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About Holykael

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  1. I think creation would prefer if it had never been created at all. I speak for myself as this creation's MC. God wants to create at expense of other beings in lower states of consciousness suffering... If I knew what my life was going to be like I would have never agreed to be created but god doesn't ask for permission.
  2. I have plenty of evidence for solipsism. I've seen people turn into puppets in front of me and there's plenty of easter eggs god left for me such as Leo's video where he admits he's a figment of my imagination and a few others. Just look. I'm arguing with a ghost lmao. I had my own awakening on LSD
  3. Even if I win. It wasn't worth all the suffering. Play stupid games, get stupid prizes. It's so unfair, with this current consciousness I would never choose to play this but the big consciousness doesn't give a shit about the little guy clearly.
  4. You don't get it. I'm the solipsist. I know I wrote everyone's lines and I can't get that out of my head, you think I want a bot I created as a girlfriend? I no longer have sexual needs even. I can't relate to people without thinking they don't even exist and that they are empty inside.
  5. Games are only fun because they are not reality. I don't want a hard game to be reality, ever.
  6. God could easily manifest a world without money where everything is provided and there's no hardship. Instead stubbornly god will manifest all possible miseries. Why is it so? Does anyone have an answer? Why just why?
  7. Look at this being that god created and doomed to suffering. One day I'll be this being. Why give reality to this. God is a monster and I am that monster. Can't cope.
  8. Yeah right. That's easy for someone who has never tasted existence to say but who's going to burn in hell, be crucified, etc countless times? Always me. It is that bad. I've tasted how bad things can get and I didn't get the worst of it so by comparison I can tell.
  9. This is why god is a horrible atrocity that should not ever have existed. Just one life here won't make up for a million suffering free lives
  10. You really think god will put someone in that "awakened" state for a long time? God wants people to live life and suffer. I was once in this childlike state where everything was magical and new but it didn't last very very long, it was a high state induced by psychedelic. You can't control your state of consciousness
  11. Just imagine a baby who is popped instantly into existence with no one around. This baby can get up and walk and he is in a completely mysterious and magical place. He is in a maze and there are distractions everywhere. The baby shifts from dimension to dimension experiencing himself in various forms. There are amusement parks and all kinds of fun things. Huge screens with baby content. There's a room with huge tits so he can feed himself. If he poops in his diaper, a mom bot will arrive and change him allowing the baby to continue his journey down the rabbit hole. At the end of his journey the baby dissolves happily into infinite love. This is a beautiful reality but since god is an infinite bastard just imagine what the polar opposite of this reality looks like. Baby is in hell and undergoes several tortures before burning in a hellfire. God has no bias for one pr the other, the odds of manifesting one or the other are completely equal. God has no concept of wholesomeness. And this is why folks I'm depressed. No matter what beautiful and enriching realities I think of, the shadow realities are there as well rearing their ugly heads.
  12. You guys are too narrow minded and attached to logic. You think in infinity god won't create self aware intelligent dogs or cats or even ants. Everything is possible. No brain required. Humans are intelligent as a pure magic trick of consciousness, a simulation. The brain is just a backstory that doesn't actually do anything. Where in direct experience is this brain working.
  13. https://open.spotify.com/track/11YissO8B7qxGDT8HCcN2Q?si=tcTtCr2ISrWEEEJfFwuz7Q https://open.spotify.com/track/2SzCxX6M6vDwdEwnHDiTaY?si=KcdSZw7dRTCVFhosO9ig0g
  14. The feeling of love. Pure love for everyone and everything or for nothing at all.
  15. There are only three things that would satisfy me. The ability to kill god, the ability to create a reality to my liking or feeling love 24/7 for no reason.