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Everything posted by Davino

  1. Yesterday had a an inmense energetic opening in Malt + Weed. This video gave me some insights about how to use weed as a psychedelic which was enough base for me to just walk on my own.
  2. It reminds me of the pursuit of Shivapuri baba after 25 years in isolation Awakening embarked The round of the world, (80% on foot) and dying at the age of 136. One of the few human beings in Tier 3 Spiral Dynamics. This book about his life : Long Pilgrimage – The Life and Teaching of the Shivapuri Baba explains more in detail all his travels from 18 audiences with Queen Victoria to walking all America from USA to Argentina and all in the middle on foot. His life experiences really inspire me, truly one of a kind. What I call a life worth living. Here is a little interview and summary of his life:
  3. @Sabth What actions have you taken so far? What is your vision?
  4. What I find interesting is the weird connection between DMT psychonaut experiences and christian angels. However DMT seems to be more rich and all-encompasing. Psychologist argue that all comes from our unconscious mind. While others afirm that they actually exist like you and me. Personally speaking I feel just intrigued by this complex lore and connections. Beings of higher consciousness residing in other planes of existence
  5. It's powerful but you need to have some knowledge and practices to work with sexual energy.
  6. Question: People say Brahman is unknown. so why try? Sri Ma: If I ask you to describe this flower you will say, it is red, it is a rose and so on and on, but never will you be able to express fully all that this flower is. So all things are known and unknown, manifest and unmanifest, both. It is what it is. Form and formless; with qualities and without qualities. Such is He. You cannot exhaustively enumerate the qualities of even ordinary things. One must go beyond all this. The language of going, coming also is not apt. It is self-revealing. The ocean and tides, below the waves the water is still and deep. You will say that even below the water there are currents. Be it so. That is not fragmenting the ocean. There are so many ways of indicating the One underlying Reality. Yet no matter how much one says, it seems everything has been left unsaid.
  7. Desire only creates more desire. Desire longs for desirelessness. Pleasure and pain come together, if you go up you will go down. Most hedonic pursuits are just scratching the itch. Practically speaking you don't need to be dry, but pleasures should be far down in your list of priorities.
  8. Don't let that stop you. Don't limit yourself. Become the person that achieves it, transform yourself into someone that will make it into a reality. You cannot change your past but you can change your future and it all happens in the now. Become clear now, talk to yourself now. It is in the now that mature conversations happen in yourself. Watch Leo's video of Life advice for young people:
  9. Probably the most underrated video of all time. This video makes the difference (not to gime him authority again but to go meta about the whole business)
  10. @Clarence Why it seems you worship Leo? You are God! There is no Leo, no more "you", no more I; yet existance is. Do you talk from direct experience, really? I feel you like when I first started awakening. Brilliant but still far off, fascinated for Leo giving me my first breakthrough after all my life searching for truth and then watching his video what is Truth. I saw but there is still sooo much. Take your time, breathe through the process, enjoy the ride my friend. There is nothing to show. Be yourself, awaken yourself, everything will fall into place I assure you.
  11. It seems like a rude awakening. Being conscious is the first part, feeling the second and healing the third. Have a vision for your life, dream and go for it, live for it and die for it. You take the decisions in your life, you set the direction in your life and you are not gonna let anyone decide for you and you'll go to the deep end for it. You are clear and grounded in yourself, you take care of yourself, you love yourself. That's why you take the decisions you take fore yourself, because you love yourself too much for not to do so.
  12. I like this one: dragon's blood incense @Average Investor That video made me reflect
  13. I'm really curious to know this one @Leo Gura Have you traded baseline consciousness for Spiral Dynamics development?
  14. Groundedness. Being firmly grounded in reality and in yourself. Reposing in yourself, being authentic and clear in your mind and with others. Bias aware. Self-Love. Life purpose Willing to go through pain and suffering and not letting those stop you. Confort in disconfort. Humour and laugh Flow state This was my little brainstorm to do my bit.
  15. Frank Yang on Solipsism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZiZueRZaqM
  16. Agree. It usually comes in waves for me though. Froom deep tripping to sober integration.
  17. @Breakingthewall Yes I agree with you. It was just a funny anecdote more than a "thing" The weird thing is that it happened on weed in the afternoon after I tripped on 5meo in the morning. Never had any visuals on weed, first and last time was Leo. But again, just an anecdote
  18. In one trip Leo appeared laughing histerically in my mind's space. And I was shocked like how is it possible? Which to Leo answered, I've been always talking inside your mind, don't you understand? (Implicitely saying that there was nothing special about that phenomena because it was always the case, when I saw a video of him, it was exactly the same) Which really blew my mind because 1 it was true and 2 because it would be what the "real" Leo would have said
  19. I am not here to prove anything or to convince you. Posting and writing just feels good now and I'm going with it. After this recognition I wanted to reflect upon some points. God is reality itself, imagining this moment into existence. I am self conscious, abiding in myself. From this everything is born, my human narrative, with all it's intrincate knots and tapestry. They are all fantasies, this is reality, everything is included in this, fantasies included. I can't believe I could have ever thought I was a human, I thought this awakening would be epic but it's like how can I have been so blind, so stupid. It's tangible, it never leaves one, this experiential feeling of aliveness and consciousness that is indistinguishable with whatever it goes on. This would be the next point. IT'S ALWAYS ALREADY THE CASE. Ever realized, everything falls into God once the right moment comes. I feel empy and hollow and full in the same way. It's not the human that has become God, it's the seeing through the human, it's appereance in consciousness, the human is hollow like a castle that each piece holds the other. I don't know if you have seen this trick where everyone sits on each other in a circle, then remove all the chairs and everyone is still supported on each other in a loop fasion. Each one things the other is that, but everything leads to nowhere and to itself again. It's funny to see it all from the other side so to speak, everything seems so obvious. What else can you be? I mean seriously. Even if you believe you are a human, what is a human? If not the same as everything else. Love also comes into play. It's just what it is when there's nobody in there. Fear, pain and pleasure happen to some contracted knot-self. Once dissolved there is love. Why? I mean everything becomes it's own explanation at one point. What is an explanation but a circle to return to the same point, the point is the point and just better to give yourself fully to it, die in the point. Love is the point, Love is what remains. The human does not remain, but consciousness does remain. Feeling aliveness and sentience remains. Imagination and construction remains. But everything is itself, like everything fall into place in an obvious manner. It's beautiful and it's natural. Losing and gaining are beside the point. Nothing can be substracted or added, it's always whole, it's absence is it's union, it's difference is it's sameness. God is all there is. You are God, I am God, So is Everything.
  20. Kundalini, kundalini, kundalini... Vipassana, kriya yoga, chi, tantric sex, martial arts... It's just solidities, contractions of the same oneness. Dissolve them and you will live in oneness, no more I, no more center. How bias it is to have a center! Kundalini, kundalini, kundalini. Wake it up! Again and Again, layer after layer, may consciousness permeate all your reality. Kundalini is the gatekeeper for baseline consciousness, the bottleneck. Once you have done all the work kundalini makes it a constant reality for the most gross self. It's like the actualization software. Permanent shifts, fully embodied and incarnated shifts, full circle shifts, have always kundalini in them.
  21. Totally agree with that. My post is just to bring some balance into: "all religions are absolute nonsense and are clueless". I mean depends where you are, very few have transcended fully all religious breath and depth of states of consciousness/awakenings, yet some of them are here True. Everytime I awake deeper I find more meaningful the essence of each religion but I'm also disgust by it's ignorance and corruption. This is the reason why most religions are dying right now. No more mystics... no more saints... no more sages...