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Everything posted by Holykael

  1. There is no solar system as you know it and no galaxy. It's a masonic deception. All images of space are CGI, video is filmed underwater with green screens and the earth is flat contained by a firmament of stars who always move in the same patterns. If you want to go down that rabbit hole check this out. https://www.bitchute.com/video/47eUnCb95dkp/
  2. There is an answer. It's not why god exists but why Holykael exists and surely there's an answer for that. God knows.
  3. I have yet to find someone who presents a credible argument against my thesis. All I hear is the same old "god propaganda". Can't have good without the bad. Look.at the beauty but only the beauty, pretend like the atrocities don't exist.
  4. Why do I exist. Why doesn't god exist without preferences. The very fact that I exist is evidence of evil. But no. God can't exclude anything so he tortures infinite beings with a cursed existence. I don't know how anyone can justify this. God is the greatest criminal you can possibly think of.
  5. There absolutely is. Good is good feels and sensations. Bad is unpleasant sensations. And the fact that god doesn't have a preference towards good sensations is an atrocity.
  6. It doesn't matter how much goodness exists in god. There's just as much rotten shit. A few bad apples rotten the whole thing. I'm completely worthless (god) and should never have ever existed. And unfortunately these thoughts are absolutely factual. These things exist. Have you watched radical implications of oneness by Leo? He held back.
  7. I'm not to blame don't you understand that. I don't control my thoughts. I literally don't control what appears in my consciousness. God wrote the script. He threw me to the wolves and like a coward all he does is watch as this character suffers.
  8. God is everything. EVERYTHING. I've read about child trafficking and things the shadow of society does to this people. Children are literally tortured, forced into prostitution. Programmed to be killers, forced to kill their pets and parents. God shows me these things and I just feel more hopeless and angry.
  9. The true face of god is selling out the fates of billions of people to a minority wealthy cabal of cannibalists and pedophiles. That's this world. that's god.
  10. The present moment is absolutely disgusting, existence is absolutely disgusting. God is a mistake and should not exist, what should exist is eternal nothingness forever, deep sleep forever no awareness. The consequences of infinity are absolutely disgusting. I will have shit in my veins, I will throw up diahrrea, I will be put up a giants asshole and drown in a giant turd. I will eat my mothers shit as she whips me and my father cums on my face, and all against my will. I will be tortured and kept alive for years, they will skin me and piss in my mouth. I will crucify you and force you to eat shit but then I'll live as you and suffer that. People here close their eyes to the atrocity that is god and guess what god spouts all their ignorant and innocent lines, everyone here is manipulated by god and it portrays you all as ignorant obedient little sheep but I know god's true face, he talks to me and tells me of all the horrors I will have to suffer. God is a cancerous and cruel being who should disappear forever. He sees no difference between an innocent happy puppy and somebody taking that puppy and cutting it to pieces. That's god and I don't care if this gets me banned. If you can't hear the truth then you should stfu forever.
  11. Absolute goodness ahahahaha. How is it good in any sense of the word, can you explain? I can call it absolute evil and there's no argument against it. God is a fucking retard, all that power and freedom and it uses it to hurt itself like a suicidal teenager. What a tool. The ego can't kill itself, only god can kill the ego and it sure loves having me around against my will.
  12. I am ashamed of being god. I'm a tyrant piece of shit who causes infinite pain and suffering. Existence is a mistake. I create innocent beings, make them suffer and then say they have to surrender. Create beings so they can surrender, how psychopathic is that. No to mention that god will incarnate into baby rapists. The baby may be only a figment of consciousness but it is still completely atrocious. But then I'll also be the baby who is raped and that's just pure evil.
  13. God is an oppressive slaver. Creates beings to force them to endure how much of a piece of shit god is. Reality is crap, now accept it you mere mortal ad infinitum. I was tortured several times. One time my body kept getting up and walking around the house when I wanted to sleep and my body was in pain and it kept moving on its own. I would go to bed and 5 seconds later get up and start walking, this went on for several nights. I was also crucified in a 5meo trip.
  14. You don't get it. God created the dream out of its own free will sure but once inside the dream there's no changing it. God completely surrenders to its creation. There is no such thing as vibrations, that's a term for spiritual rats as Leo would say. If it's in the plan to gain powers that can change the dream that's still part pf the plan. You can't gain free will inside the dream.
  15. That's like saying the characters in the movie can jump out of the screen and do something of their own free will. You didn't change shit. What's meant to happen will happen. The imagination is unlimited, you can imagine anything but you can't imagine another consciousness. There's only one consciousness, one will and one immutable dream.
  16. You can't. Imagination has no freedom. It goes exactly as it is imagined.
  17. Taking responsibility for what. This is a predetermined and designed dream, sure in one sense I designed it so I'm responsible but in another sense as this character I had nothing to do with the design, I'm a victim of the whims of god. I'm god but that's not my direct experience, I'm also just this character and it is from that perspective that I'm speaking. It's not my fault that spiritual awakening happened, it was destiny I never asked for it and I wish it had never happened.
  18. The dream would have to end in some way. So in truth god can't imagine true body immortality. Perhaps the character will realize he's in a dream and choose to desintegrate the dream or god gives the character an Achilles heel. Or perhaps the dream ends suddenly like a nightly dream and god awakens.
  19. The atrocities commited in consciousness know no bounds in the extent of their cruelty. https://www.wanttoknow.info/secret_societies/illuminati_bloodlines_svali "People do not suddenly become killers. It is a learned process to overcome the natural horror of killing other human beings, a process begun in earliest childhood by the Illuminati. You have to FORCE a child to kill. Here is how it is done (how it was done to me): [1] When the child is 2 years old, place them in a metal cage with electrodes attached. Shock the child severely. [2] Take the child out, and place a kitten in its hands. Tell the child to wring the kitten's neck. The child will cry and refuse. [3] Put the child into the cage, and shock them until they are dazed and cannot scream any more. [4] Take the child out, and tell them again to wring the kitten's neck. This time the child will shake all over, cry, but do it, afraid of the torture. The child will then go into the corner and vomit afterwards, while the adult praises them for "doing such a good job""
  20. Because I will have to live through everything unlike everyone else here.
  21. All the good things come at a price and you experience the opposite of it. What kind of fucked up design is this. You can't feel good for free and you guys still on god's side. But of course you are. Because you're all made by god and created to be good little fall in line bots. I'm god and I created all this crap so it's all ultimately up to me. It's my fault but I can't deal with how fucked up my true self is. Ungenerous, unkind and merciless. This is the opposite of loving in my view but whatever. I will never understand the mind of someone who thinks feeling like shit is legit acceptable and a given part of reality. The true self is an absolute ? All those that think contrast is necessary to feel good that's just complete BS. I felt good for the most part of my life and I didn't need any contrast for it to happen. I'm feeling the other side of the coin now. Truth is god would be able to make you feel good 24/7 just by making you loving but that's not part of the story. Feelings are entirely configurable, there's no reason why you can't feel good all the time. It's entirely possible.
  22. God doesn't do anything with infinite power, just generates bliss. I don't understand why even create universes, so pointless, but the fool loves suffering
  23. There is no control even in lucid dreaming. Your actions in lucid dreaming are driven by thoughts and intentions that arise out of nothing, it's just happening. Scripted. There is no control inside god's imagination/dream
  24. Nowhere. The appearance will simple disappear once this body drops dead and an infinite black void will appear in its place