god. EVER. What is purely imaginary can never have freedom. Only an illusory sense of freedom.
  21. Wow. Look at all the drama between figments of my imagination. How swell
  22. Why care if figments of consciousness get solipsism. They aren't real. Only one person has to understand absolute solipsism. And that's me. I already understand and accept that I'm all alone.
  23. God isnt that generous. You will have what god wants you to have and nothing more. This movie is running itself. It is immutable like a Blockchain.
  24. The people who fight absolute solipsism do not exist. It's funny how god programmed them to try and claim they are real but once you know the truth it's impossible to be fooled again.