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Everything posted by Davino

  1. I'm a noob in nutrition compared with you all. I always ate a very healthy organic omnivore diet. However, a year and a half ago I switched to a vegetarian diet and just can talk wonders about it. I struggled in the beggining but after going to a nutrionist I was able to feel better than ever!
  2. This 2 quotes melted my heart: "I say unto you that I am a little child of yours and you are my parents. Accept me as such and give me a place in your hearts. By calling me as 'Ma', you keep me at a distance. Mothers have to be revered and respected. But a little girl needs to be loved and looked after, who is dear to the heart of everyone. So, this is my sole request to you all to make a place for me in your hearts." Anyone, to whatever faith or sect he may belong, is given by This Body whatever help he requires on his own path. It is his own Self that is assisting him - if only he will be good enough to accept the assistance.
  3. Multiple reasons. The unconscious plays a great deal. Carl Jung studied profoundly this topic if you really want to get to the end of it. Recurrent dreams and archetypes create gods and their stories. Also, it can be a way to connect with God in a particular form. As everything is god this seems to work up to a certain point. All forms and formelessness are but shapes of the one. This has proven useful in the path and aslo reconforting, allowing to recontextualize everyday reality into divinity. Like with mother kali, that represents all the terrorific in nature and reality, so many people have found that in the midst of the most terrible situation, all full of blood and with their life in their hands, they have said thank you mother Kali, all this is you. We are nearer than the nearest right now, thank you, I love you. See how profound the tool can be? Also we all have gods in one way or the other, idols in different facets of reality. Even in the highest, the form of consciousness or love or presence, that is still a lesser god so to speak. There is only but the one in the end.
  4. You are too far away to get to that point don't worry. If you just started to study maths, would it make sense trying to understand Advanced Calculus II? It does not. Go step by step, things take care of themselves. There arrives a point where all enigmas are resolved, in the meanwhile step by step keep dancing with the music that calls you to awaken. Nobody can say but it depends in the path you choose to walk. If you go into a discrimination path it surely will in the process, but not in the end, given that you arrive. However, if you choose the path of love, or something more femenine, motherly type, it can enhance your life so much. You will feel the mother of every kid you see, every living creature you will love them all as your own childs, you will feel the whole creation is your beloved child, your very own. It depends on the path you choose, so make sure it fits properly with your lifestyle. Some kind of stuff like I am not the body, not the mind probably not suitable, because you are responsible of your body and 2 more. Make it about love and serving, selflessless, compassion. However, if you want to go to the deep end of the pool you will have to face some things, but let's say that they will be by that point fully grown up adults. Also understand you need to take care of your body, mind and consciousness. All can and should be done simultaneously. In fact having a steady life makes meditation and awakening easy.
  5. What is the core problem? Don't beat arround the bush, go straight ahead. WHAT IS IT?
  6. I would like to thank @Leo Gura for this challenge. It has really changed my understanding of the world. I've travelled many countries and lived in a few but I have realized I was totally in a cultural bubble, bubbles within bubbles I should say, how deep society and culture goes! It's also great to be exposed to so much diversity
  7. That's surrender at a very high level in fact. So you don't even have to surrender, you just need to not resist surrender.
  8. It reminds me to U. G. Krishnamurti. I recommend you to try martial arts, it will ground you very quickly. This is just a grounding problem honestly, try dancing if you feel more femenine about it. Reconnect with your body, the trascendental must meet the inmanent otherwise is just an eternal slipping away. Also consider that you are scared because you are falling, but the problem is not falling, but thinkingt you will hit the ground. I assure you, there is no ground, it's infinite, relax fully and surrender to it, then all will be alright. I also wanted to crack a joke about the workout but after considering it. I thought it wouldn't be polite. But I can't resist myself, if you keep working out at this level you are gonna end up like him:
  9. what is your daily practice for upgrading base line consciousness?
  10. How wonderful is the play in God's creation? The Self, the Atma, is of course one. Nevertheless, there are 'you and I, yours and mine,' and all the rest of it. If you cannot give up the "yours and mine", then be the eternal servant of the Lord. How many lives have you not spent in the world, in family life, in the delusion of "this is mine and that is mine." Say to yourself: "I am immortal, the Self - there is only one Brahman without a second - I am His and His alone." If the distinction between you and I remains, then let the 'you' be God. What is in ice? Nothing but water. He is formless as well as with form. What is He with form? He Himself in action - actionless action. Attraction means to be attracted to one's own Self - MA. To lose all is to gain all. The Reality is merciful and compassionate. Whatever He does at any moment is all-beneficent, though certainly painful at times. When He manifests himself as all-loss, there is hope that He may also manifest himself as all-gain. To pine for the One who helps towards the light of Truth is salutary, for it kindles the awareness of Truth. - Words of Ma Anandamayi. “Happiness and sorrow exists in the world while one is ignorant about the Creator, that is to say, while he is ignorant about oneself. Hence only try, try and try again to know Him. Be in the Creator's Presence (through meditation) all the time. The reason why one is unable to continue being in dhyanayoga (meditation practise) is the cover of desire for worldly objects.” What man wants is divine love. From whom you are created, from whom are manifested mother, father, brother, friend, husband and everything, who has nourished you with breast milk, whatever word you use to address Him, that very word should be remembered with your heart and soul all the time.
  11. Classic Zen style. There is no point. It's the story. Besides, idk why they made the video private. I can't find it any more
  12. This blew my mind
  13. @blankisomeone Yes, willing to die and surrender to death if comes. That ends all paranoia instantly, you have resolved the core
  14. @Mileyofpink You forgive for your own sake not for others
  15. Be careful with Salvia you have been warned. Make it your last psychedelic, after you are a master of classic psychedelics and you have a daily steady sadhana practice. For me is perfectly fine, I experience very mild discomfort, but everyone is different. I know people that really hurts for them in the nose. But you could be like me so try. Also the effects are more in the head/mind space, while plugging is more bodily and embodied.
  16. Ma: Quite a number attain to some siddhi (a degree of attainment) or mukti (liberation), but only one in ten millions arrives at complete Realization. It is very, very rare. Question: Do you think you have reached the ultimate state? Ma: (Laughs) Whatever you believe me to be, that I am. Question: From what moment did you have that Realization? Ma: When was I not?
  17. Perfect vision denotes omniscience while happiness that depends on anything is bound to change into sorrow. When a child is born, everybody rejoices, but when he dies, there is grief. When happiness is derived from wife, son, home or anything of the world, distress will follow without fail. Where complete Independence of circumstance is, there alone can be perfect happiness. When the relationship of the servant to the Lord is established, this indeed is happiness. Essentially God and the Individual are not separate. Looked at from a certain angle, who is it that is born? There is in fact no birth. To acknowledge birth is to bow to ignorance.
  18. I have been years trying to find out what really happens with me when I sleep. However, not having come to any satisfactory revelation I am here asking if anyone has had any insight or direct experience on the nature of Deep Sleep. Why is Sleep even important? Well, let's imagine that you live 80 years. From those, you will spend 27 years sleeping. Wow 27 years? Are you not curious what is really going on with sleep? On top of that, if you have awoken to consciousness, as your real nature and the nature of all that is, are you not puzzled about this unconscious sleeping mystery that takes out 1/3 of your human conventional life? In my investigation I have come across many possible explanations and techniques. I've researched about the Turiyatita state, said to include and transcend the three main states of consciousness that are waking, dreaming and deep sleep and is ever constant in all. I've studied about Cessation. It explains that consciousness and unconsciousness are codependentely arising one from another and in a cessation you are getting blinked out of both. However, none of these I have been able to awaken to so far, and seem to miss the point about something so commonplace as sleeping. I've also reflected on consciousness being an Infinite Scale and deep sleep just being a lower graduation, waking state higher and an Awakening much higher. While this explanation has logical sense to me, it lacks the firm clarity and unshakeability of Truth and remains in a superficial level. I've also experimented with Yoga Nidra and conscious sleeping successfully, yet so what? Even though I can have the experience, sleep has already happened in me and is still happening. In the case I experienced conscious sleep for the rest of nights of my life, I know that deep sleep has happened for years in a row for me. I've also realized that I imagined sleep and I had never ever slept in my whole life. This while having the solid rock of Truth does not correlate to all states of consciousness and clearly not in every day life. I don't find myself in a state to claim I have never slept in my everyday life, precisely because I sleep every night and I wouldn't if it was the case. It also surprises me how little importance this topic is given, even Leo has rarely talked about it. Many here claim that all is consciousness: an Infinite Consciousness, yet every night they sleep and fall unconscious. That's like saying I am water and every night turning into fire. So then: If I am consciousness why do I sleep?
  19. Being conscious of unconsciousness is higher consciousness. Before they were so unconscious that did not even exist for you. Also another thing to take into account is ego backslash. But sounds more like the first one for you
  20. I would like to leave this here for the record and also saying something among the lines of @Breakingthewall Meditation did NOT work properly for me till I tried Malt. After some trips, now meditation DOES WORK. Like really work. Almost any practice has been iluminated for me after 5meo really. Moreover, now they happen spontaneously -> meditation, prayer, yoga...
  21. Impressive. Why have you decided to do this? Are you more conscious in your everyday life? Do you feel healthier and active? Is this your lifestyle? Do you see yourself doing this all your life?