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Everything posted by mr_engineer

  1. Yes, those normative standards are evil. They've always been. It's just that we're able to talk about it now, because the manifestation of this evil is happening now. Tell me what's not evil about a system that conditions people into being dogmatic and that then uses this dogmatism to manipulate people into doing their bidding. Keep in mind that dogmatic people side with whoever has money and power, because they want some of it themselves. Because they're running in a rat-race. If you consider wage-slavery as evil (which it clearly is, because it makes people disconnected to and unconscious about what they do and this results in selfishness and blind pursuit of their best-interest), that's a normative standard. And, this wage-slavery is the product of this system.
  2. On the one hand, you think that people are very stupid and you don't want to give them the benefit of the doubt. And, on the other hand, you think that they should be able to epistemically beat the big corporations who don't want stuff like this to come out. The truth will come out, one way or another. It's for you to decide which side of it you're going to be on. And how conscious you're going to be about it. And, never ever make the mistake of believing that it's the truth just because mainstream sources say so.
  3. The problems with the epistemic ecosystem are not a bug, they're a feature. It's because people are fundamentally dogmatic. And, the reason for that, is the way the education-system works. Where you get points for regurgitating an official narrative. Your interpretation does not matter to the system. Even though, ultimately, what you do is based on your interpretation. This is not a bug of the system, it's a feature. No one at Tier-1 is immune to this. Given the way the education-system conditions people into being dogmatic and fundamentalist (do keep in mind that the origin of it was religious indoctrination-camps), it only makes sense that the media is able to position itself as a 'credible source of information' when it's funded by the same people who fund the government, who is responsible for the education-system. Yes, they farm the people to become dogmatic first, then use the media to take advantage of people's epistemic weakness/lack of thinking-skills to rile them up and do their bidding.
  4. @Hansli It's shit-testing. Big red-flag in my opinion. I run from women who do that shit. It's a waste of time. Seek out women who treat you with respect. I was attracted to a girl who did that once, when I was 13. Then, I learned my lesson. And, from that point on, all of the girls I took seriously treated me with respect.
  5. Your question was about her. That's what I answered. If you'd asked about yourself, like 'What should I have done differently', I would've answered that!
  6. Waste of time. You want someone who respects you. Tell her to take this shit and go f herself! And, you should learn to spot red flags. You want someone who is self-disciplined and who has the right priorities. And who acts like an adult. Who can handle situations in her life and make time for you. Spot red flags in people who can't do that and de-prioritize them. Men need to raise their standards and stop putting up with this crap.
  7. Stage Green also trolls the emotional sensitivity of the lower stages. Nothing new there. The difference is that they should know better, cuz they're sensitive themselves.
  8. I hold Stage Green people to a higher standard than people from the previous stages. Which is why my criticisms for them can be harsher. I think they should know better than what they're doing right now. I don't think the same about the other stages. I have a troll-face as my profile-pic. I hold no loyalty to any movement. I have plenty of criticisms of the bro-culture and pick-up as well!
  9. The woke crowd can be very cynical. They can perceive a lot of problems but they don't have any solutions to them. So, this negative role-modelling from woke adults is not doing teens any favors. This is because of feminist propaganda. It has viciously attacked and stigmatized masculinity and masculine behavior in the past couple of decades, because of which liberal boys, who don't want to exhibit 'toxic masculinity', because they're aware of the problems with that, are left with one option - to turn against their masculinity. Boys are being taught right now that being male is bad. That will cause depression. Redpill spaces talk about some brutal truths about women and dating. Watching that content is a hit or miss. You watch someone good, you're gonna be fine. You watch Andrew Tate, you're in trouble. What they get right, though, is that feminism is the enemy of masculinity in men. All masculinity, toxic and healthy. Which is why their positioning as a reactionary movement makes sense. And, conservative girls are in touch with their femininity. So, they have good, well-defined principles in dealing with boys. They're more respectable to men, which is why they're going to have less depression.
  10. @Emerald What is 'masculinity' and 'femininity' according to you? Is it an energy, a pattern of behavior, an identity, a mindset, an epistemology? What is it? My pea-brain is getting confused by these big words.
  11. @Emerald How important do you think it is for two people to have the same mental-associations with 'masculinity' and 'femininity' for a relationship to work? I'd assume that it's very important. When we talk about 'archetypes', there comes a lot of room for argument, actually. Precisely because they vary from culture to culture. I prefer operating by my personal definitions. Because they come from practical experience. And, I find this way of relating to these concepts to be more practically useful. What if I meet someone who disagrees with my definitions? What should I do in that situation, according to you? Also, if I relate to the concepts like this, the point of doing this work becomes, to have a working masculine/feminine dynamic in a relationship. I found your way of doing it very theoretical, so I couldn't fully put my finger on your reasoning to do it. And, you're saying that the point of it is authenticity. Even that's an abstract concept to me, if I'm looking for tangible results from this work. It's a good principle to have. But, I'm trying to be more pragmatic in justifying my investment of time and energy into this work. Why this way and why not some other way to be authentic? Is how my thinking goes. And, what does 'authenticity' practically mean? In what context? If it's in the context of some relationship, how helpful is it, really, to sit alone in a room and conceptualize of this stuff? After all, if masculine and feminine energy are two sides of the same coin, shouldn't they be allowed to express and worked on in each other's presence?
  12. Screw it, then. My link has my real name.
  13. @Emerald What is the point of doing this work, according to you? This sounds very theoretical to me. I don't fully see the practical relevance of this work. I mean, fine, you want to say 'rationality is masculine and emotionality is feminine and that's not inferior', but isn't it all just a word-game at the end of the day? I mean, I consider 'passion' to be masculine! If both are energies, to call all of emotionality 'feminine' is an attempt to monopolize all energy as 'feminine', right?!
  14. @Emerald Yeah, of course, there are tons of resources for theory. I'm talking about the actual psychological work, though. Can it be done alone? Or, does it have to be done in the context of relationship? And, if so, which is better? Therapy or the experience of bad relationships and then learning from them? The thing is that there is a lot of good theory out there. But, there can be a dearth of practical data-points/good demonstrations of the application of the theory. Which is where the problematic role-models sneak in with their twisted interpretations of it.
  15. @Devin You're the first guy I've ever heard saying that she's a 6. Who would be a 10 for you, then?!
  16. @Emerald Okay. I get what you're saying. Do you think that individuals can do this work alone? Or that they need therapy? Or that they have to go through the experience of bad relationships first and then go the hard way?
  17. @Something Funny I guess everyone will agree that Scarlett Johannsen is a 10.
  18. In case you missed it last time - how does this solve men's problems in relation to dating, sex and relationships?
  19. The OP asserted that 'the fact that men are scared of their feminine side is the problem'. So, I'm asking for further elaboration on that. I'm really not sure what 'feminine' means and what it means in the context of men. I'm getting some education here!
  20. And, how does this solve men's problems in relation to dating, sex and relationships?
  21. What is your solution? How do you stop being scared of your feminine side?
  22. @Roy I can totally relate. I have a similar story. I was a naive kid at the time, thinking that 'Technology is what separates humans from animals. In fact, technology is what separates first-world countries from third-world countries, the rich from the poor. So, more technology = more progress!' The reality is that in an unconscious world, we will use technology to create more and more separation. And, that is a more important problem to solve.
  23. @Emerald It would be a pyramid-scheme. Because the 'high-status' is by proxy! And, who is that proxy?! Similar women. This is how Andrew Tate's thing would work.