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Everything posted by Davino

  1. The gravitational pull metaphor is so beautiful it left me speechless.
  2. Watching the entire live event is recommended to fully understand the significance of the statements being made, but for convenience, here are the highlights. It is important to consider the context of the Vedic New Year and be aware of any potential biases resulting from a Western perspective in order to fully appreciate the importance of these statements. For the Vedic new year, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) has made several claims regarding AI and superintelligence, including the following (some have been rephrased for clarity and context while retaining the original message): The SPH has advised the one billion Hindus around the world to invest in and actively contribute to the development of this technology. He believes that the ancient Hindu tradition and classical scriptures can inspire the development of better AI models to serve humanity. As the only surviving civilization from the Bronze Age, he sees Hinduism as still relevant and useful for modern-day people. He envisions the combination of AI and Hinduism as a great service for mankind. He also said that this year (one year from now) AI wil dramatically change our lives. He says that he feels relieved by this technology and that finally now humanity can focus in the real inner work. This post has been created with the assistance of Chatgpt to enhance its quality, clarity and readability. As per the guidelines of this forum, it is important to disclose that some of the content has been generated with the help of AI.
  3. Kind of the same as christianism with the pope. They needed to organize before they were going to become extinct. The main point of the post is not related to this, but it is astonishing how widespread ignorance is and how easily people accept what they are told without investigating it further. It is important to understand Nithyananda's background to have a proper context for the discussion. If you took just 5 minutes to search, you would find that he is recognized throughout India, from the north to the south, and is the leader of temples and lineages across the entire Indian subcontinent. Nothing even close to this level of recognition has happened in the history of India. It's absurd to believe everything you're told without doing any real investigation into the topic. This goes against the principles of this forum and still baffles me to this day. So, you read a news article and saw him wearing gold, and suddenly you think you know the truth? Please don't trust me, and dare to do your own research to uncover the background of this person beyond hearsay. Even the United Nations and UNESCO have recognized that he was unfairly attacked by the media for political interests. But you didn't bother searching for that either. Personally, I don't really care about Nithyananda, but I do care about the truth. It amazes me how easily manipulated people can be. ----- The point of this post is that hindus arround the world have elite positions in many companies and now they will invest and fuel up the deployment of AI.
  4. Summary of the live: I'm surprised of how little attention this post had in comparison with the importance of what is being said.
  5. This is one is great! would say not that the answer is always love but that the meaning is always love. The answer is Truth and the meaning is love
  6. Really? It's the legal in almost all countries and even in countries where it's illegal they don't care. You won't get addicted. Last tips, better use a bong than a pipe because of the jet flame. (I do it with pipe but I have burned myself couple times which you can avoid) Sagewisdombotanicals is probably the most legit source. As it's legal you can search it yourself, they are the only ones who offer it in liquid form, to have a more classic trip.
  7. How do we know that Newton was a physicist?
  8. Provide inmense value to society
  9. You need to make a clear distinction here. Mascunilinity and femenenity has NOTHING to do with humans. The principles of the masculine and femenenine express themselves in everything, and humans are just an example where this principle manifests in a way which is dear to you. Leo has amazing books that talk about this in his book list. If you are really interested you should check it out.
  10. I feel bad because migth have exposed Salvia as cruel and that is not the case. Salvia is very loving, it's just that it's so brutal. Most of the time when I locate myself in the trip, Salvia usually tells me how the fuck are we suposed to work if you are fucking terrified! and I'm like well I mean what the fuck is going on even, I'm just in shock. Salvia conversations are great, well it is you that you talk to yourself but it is Salvia pulling the levers. Salvia is very loving but it is that kind of love that is brutal. Sometimes when they love you so much they are strong with you, for example Leo does that a lot. Salvia also has this style. Salvia will just be brutally, mercilessly and ruthlessly loving in her own way. After the trip you will understand, will you in the trip? mmm probably not but if you do it's beautiful.
  11. I can agree. My partner which is very femenine and has also gone through very traumatic events in her life had a great time in Salvia. I was absolutely shocked when after taking it she started to laugh histerically. I'm telling you, Salvia does everything to me except making me want to laugh. She was able to fully let go and go with the experience and she enjoyed ir very much. She enjoys peak experiences like skydiving and rollercoasters and she also has endured a lot of paind and suffering in her life. With that background, Salvia can be great.
  12. I'll start: What is GOD? What am I? What is Reality? What is Truth? What is Consciousness? What is Love? What is Infinity? What is Absolute? What is Life? What is ego? What is survival? What is blue? What is beingness or isness? What is existence? What is duality? What is oneness? What is a question? What is an answer? What is a paradox? What is creativity? What is intelligence? What is nothingness? What is everything? What is the All? What is irreducible? How to live the good life? How to be happy? What is the funniest joke in existence? What is silence? What is the purpouse/meaning of Reality? What is it all about?
  13. Pure fear, the fear you experience when you are being killed, complete confusion, ungroundedness. Your don't remember you are on Salvia, you have no memories, you are for a wild ride. Also the benefits can be extraordinary, specially death wise. If you trip long enough with Salvia you can overcome the fear of death fully, suffering and even pain I would say. It has inmense benefits but because of chemical reactions it activates the same responses in your brain as if you were quitting opiods and you were a long life user. So you get to explore the most exotic corners of consciousness at the prize of having a chemical reaction in your body of fear and confusion. This sounds technical but you will feel it in your bones when you are tripping on it. Also Salvia does not seem to induce God-Realizations this is why I'm reluctant to keep exploring this substance. It's more like exploring the most anti-human like states of consciousness, it is very alien and different to any other state of consciousness I have been in. Buy dry leaves, not extracts. Smoke them in a pipe with a jet flame and hold in +20 seconds. This is great for contemplation, it is amazing and I've experienced inmense benefits. However from 10x up things get very very intense, at least for me. Other people need more quantity it depends a whole lot on your body but experiential wise it is the same. So my point is that it's very hard to let go and surrender. First of all it's a peak experience like no other. Maybe DMT crushes me but Salvia is just so intense. You cannot contemplate you are just a consciousness having a random permutation of it's infinite possibilities. You don't remember you have taken on Salvia, you are just in shock, pure and utter shock. How are you going to search for God or contemplate if you don't remember you took Salvia or anything in regards to your life, who you are, what are you doing and you just have this expierence of fear and very wacky things going on, which you interpret as wrong because you have that fear feeling. It takes a lot of maturity that I honestly don't have, Salvia has humbled me in that sense. How much deep work you need to have done to be chill even if you are not human, this is almost drilling a conscious state of letting go not in your human self but in your consciousness itself. To trust, to surrender and go with it. Then I'm sure Salvia will show you things that no other psychedelic can show you, not even close, and I say this very confidently. Last words, Salvia is amazing don't get me wrong I'm in love with it. But not gonna lie to you like it's a pleasant experience, chemically it is impossible, it does not trigger anything in your brain to cause you any pleasure as other psychedelics do. Salvia is it's own thing, Salvia is it's own category. Salvia is also a very good training for life, if you can keep cool in a high concentration Salvia extract, you can be chill with the rest of psychedelics and in life in general. I feel SO much safer in life after Salvia. It's like you experience such a bizarre, dificult and life-transforming experience that you see life from another perspective. You learn to let go more and trust. Also ego death in Salvia is... well let's say less psychological or consciouss as with other psychedelics... It's more REAL. If you care about truth and exploring consciousness more than having always pleasurable experiences, then Salvia is perfect for you.
  14. This is the way I see it: Would you write to a nobel prize physicist saying you understand better String theory than him? Why do you do that with Leo? This is his everyday job and purpose in life, for you it's just a hobby or side passion. Who is being arrogant? The nobel prize physicist for telling you that you really don't understand string theory? Or you are the arrogant one for thinking that you understand it better? Also be careful not to fall into the fallacy of authority but sometimes it is the case that you can be far inferior in understanding than other people.
  15. That's honestly the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said to me
  16. You have no idea what Salvia is. I'm still trying to figure out the sense of Salvia. It takes you to the most bizarre corners of consciousness. Integration is very hard when smoking extracts, because it's just so different to your normal state of consciousness that you don't know what do with it. Prepare yourself and go up slowly in extracts potency, you can easily traumatize yourself for the rest of your life.
  17. Mushrooms have a lot of wisdom packed. Lsd is more free to explore which can lead to great results or just doing your best but not knowing any better. With mushrooms they really do guide you, they heal you and they make you arrive to higher conclusions. For example, if you have a problem on LSD you will solve it but on mushrooms you may come up with a whole different side show to that problem, like talking with a wise entity that has helped people in your situation for millenia and that can offer a new perspective beside just solving it. This is the reason why mushrooms are the best for what you ask, they will guide you. However, they are not the best for contemplation because you may want to contemplate on God for example but mushrooms want to heal the relationship with your parents and a lot of shadow and ego stuff you still carry or they mushrooms may want you to think about your life purpose or maybe you can contemplate. This with lsd does not happen at all, if you want to contemplate something you take lsd and you will do it 100%. This is my experience, if you want personal growth mushrooms are your go. The only problem with them are integration, the trip can be short, so once in a while do lsd so that you are 12h tripping and the insights really penetrate your being. Mushrooms will help you a lot and gibe you a roadmap to acoomplish it but the time you are tripping also matters. Also ketamine can be great for personal growth specially when you think you have problems. Ketamine will be like: Are problems holding you or are you holding the problems? Also MDMA can be great for love healing. Just a good trip a year will help you heal all the love your family, friends and life never gave you, which can be really rewarding for personal growth. It kind of kills the shadow in you by love but M can be problematic if you are not wise enough so watch out if you have addictive tendencies. With the other substances I mentioned you will not encounter this problem.
  18. This video is very good. Don't take into accound the title or the cover. The content is worth it
  19. You are comparing apples and oranges. One thing is human/relative development and another thing is transcendental development. They usually go hand by hand but not necceasarly as you have discovered. The main problem is that transcendental devolpment gets very corrupted when it is reinterpreted from a low ego/cognitive stage. But the states are legit as you pointed out. Ken Wilber's core work points to this difference between states and stages. States are free (aka mystical experiences) and stages are earned. You occasionally have normies experiencing epiphanies, the same way you can get hit by a lightning. Most of them think they are losing their mind however. You can also have extremely intelligent and developed individuals that are deeply unaware of the higher states of consciousness. This is also the core difference between the east and the west. One is focused on states and the other in stages. Hence the problematic, they lose this higher perspective that we are constructing here. This is why Actualized.org is such a gift because it excels in both domains.
  20. Iboga can kill you. Just wanted to mention that, so be careful with the dose. Stay safe and use drugs smartly.
  21. I tried lots of things, but in fact only 4 things worked. I stopped using fluoride. Lots of hours of binaural beats and deep concentration every day. Wearing high quality Rudraksha from different mukhis. Transmissions of shakti or even better, initiations. A good initation can really do it. As they say it's the transmission of the fire, or you can create the fire yourself. This is how I did it. But it's not as incredible as one may think. You may manifest some siddhis but nothing crazy. It's more about deep intuition and conection with reality, a higher quality clear mind. Also don't fool yourself if you do not manifest any real tangible siddhi your third eye is not awake sorry. This is in fact is one of the most no bullshit things that I have found in spirituality. If you manifest powers (body scanning, moving objects...) your third eye is awake, it's this simple. Obviously third eye is much much more than siddhis but third eye ALWAYS comes with siddhis as a gift, new faculties awaken as you are evolving into a more conscious being.
  22. Do you recommend doing some tea for the first intake and then lemon tek?