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Everything posted by Davino

  1. Not the wisest idea. You are playing russian roulette
  2. Question: Why does God not bestow His grace on all? Mataji: For God there are no others. Question: But He is called Dīnadayāla, one who bestows His grace on the humble! Mataji: Yes, He is Dīnadayāla - for those who become humble before Him, ie., those who surrender to Him!
  3. The only worthy thought is the thought of God Prayer is a way to focus your attention in God If you don't know how to pray or what to pray for, tell God that you don't know how to pray and that he himself should teach you how to pray. Sustain as much as possible a chain of thoughts without break to God and God alone. Connect with him. You may call him by any name you prefer. For example God or Infinity. And go on calling him tirelessly all day long. Connection with the breath helps in this proccess. If you call someone by his name whether it is with love, boredom or hate, he answers. In the same way, if you call God by whatever state you find yourself in, he is bound to make his presence felt to you; sooner or later. If you are distracted pray for him to remove that hindrance, if you are tired, bored or sleepy, adhere with even more fervour to his name. The same way when one is ill he takes medicine, when any obstacle rises in the communion with God through prayer, one should take God's name with even more fervour as the medicine that will heal him from all ailments. In this way, one will enter prolonged states of God intensity and oneness. This is how prayer works at the highest level, in case it is useful for you
  4. There is saying that goes, After Awakening there is One God but different personalities
  5. There are things beyond relativity, subjectivity and point of view. Open your mind to the fact that @Razard86 could be talking about such things
  6. Fun fact: Yesterday I met an Iranian person and I had an interesting conversation about his home country Iran, thanks to this challenge I'm starting to see the fruits. Keep the challenge up!!
  7. After this interview Putin may think America is weaker than it actually is
  8. @Princess Arabia Now you are playing Koans with me? The good is the worst enemy of the Great
  9. This whole story reminds me of the The Bell and the Cat fable. For there to be a change, someone has to do the dirty job. But nobody wants to take the risk because the consequences are severe. Who will bell the naughty Putin cat?
  10. Damn, that hit so hard. What an insight from women psychology. Feelings overpower raw truth, I learnt these the bad way with women ahhahah But you never say it so directly so that was genuinly helpful
  11. First of all erradicate that unconscious fear that permeats your whole post in and out if you want to realise clearly what survival is about I found this series very helpful if you have already watched all the survival episodes:
  12. @Razard86 Could you explain me more of this facet of awakening? I really haven't discovered it yet. Any pointers?
  13. Initial thread: So in the initial thread you make this outrageous claim, beyond awakening, that all the meaning in your life and the reason you exist is to know your ultimate destination. First post: Then the first post you make in the thread dismisses your initial post saying that all of that is uncertain and that as it cannot be found in the present moment you cannot know. However as Leo told you, you hope this is the case. How can't you know the true nature of death? when you told me that you had experienced all births and deaths of all beings, in all possible lifetimes in infinity??? Here I'll quote you: All your posts are so painfully incongruent, that, or you are just a shameless lier. I just want to avoid you, but my eyes burn blood every time I read what you post. You cannot make one post without contradicting what you wrote 1 min ago...
  14. "He alone knows to whom He will reveal Himself under which form. By what path and in what manner the Almighty attracts any particular person to Himself with great force is incomprehensible to the human intelligence. The path differs indeed for different pilgrims. Very often He destroys misfortune by misfortune, and removes sorrow by sorrow. To advance in this spirit means for everyone to tread his own path. One's own path is the path that leads to Self-realization, to the supreme, ultimate Goal itself." ~ Anandamayi Ma
  15. I have huge respect for psychonauts going this far. What is your opinion about having this one in a life time experiences? There is certainly a lot to consider in both negative and positive sides.
  16. “For the sake of full awakening one should always try to give time to satsang, discourse on Him, japa, meditation etc. One has got to oneself engaged for twenty four hours - there must not be any break, because the aim is to realize manifestation of the Infinite Self, whose continuity is without break. Verily, it is the true identity of one's own Self.” ~ Anandamayi Ma
  17. What do you want to communicate? Can you provide insights into the central theme of your upcoming book? What is the main message? What is the connecting thread among chapters? What motivated you to undertake this project at this particular time? Why are you writting? Are there any particular audiences you have in mind for this book? Who is it written for? Will your book incorporate any practical exercises or applications for readers to engage with its concepts? Or will it be more theoretical?
  18. @r0ckyreed Meditation is not good for vertical Awakening but is certainly good for horizontal awakening & baseline consciousness