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About Davino

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  • Birthday December 24

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    Barcelona, Spain. Always in your Heart
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  1. Actualized Quotes #111 visual representation
  2. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/sule-guner_ar-vr-ai-activity-7281723633310269441-lyRt?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android Virtual Reality is being used to recreate crime scenarios in court rooms. The ramifications this could have in the legal system are very interesting.
  3. @LambdaDelta Lmao you're wild, you trip hard
  4. That was my a priori framing as well But it doesn't seem to the case for me as far as my Awakening process go, a posteriori. At least when you're going into the trascendental, consciousness saturated, Infinite axis, you understand EVERYTHING but not every-thing. Those things emerge as limitations in the consciousness field, as figmentations of it, the intelligent interplay of Reality or Maya is like unravelling a never ending Knot, understanding comes just for more questions to arise, there is no end in the macro as in the micro, but with the former you kinda get a high level shot that includes every-thing and with the latter you get insight into a thing that as well goes on for Infinity.
  5. If it doesn't happen this year, then you will have failed. Much of success is how we define success, in business they call it Key Performance Indicators. So better you keep to your word, if you aren't able to succeed in following your planification for the course how am I able to trust your service to teach me how to succeed for myself? That's what I'll be thinking as a critical customer, so watchout with your promises
  6. I was thinking about doing something like that in a thread but your idea is even more encompassing.
  7. I cracked the nut when I Awoke to the nature of limits and how this present field of experience is simultaneously a permutation in Infinity and the whole of Infinity itself. There is no way to measure infinity or contrast it with anything else, it's Absolute Infinity which includes Infinite Infinity and limited Infinity. Division vs Unity - The Engine That Runs Reality The Ultimate Structure Of Reality Explained
  8. @r0ckyreed Funny enough, I have forgiven myself of all my epistemic errors, materialist delusions and scientific dogma But one thing Just one statement about the nature of Reality How on earth could I ever, EVER, believe such a thing Literally reality is so intelligent that it leaves me speechless It's Infinitely Intelligent Literally at every level you can imagine, everything is being handled in a perfect brilliant way It's pure Genius
  9. And the problem is? I usually quote it but I could have copy pasted it from Wikipedia as well. I don't get why suddenly if it's from AI it is looked down, just remove that barrier from the mind and appreciate that it's a better summary than what I could have ever done and it adds value. I had a long conversation with GPT -o1 and told it give a summary in the end for you. Otherwise, what is your original question. Is it him? Yes it is. I was trying to give more context...
  10. Question: MA, when you exist as the total, do you see us at that moment? MA: You see, I don’t express such things to everybody. I am the partial state referred by you but I am not the part. My holistic state referred by you, I am that too but I am not the total; I am neither limitless nor bound by limit. I am both at the same time. If you define me as a part, I am being confined within limitations - again if you say I am the whole there too I am being confined. But I have no limits, no bindings; again, I have all the bondages. That I am eating, sleeping, is my partial state of being and that is how I have limits; again, I don’t need to eat and sleep, that is how I am limitless. Starting from the small flies and insects I am the infinite universe. You are asking me whether I could see you when I am the total; I say, why only you, one who never heard of me, never saw me, in his need I could see him too, I accomplish his demand also - MA.
  11. Because they are wise Wise as well; for the one that has crossed the sea shall see those everpresent views Here's one: Why did the chef write a sad recipe book? Because every time someone tried a dish, they said, “This recipe is tear-able!” (But don’t worryno onions were harmed in the making of that pun!) You'll have to deal with your mind want it or not. Better cultivate it and make it intelligent, virtuous and wise.
  12. Yep, I've been gaslighted many times with such arguments. It def is bizarre but it works for me and for many other people; maybe that's why it is so popular among authoritarian regimes, because it works in drilling things into your subconscious mind. Of course this technique is just complementary to all the rest of work I do, but has proven itself to be quite useful. Why do teenagers put up posters of their favorite singers or stars on their walls? Have you ever wondered? There's something much more profound going on.
  13. Go ahead! I hope to see your crafted word document about the most gorgeous women to contemplate.
  14. It has been used in many other fields like spirituality and learning but it seemed to click a lot with my mind's ability to connect. Psychedelics just brought it to the next level. Take LSD and or 5meo and go over the document it will flod your mind with insights, it feels like getting hit with a baseball bat in a part of the brain you didn't even know existed. For me it is indifferent, the picture is self-contained. It's a manifestation in its own right so to speak.