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Everything posted by mr_engineer

  1. Through more Spiral Wizardry. Here's what my assessment says - people who are stuck at Orange are either materially deprived, or they are psychologically stuck in the rat-race. If you're materially deprived, you just have to grow through Orange. There are no shortcuts. No amount of progressivism is going to fix that. And, if you're psychologically stuck in the rat-race, you have to become more spiritual. You have to work on your mental and emotional health. And get help in doing so. Again, nothing to do with politics or 'progressivism'. Today's progressivism, or identity-politics, is grievance-politics, for the most part. It has nothing to do with 'helping society go up the Spiral', fundamentally. It's a projection of their own agenda for themselves onto the rest of society. Therefore, it's not above the corruptions that it says that 'others' have. It's very tribalistic, in fact. Day 1, lesson 1 of Spiral-Wizardry is to see through this game of fear and shame and to transcend it. And, if you're a progressive and you want change, be the change you want to see in the world.
  2. If you take spirituality too seriously, a mainstream therapist is going to diagnose you with something and medicate you to 'bring you back to physical reality'. Completion-process practitioners are way better. They're actually trained in inner-child work.
  3. Someone who doesn't let his emotions dictate his actions, who isn't emotionally reactive. Someone who is able to take a step back, be present and apply his reason and logic and use his judgement in a tough situation. Including emergencies.
  4. @Antor8188 A similar thing happened with me. I got 10 rejections and then, a fat girl signalled to me that she wanted to talk. Her friend-group had open body-language, which I could tell by the orientation of their feet. What this essentially showed me is that the previous 10 rejections weren't personal. Because none of these girls knew a single thing about me. And yet, purely at random, some were down to talk and some weren't. Don't compare yourself to your friends. You have different lives. And, sometimes, when you're walking down the street and you pass by a couple, try to listen to what they're talking about. 99% of the time, it's trash! Sometimes, I'm envying the guy from afar and then when I get closer and hear what they're talking about, I stop envying him. My point is that they have lower standards, so they settle for stuff you won't settle for.
  5. @NoSelfSelf I think OP is talking about porn more like a widespread systemic social issue than an individual issue. Individuals, of course, can be responsible with it. But, the reality is that most people aren't. More like a fat person demonizing junk food. Yes, they're still responsible for their indiscriminate consumption of it. But, there is reason to demonize junk food in and of itself. And, I think, same with porn.
  6. Talk about something other than your dating-lives, go to the gym together, play sports together, etc. Don't involve each other in your dating-lives.
  7. Was she worth it? Did you get something long-term with her after letting go of something long-term with your friend? If not, bros before hoes.
  8. Primary 1.8, secondary 1.4
  9. The domains of Consciousness and personality are separate, for sure. But, the domains of personality and being a spiritual teacher, i.e. a teacher of Consciousness? Not so much. I'm trying my level best to not come across like I'm making excuses for him. But, if he is like this, honestly, we have one option, and that is to change our attitude in the way we listen to him. That's what I think. There is another problem in the spiritual community. There are too many zen-devils who think they have it all figured out. And that just because they have one or two awakenings, they're 'omniscient' and they know everything there is to know. Expertise and experience has respect in all other fields, but somehow, in spirituality, because of 'non-duality' and 'we are all One', expertise loses its respect here. The Dunning-Kruger effect is on steroids here for this reason. In such a situation, how is an expert supposed to assert their expertise, without sounding 'arrogant'? If Steve Jobs comes into an audience full of people and says 'Nobody in this room knows about computers as much as I do, and I will be able to maybe teach one person here the deep knowledge about computers that I have to offer', everyone will nod along without resistance. It will rub some people the wrong way but they'll fundamentally suck it up. But, in spirituality, you can't prove your expertise using billions of dollars, cuz that's 'materialism', which is a trap! How do you prove it, then?! What's the alternative to what Leo is doing?
  10. It's not me who's making it about Consciousness. It's him. He's saying that this is what he has to do to teach about Consciousness. And, this is his justification. Do you have anything to counter that? Do you have an improvement for him? Cuz what he's saying, is that this is a systemic issue in the delivery, that this is how his delivery has to be to maintain his quality of work. And, I have PMed you with some clues I have for this, since you're the one who's bringing this up and I don't want to create a scene here. I'm just grateful that he's doing what he's doing and I choose to not really publicly object to who he is as a person. I publicly voice objections only relative to the way he runs the forum, if and when I disagree with it.
  11. Well, these people paid the largest criminal fine in US history. So, I would not put this past them. It's a very real possibility.
  12. @Vlad_ How much do you care about her experience? From what I've seen, if you're having sex for the pleasure, if the pleasure is the only thing motivating you to have it, it will not fulfil you. Simply because pleasure is not happiness. Pat yourself on the back for seeing this, first and foremost. Then, stop chasing sex for a while. These are the symptoms of a sex-addiction. Heal it like you would heal any other addiction - by working on the trauma you're using the addiction to run away from. Keep doing this, until you discover yourself deeper in a sexual context. Specifically, who you are as a giver of sexual pleasure. Then, seek out a compatible partner and commit to her.
  13. In Leo's defence, if you truly understand Consciousness, you should not need validation from Leo. Because Consciousness is prior to these ego-games. One way of looking at this is that 'he's just an egotistical narcissist who isn't being respectful to his viewers, bad for business, etc.' Another way of looking at it, is that he's testing your ego to see how much it can handle. The statement being made here is that he is never ever going to give validation to your ego. This would be a problem in any other context, where your survival-needs depended on being able to get this validation in the wider world. But, in this context, he can get away with it.
  14. BUT LEEEOOOOO........................*insert objection #152*
  15. This is not just about getting to awakening, which Buddhism teaches. It's about embodying the principles of an awakened person. One of the principles is impermanence. Which is precisely why every awakening is different! Awakening, as an experience, is temporary!! But, life as an enlightened person is a spiritual journey.
  16. Leo is adopting a scientific attitude towards it. Where, if you want to know what 20 trips have to offer, you do 20 trips. Every trip will be different. It's one thing to awaken. Every awakening is unique and every awakening is infinite! (That's a strange-loop) And, it's another thing to qualify yourself to teach awakening. This takes a lot of exploration of awakening in and of itself. To resonate with different kinds of people.
  17. @no_name I think that's a more reasonable position. Fine. I'm letting this go, no hard feelings. Guys, be willing to step up and defend yourselves when shit like this gets thrown at you. Someone uses the word 'misogyny', alarm-bells should be ringing in your mind.
  18. I've made this exact mistake of letting people say shit like this about me. I was like 'big deal, they're full of shit anyways'. Then, it actually happened. When people come at you with bullshit and false accusations, defend yourself. Never ever entertain people who hate you in your own home.
  19. 'I think Leo should be cancelled for this thing that I have no proof for'. Does this also pass? What comes next? 'I think Leo should be shot for this thing that I have no proof for'?! The whole Andrew Tate phenomenon has totally rotted the minds of feminists and now, they're out to get anyone who teaches young men how to date. To say that, is to openly hate on you. You should not allow this here. My 2 cents. This is not 'constructive criticism', before someone points at the title of the thread. In such a situation, young men have to defend you. I'm doing my part. I give you permission to ban her. The rest is upto you.
  20. Go feminism. I don't think you should cancel people you have absolutely nothing against. And people will believe you for it. Cuz that's how brainwashed everyone is. Girl-power. What's the sin? Making content geared towards young men. Why is that a sin? Cuz young men don't deserve shit. And they should die in hell. Heck, they shouldn't even exist!
  21. @Inliytened1 He doesn't tell anyone that they absolutely have to do as he says to get laid. It's just his way of doing it and what's worked for him. By the way, pick-up is not something that resonates with me. Because I want a relationship. But, I can perfectly understand that it resonates with guys who want casual sex and not a serious relationship. I do agree that if you want a relationship, you have to do things differently. There is no shortcut or algorithm for it, it's long-term personal-development. And long-term positioning of yourself for compatible people. But, calling guys who just want casual sex 'misogynistic', just shows the petty attitude of the people using that word.
  22. No, some people are believing you cuz they're brainwashed by feminism with the word 'misogyny'. But, mostly, people are seeing through it. All of this is abstract stuff pointing to one person. That's a personal attack.