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Everything posted by Holykael

  1. The same logic applies to the other side. Bad stands on its own, bad would feel bad regardless of whether a contrasting good existed or not
  2. I'm tired of seeing this everywhere. I know something is good because it feels good. I don't need the contrast to know that it felt good. I can have a gradient of feeling good but I never had to felt bad to know that it's good. Sure you can argue you gain a greater appreciation for what's good when you feel bad but that's because god engineered things that way. God could give you the appreciation without going through any hoops if it so willed it. This is just an excuse god uses to justify its own madness.
  3. My life is hell. It's true. And it's not even one of the worst forms of hell. I have experienced some extreme horrible shit on bad trips as well.
  4. No. Why? The closest thing would be an orgasm I guess.
  5. It's just being. There's no need to elaborate. I'm being a particular configuration of infinity in the eternal present.
  6. Im conscious of how horrifying it is. I don't even care that it contains an infinity of goodness and fun when the other half exists.
  7. Weren't you claiming to have awakened to absolute solipsism just a few months back after having watched Leo's deleted video three times..now you're claiming other people have their own experiences which only proves you're not conscious at all. You're one of the dream characters
  8. Alone with billions of monkey puppets None of the monkey puppets are conscious except you Jobs are necessary, unfulfilling and take up most of your life God controls your thoughts, appetite, sex drive and everything while you maintain the idea of a separate self as the ego Complete lack of free will but ego awareness of this fact Once you awaken, you find yourself alone in this hellscape destined to work for decades until your miserable life ends and you can finally be free No easy way to kill yourself where I'm from Psychedelics are illegal and hard to access Society doesn't provide euthanasia so you can die in peace if you don't want to play anymore. You're forced to live in the awfulness Tasty food makes you fat and unhealthy Pleasurable things like Cigarettes give you way too many health problems Disease and hospitals and all that trash is inevitable as you age Awakening doesn't provide liberation, makes you hyper aware of the prison you're in with no way out God handicaps itself severely for no reason whatsoever, just cuz The robots, aka people are enacting suffering on a massive scale right in front of you People don't stick around, relationships are fragile and flimsy Rent is too damn high, everything is way too costly and everything requires constant maintenance and it still degrades The robots are completely indifferent to you, they are programmed to have their meaningless interactions and for you to be a neverending spectator of those interactions Life is way too long, a couple of decades is enough to make you feel like you've experienced all you wanted in this world Only you suffer in absolute solipsism but nobody acknowledges that fact. They all pretend to suffer and demand solutions for their make believe suffering You are the only conscious being in existence, the CEO of reality but everyone treats you like a nobody Psychedelics can put you in an ever stronger hell just as easily as they can take you to a heaven that doesn't last and leaves you hanging in the mediocrity of daily life You know you are responsible for everything but you can't do shit about it because your true self hides itself from you in a brick wall of awareness that you can't penetrate in your sober state You want your ego to die and disappear but it just doesn't You yearn for non existence but it doesn't exist. You can't just sleep forever There are no solutions to suffering. You suffer and suffer and it has no end. You realize that this is eternity and that you'll be suffering for eternity with a few breaks in between You're mad and insane and you're stuck with yourself for eternity God is infinitely cruel to itself for eternity The few good moments you have makes the general suck of everything feel much worse by contrast God is a drama queen and is constantly generating drama between people, there's no peace
  9. How is god knowing itself if reality is a 100% artificial construct. God is not only constructing the setting of a scene but also the ego's reaction to any particular event. God decides whether the ego will be happy, sad or whatever else in any given situation. Given that reality is like this, how can we claim that god is knowing itself. God is being whatever it wants to be, the reaction to that being is purely artificial. You cannot know something that you invented or orchestrated yourself, you already knew it prior to the event. People often say that this life is a process of god knowing itself but I find that statement to be utterly illogical considering the above facts. If feelings were organic and arised naturally from a particular situation that would make sense but god is the one pulling the strings of feeling. If anything god is simulating knowing itself, it's not actually getting to know itself because it is already known.
  10. I mean artificial in the sense that god chooses the emotions it wants to feel. The emotion isn't an organic process that comes out of nowhere. The emotion is imagined by god, that's what I meant by artificial.
  11. The no self ideology must be the greatest cosmic joke god created. Coping with eternity must be hard that you have to pretend like you don't even exist
  12. Because infinitude must contain all finitudes and god is anal about being everything possible. Radical implications of oneness and whatever. If it were up to me life would not exist either.
  13. Consciousness isn't frequencies. It's nothing.
  14. It was a description of free will, of what it's like to be in god mode instead of the mediocre ego life.
  15. I was being comical with the entertainment bit but deadly serious about the rest. Leo isn't in control of anything so he can't be faulted for his actions. This is a play of one, god willed that Leo behave the way he did. It's all god after all so if you all have a problem with something, why blame the figment of consciousness that has no will of its own
  16. Inception, American Beauty, Shutter Island and the Matrix movies
  17. I don't know why you all judging Leo. He is but a figment of consciousness with zero free will. God is acting through Leo to enact a storyline. Your judgements are also done through this same process, the irony is not lost on me but there is no point to your comments. Leo will Leo and reality will reality. Aren't you entertained? This is all entertainment. This is all content to be consumed by consciousness. The useless thoughts of god will continue for eternity. Everyone is just content for a lonely and sad god. A storyline to be consumed. Consume product, shut up and consume next product. Rinse and repeat
  18. Video game studios and movie studios are just a façade to give context to movies and games that come out. Hideo Kojima didn't develop metal gear solid. Consciousness invented Hideo Kojima as a story to justify the existence of Metal Gear Solid. Games aren't developed by studios of hundreds of people, they pop into existence with a bunch of logos and made up background stories and creators. Playstation didn't develop the playstation consoles, in fact the playstation consoles are just bricks of consciousness, they are simply appearance, you're imagining the games. Shigeru Miyamoto didn't invent Mario or Zelda. Steven Spielberg didn't direct shit, Quentin Tarantino didn't direct shit. There may even be behind the scenes documentaries about movies allegedly directed by these people but even those behind the scenes documentaries are generated by consciousness to create context. Beethoven and Mozart didn't compose anything, they are just labelling for different pieces of music. The same logic is applied to all of science like for example the existence of brains and atoms, it's all a storyline, none of that actually exists or is part of the mechanics of reality. Space does not exist. We aren't living on a globe. Gravity doesn't exist. This creates a really depressing picture because the lie that hundreds of people poured their heart and soul into something made it more special, it created a background for the inception of a product, something coming out of the creative vision and blood, sweat and tears from human creativity. But no. Art is magically generated instantly by consciousness as a complete triviality. On the flip side I can see this a facet of goodness of God. God is creating absolutely everything but is sharing the credit among all of these imagined identities. it's beautiful really. Software Engineers are all writing phantom code that doesn't actually do anything because computation isn't real. Computer behaviour is imagined by consciousness. Software Engineering is completely and utterly make believe. Products at the supermarket didn't come from a complex global supply chain. They pop into existence as you visit the supermarket and the workers that you see there are simply background. On LinkedIn you see a bunch of job adverts but it's all background noise, nobody is doing any interviews, the only interviews that happen are for the only person with a bubble of awareness. The job market is a complete fantasy, when they tell you/me that some other candidate was chosen that's a complete fabrication. God just didn't want you to get that job. You are interviewing yourself. All sex is masturbation. Everything is reduced to nothing, complete emptiness. What other radical implications of oneness/solipsism can you think of?
  19. In heaven there are no STDs and you have to remember that god loves everything. Including eating shit. That's how total god's love is, fucking goats is nothing. If it exists, it's god and god loves it. That's how radical things are. You're clearly not awake and you'll never be this woke if you don't integrate this.
  20. Leo never said his experience was the only one. He said the viewer's experience was the only one and that he himself is imagined by the viewer that he himself has no point of view. I have the solipsism episode in audio form recorded for posterity. Leo was of course referring to me because I'm the one with the POV. The infinity of gods doesn't contradict this because he was talking about other possible sovereign experiences that are completely isolated from each other. Other singularitiies that might exist in their own solipsistic bubbles and that when he got in touch wirh another god it was just imagined by him anyway.
  21. I said in the OP that Im responsible for everything since Im god but god is such a bastard to itself that it creates this duality between ego and god as if they are separate entities. On the one hand you have the one experiencing reality and the one generating reality. They are the same entity but the direct experience doesn't match that fact. It's as if I'm fighting a battle with my subconscious and ofc it's illusory and unwinnable. I have considered strategies of killing myself and one day I might just do it. I do these posts in hopes that someone will say something that will turn my thinking around, nothing else.
  22. It's impossible to describe in a few paragraphs. It's a multi month journey. One time when I took LSD I became the CEO of reality and became conscious I had written every single book. Another time on mushrooms the hard floor became soft in my hands. I've had awakenings to absolute solipsism as well which involved people becoming remote controlled puppets in front of me. I've had experiences of no-self as well through meditation. I've had out of body experiences, astral projection and lucid dreams. I've had telepathy experiences as well. One time on 5 MEO DMT I was crucified like Christ and then in the aftermath I became conscious of how I had constructed the story of this entire reality. This is very surface level description of my awakening. It involved much crazier shit than this but I don't want to talk about it in a public forum. Doesn't help the fact that you're me pretending like you already dont know everything about me. I went through all the traps from secret societies, to law of one and new age and then gnosticism, prison planet and finally it's all me and none of that shit is real.