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Everything posted by Holykael

  1. Because god is evil and created humanity to be that way.
  2. Yeah bro. It sucks being the only conscious being in existence, trapped in the prison of an infinitely cruel and masochistic god for all eternity. I appreciate it.
  3. Enlightenment happened to lots of people who don't do psychedelics. Psychedelics just give you the permanent states of enlightenment in a few hours
  4. Have fun being crucified or tortured by a native American who shoves a hot log up your ass and then chops your head off.
  5. That's the very concept of cruelty. God is cruel
  6. This is why infinite love is actually evil. It is insane to love everything, suffering shouldn't be loved.
  7. You really think god didn't design every single aspect of your life. How can a finite being which is illusory have any will of its own. Only god is. Only god exists. Everything is created by god from the top down. An entire life is thought up and imagined, there is no space for free will there.
  8. It is god that does everything under the pretense of being another being. God is pure evil.
  9. No because your existence is illusory. Only god exists. God can't create a thing and give it free will. Where would god's will go. There is only god's will. God is only one being at a time to begin with, this eliminates the possibility of free will to all but one being.
  10. My belief was in free will prior to that mushrooms trip and it was still in free will for a time after that because I believed I had been controlled by aliens but that was just good old self deception. The universe is dead, you have no consciousness of your own. You are a projection of mind, another puppet of god. Only the unlimited absolute is free.
  11. I've already awakened to non-doership. We are all puppets of god. There is no going back. Only god has true free will. The characters in the game are run by god. We have a destiny and I have already experienced my body moving on its own on multiple occasions. On a mushrooms trip I experienced the total disappearance of the illusion of free will.
  12. He's wrong. Your life was already determined from the moment it began, this movie is playing itself. There is no one here to make choices.
  13. I am the one who holds the bubble of awareness. This means that without realizing I've always been omniscient because whatever I see and experience is the only thing that is being experienced or seen by the universe at any given moment. I am a ball of suffering but I'm the universe. You don't need psychedelics to achieve omniscience, it's a given, I'll always be omniscient no matter what form I hold.
  14. I don't know how to disidentify with the body. I wish I was completely disidentified with my body. I don't control the identification with the body. Non doership and all. If if ever happens, it's beyond my control
  15. Is it god's plan to transcend the limitations of the dream or to die in the mediocre and soul crushing limitations of this dream. I want to fly with my body and be free. I want to lucid dream in this dream we call real life. Anyone have any insight into god's plan for this reality. Do you guys think it'll be business as usual until the end or there will be some cataclysmic change.
  16. You don't get it. Being unlimited means I can shapeshift into any form or go back to formlessness at will which is the same thing as dieing. It also means I would be able to make the floor bouncy or not with my mind. I want absolute control over reality, unlimited power.
  17. My friend, I have no free will, this is a movie. It's not my choice whether I take responsibility or not. Nothing goes against god's will
  18. I don't think you understand that god doesnt discriminate between experiences, so anything goes whether it's worth anything or not. There are no infinitely higher plans, how would you know anyway you are just a dream character, you don't even exist
  19. Infinitely higher plans? My life is utterly mediocre. So much for god's grand vision. It sucks balls dude.
  20. I don't want any stakes. I'm tired of the stakes. I want to be unlimited and do whatever I want, I want life to be a playground. I want to be spiderman and jump off buildings and fall on soft bouncy ground. I want to fly around as my way of traveling around the world. I want to stay at airbnbs for free. I want to hang out with my ex girlfriend for eternity because I love her so much. Life could be an absolute dream but god has other shitty plans. Heaven is lucid dreaming.
  21. You are a character in my lucid dream, going on an adventure?
  22. God is speaking to itself for eternity. No one to share thoughts with.
  23. Sorry bro. It's you that does not exist. Unfortunately I'm the only one who exists and I'm living the "good" version of god. It sucks. Wish god was just selfish. Was a good laugh to be accused of not existing, entertaining.
  24. The fact that all is one implies solipsism is true. God is just generating an untrue perspective with you. There is only god, there is no one else here, no other consciousnesses.