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Everything posted by UpperMaster

  1. @LSD-Rumi Well, because both an enlightened person and a insane person can experience a sense of non-duality, a loss of separation. The guy in the video explains how he thought he experienced many of the things Leo talks about merely due to his condition.
  2. What about this, lets say you take a psychedelic and you have visions, do you call them hallucinations or an enlightenment experience? Like you remain functional after the experience. I think I really started getting caught up on this. Some ppl on the forum say they had an enlightenment experience by just taking a bunch of mushrooms for the first time. Is that really enlightenment, seems like just a realization while high. If thats enlightenment, then contemplation could be enlightenment no?
  3. This I feel is very important. Very good point. I watch videos multiple times, and I encourage you to take notes and think through everything Leo says. This I feel goes for all the intellectual content you consume. You MUST make sure that your processing all the information you consume through your own mind, because only you can know how it applies to your life. This is of paramount importance. I think if you do this, it will be easier to categorize the information you hear. You will be able to get out the most important information that you can use.
  4. @Magnanimous I think only Leo can answer this question. In general though, you'd only want to take in what makes sense for you.
  5. Yes, but I also don't doubt that traumatic events can cause some depression. Like bruv, if you fighting a fuckin war, or your being exploited regularly it is natural to be depressed. Its just that many people in modern society use depression as an excuse to be complacent.
  6. This is good to hear bruv. Yea I've had the exact same effect! On further analysis, I think the reason why it vanished very quickly is not because depression is not real, I think there are people that actually have depression as a genetic condition or depression caused by ptsd, but because the symptoms of depression and the symptoms of an individual that is low in the social hierarchy is the exact same. I think there should be a clear separation. Even doctors supposedly blindly give out anti-depressants just because you meet the symptoms.
  7. This is most definitely a joke. But I'm not going to lie I can definitely see a whole lot of people blindly taking this attitude. If I saw this in the 6th Grade that's it, I would have become ultra misogynist. And lets be real a quarter is following is probs in middle school. So definitely thousands of kids prolly take mindset after listening to this.
  8. Good for you. I think you set your standard high, so great! I feel like you understand where I'm coming from so I wont go around in circles. Narcissists don't enjoy relationships as regular people do so they just see people as assets/burdens and act accordingly. That's why it is easier for them to become materialistically successful. Spiritually developing might be a bit harder. That's it, enjoy your day.
  9. Black and white enough to explain my point properly. No. That's besides the point. Never said anything about inspiration. I'm trying to explain to you that what 9/10 people deem as successful is material success and yes Stalin was incredibly successful.
  10. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I would phrase what he said differently. It is not that people that are in stage green or even yellow can't explore psychedelics and awakening properly. Rather that for most people, it is important to actually go through stage orange, and not just skip it. I feel that many people force themself to be stage green or yellow when they just aren't, that's where the problem is. I don't think there is any problem with being stage orange, and in my mind, I am really trying to explore this stage, so that I can properly transition to yellow, which is most definitely a better stage to be.
  11. Alright yea this makes a lot of sense, thanks. I do have a doubt tho. Even though selfishness boomerangs, why hasn't it boomeranged for other extremely selfish people (like corrupt CEOs)? It seems like the most selfish narcissists are the first to live a better life, more successful life. There are so many evil motherfuckers that live way better than most people. Wheres the boomerang effect here? I have a feeling your referring to some sort of metaphysical consequence. What am I misunderstanding?
  12. @Leo Gura Alright but isn't the whole point of self improvement selfish, especially in the beginning? The goal is to make your life better for yourself. Clarify please
  13. Yea this sums up my opinion aswell. Idk about truth, isn't it all relative?
  14. What men, where, who? Devil meaning what. He believes in mental fortitude and winning, he is confident in himself and teaches his values to people (which isn't to rape woman). If anything below stage green is devilry, then almost everyone's attitude makes them a devil. Hundred percent, I've pointed out the fact that his advice is pretty basic. Ok, this isn't so much a rebuttal, I'm just curious. Who do you think teaches masculinity well. Let me know.
  15. @Raze @Leo Gura @thepixelmonk I don't understand, and I'm really trying to figure out where people get the idea that he teaches how to rape women. Massive assumption, reply with evidence because I'm curious man. I would definitely say that he has instigated positive change on the youth, because my friends have benefited from him. One of my good friends got into self improvement because of Andrew Tate, I never seen him not play a video game for over a month, ever. He's now slowly progressed to more holistic self improvement, and this change in him wouldn't of happened without Tate. He does not provide any extraordinary advice, that's pretty obvious. He still manages to motivate young men to change their life, not because of his advice but because he portrays a highly masculine and attractive character. No-matter how good advice you give, it won't matter shit if no-on wants to listen. Tate motivated thousands to start listening to some advice, to start changing their life. Look, you can reply calling me an ignorant stage orange dickhead, but I ask you to actually tell me why you think what you think, because otherwise its damn hard to change my mind.
  16. Yes, I'm unsure on whether narcissists live a fulfilling life at all. Here's where I would disagree with you. For the vast majority of individuals, "winning" refers to professional accomplishment. I assume that the main objective for the majority of individuals is to advance in the social hierarchy and achieve monetary success. The reason I am saying this is because I want to highlight that the goal of a regular person and the goal of a narcissist don't deffer that much at all. What makes a narcissist a narcissist is his inability to empathize with other people and not a difference in objectives (of like 90 percent of population, yes there are exceptions). Therefore, I would say that narcissists are probably going to be more successful than the majority of the population (in achieving their goal). I don't think that their mental condition would slow them down. They have an advantage when it comes to monetary gain, and stage orange success. Are they limited to stage orange? Yes you can argue that but most people are stuck in stage orange, so yea he/she will probably be more successful than most people. Trump yes maybe. And yes, although too much self confidence may seem like a problem in the long term, intelligent narcissists end up being so much more successful than the regular chap that his self confidence is more of a perk than something negative. Like you can say oh too much self confidence led to Stalin's downfall that's why you must stay humble but cmon, he did end up becoming so powerful he could do anything to anyone, and there wasn't anyone who rivaled his power except like Hitler who was another narcissistic psycho. okkkkiiii Ay anyway let me know what you think
  17. @Tyler Robinson Both fail? How do you over generalize two large groups of people hehe. 1. All results makers were dreamers at some point 2. Many Narcissists often do get what they want. They don't have the limiting beliefs that stop most people from taking action. I mean cool post and all but I don't see the point.
  18. @Leo Gura I assume this does not mean don't take any guidance at all. As that would invalidate your work as a teacher no? Also doesn't learning from other people speed up your own learning process, spiritual or not? It makes sense why you shouldn't ingrain dogma into your brain but taking advice does not seem harmful in the long run. Also if we forget the spiritual mumbo jumbo for a second, do you think it is wise to completely live your life out of your own experience and eliminate any other view? If that was the case then I have a feeling I would be stuck in stage orange, the reason I am even thinking about enlightenment is because I wasn't close minded enough to reject it.
  19. @Leo Gura Has there been any other spiritual master that have claimed to experience earth in such a way? Usually I look at what many people say on a certain subject However, it appears that you are the only viewpoint in this regard (earth being conscious). Also who do you consider to be actually great Spiritual masters, now that you've researched and experienced this much?