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About Chanratt

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    Central Massachusetts
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  1. Well, thanks for that slap upside the head?. These concepts that I have discovered through your channel are quite new to me, so I am like a child
  2. Yeah, that’s along the lines of what I’m thinking. That it’s only our technology that sees a limit on the micro. Thank you
  3. Forgive me if this is in the wrong forum. But being not very scientifically minded (a high school drop out actually though I can hold my own) I don’t understand when Leo brings up zooming in every direction to infinity. My belief always was that atoms, quarks etc was as far as we could go. I heard someone say strings which I have no idea about, but that “has” a limit. Could someone please answer this for me? Is there more but science just hasn’t caught up?
  4. @Carl-Richard I’ve been binging on Rubert. He’s fantastic
  5. @Razard86 well, how do I put it? I can’t seem to shake off the negativity and depression and all the day to day worries that I get caught up on and be still and drink in the Beaty around and in me I guess.
  6. I just found Leo’s videos a month ago and I’m quite blown away. Although I don’t quite understand everything he covers, what I do understand is very valuable to me. im now 52 and have been half assing this journey for more than a decade. In my late teens and early 20’s I was so much full of vigor. Traveling to new countries and experiencing new cultures was fascinating band new to me. Now that I have settled down with a wife and kids and responsibilities, that vigor has waned and I go through periods of depression. Like I’m not where I should be. Sure, the excitement I felt traveling when I was younger may have been an emotional attachment and nothing else, but I know there is joy to be had right where I am, am here and now. Some things that Leo says really resonate with me and give me great hope. I can almost touch it sometimes. I know I may be thinking about this totally wrong from my ego’s perspective but I feel like I should be loving life to the full and enjoying the ever present beauty that surrounds me. I am trying to start a regular meditation routine because I have had profound glimpses in the past and I know it’s there. I just can’t seem to get in touch. I guess that’s everyone’s problem though. They are seeking awakening and I can’t expect anything more than I have without going full throttle which I not. But anyway, I mainly wanted to introduce myself