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Everything posted by mr_engineer

  1. Sex, domination or intimacy?
  2. What's the priority out of all of these for you specifically? It's unrealistic to find someone who's a 10 on all of these scales.
  3. I didn't call you a moron. I said that I see being logical with women as important to filter out morons. And I'm pointing out contradictions in what you're saying. That's different from calling you a moron!! It's okay to take the L sometimes. Just saying.
  4. This was a reply to a point I was making, calling BS on the point of 'sense of humor'. And, what I was saying there, was that the pick-up community emphasizes the importance of 'sense of humor' to get laid. Then, when I talk about sense of humor, you bring up sex! That's why I assumed you were making a connection there.
  5. Amen. I already won. What she's saying is full of contradictions. I swear, that is the easy way out. How do you filter out the morons, though?! You need someone with a brain to commit to. Cuz you need to know you can trust her.
  6. If I ask you to describe an 'alpha man', you will 100% come up with some fantastical definition that doesn't match with reality. I challenge you to define 'alpha man' in realistic terms.
  7. What does 'having a sense of humor', 'sharing a laugh' and 'not whining and complaining' have to do with 'taking responsibility'? How is vulnerability antithetical to 'taking responsibility'?! I'm not justifying what he did. I'm trying to understand your reasons for breaking it. And, you talked about 'making matters easier'. Is that what you want? For things to be 'easy'? Cuz that's not reality. If you want a caveman who lives in a fantasy in which 'everything's easy', feel free to go for them. 'Taking responsibility' will be an easy choice for them! Until shit hits the fan. Then you'll feel betrayed by the moron you chose, who didn't think it through, cuz he was so simple-minded.
  8. @Tyler Robinson I'm talking about 'cavemen', men who are meatheads who don't have the brains that a software-guy would. And brains are pretty much everything in this complex world. That's what it takes to 'take care of things'! I'm not saying that others can't survive. I'm saying that if you want the strongest men, they are the software-developers. Technology is what separates humans from animals, at the end of the day. These are the actual alphas in the real world. And, cavemen have no brains, no impulse-control. These are not your 'protective alphas'. And, because they have physical strength, they will be abusive. That is a guarantee.
  9. Who told you that a caveman will know how to take care of stuff in this modern world?! When you nag your caveman for screwing something up, the beatings come for free!!
  10. You can't say that 'sex is important to you' and that 'sex is a part of humor' in one sentence. Cuz you've also said that strength is more important to you than humor!
  11. @Tyler Robinson What does 'sense of humor' have to do with sex?! I thought that women were into men who have 'strength'!! And, in this technocratic world, software-developers are the strongest men. Do you see sex as a way to be intimate and connect, or is it something trivial and 'light'?!
  12. @Tyler Robinson Okay. So, your answer to my question is 'strength', right? That's what I'm gathering from your answer. So much BS about 'sense of humor' this and that. There are people here saying that software-developers can't get women cuz they're 'boring' or something. I swear, I've never seen anything like the pick-up community when it comes to spreading limiting-beliefs about dating. And, to answer your question, why one would exclude the other,
  13. @Tyler Robinson Is 'strength' more important, or 'having an interesting personality'?! The latter is said to come from having a 'sense of humor'. There are all of these myths in the male world. What do you have to say about them?
  14. Do you like someone who's serious or do you like someone who has a good sense of humor?! The mixed-message is undeniable.
  15. That's what a monarch fundamentally is. A slave-master. And that's how they see themselves, no matter who you are! This was not an assumption about you. It was merely a fact about monarchy.
  16. You can feel free to mourn the loss of your slave-masters. In the meantime, here's what the Irish have to say about that.
  17. @Someone here Where do you live? If you live in a small-town in India, that's a very, very obvious problem. Chase some success and move to a big city. Like Mumbai, Delhi or Chennai. Or, better still, tourist-destinations like Goa, Pondicherry, etc. There you'll meet lots of hot women. And online-dating is by far the worst way to meet women. You should look to meet them through work-circles or gym-circles. If you go to the gym, for example, 99% of your confidence-issues with escalation will go away! That's how you bridge the 'league-gap', so to speak, in terms of looks. Cuz your body-language and skin will get better.
  18. I would rather ask her for her 'dating-resume' lol.
  19. @Norbert Somogyi You're welcome! With all due respect, when you say you don't want a long-term relationship right now, I don't get it. The reason being that you're getting attached to women with whom things go well. If you have karma to burn, maybe consider open relationships?
  20. You need to rewire your subconscious such that you're attracted to women who you're compatible with. Essentially, you need to really learn compatibility. The issue right now is that on the one hand, you're getting attached to these women who you don't really want a long-term relationship with (essentially, you're friendzoning them), on the other hand, there are going to be some really hot women who you want a long-term relationship with, for rational, sexual-compatibility reasons, but you're not pursuing that. My suggestion would be to pursue that! And stop wasting your time getting attached to girls you don't want a long-term relationship with. HTH!!
  21. RIP Trust-fund billionaire who is irrelevant to modern times.
  22. @Vercingetorix Have standards for the quality of woman you will approach.
  23. @Jalextheopenminded You were talking about tourism, so that's what I responded to. All of this is being done for capitalistic, marketing-purposes. Grifters benefit from keeping it alive! The reason authenticity has such a strong pull on us, in this context, is the fact that humanity, as a whole, has a common history. Cuz the past cannot be changed, whatever happened happened, so a big uniting force is having the same historic worldview being taught across schools all over the world. History gives us a collective identity, a collective worldview. We are our past! We are our past memories. No past, no identity! The reason authenticity has such a strong pull on us, is that it calls us to ourselves, our identity. Collectively.
  24. The idea is that ultimately, our Absolute God-self is the creator of everything. Including the cultures that are 'externally created'. But, as a human self, the way we 'create' it, is by getting someone else to create it for us! If we're in the tourist-role. And, if we're in the tourism-role, we do the creating in and of itself! Humans are finite and limited in what we can do. So, we help each other get what we want, through transactions. #Capitalism. And yes, the corruptions of capitalism will affect your creations and the intellectual-integrity of it. Cuz reality is a strange-loop, therefore all the creations will have a 'glitch' in them. Because they're imperfect!
  25. @assx95 Do you want to be with women whose friends don't respect the privacy of her dating-life?! It's the awkwardness created by her friend that was the problem. You didn't reject yourself. You rejected her! I wouldn't worry too much about it.