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Everything posted by mr_engineer

  1. Don't cold-approach on a routine basis in a Blue country. What Leo says about 'night-game' and 'day-game' literally doesn't apply in a Blue country. Even in the best-case scenario, if there are no toxic regressive elements holding you back, someone will ask you 'What are you doing, spending thousands of hours chasing vagina?! Don't you have something more productive or constructive to do with your time?!' You will get a bad reputation, not because you want to get laid, but because it's seen as something decadent and frivolous. Survival is just harder in these countries, so it'll be expected that you have better things to do with your time than to do pick-up. If you come across someone cute who you have the opportunity to talk to, take it. But, that would be a lucky accident anyways. It's not too reliable. (Don't be surprised if someone gives you a hooker's number, lol. Some pimp will approach you and say 'Here's my girl's number, these will be the charges'.) Now, what do you do about social-skills? In a Stage Blue country, privacy and individual identity aren't that much of a thing. So, you shouldn't struggle that much to talk to people in and of itself. Now, learning to treat people with respect is its own thing that you won't learn in a Stage Blue country. This is why you leave and go elsewhere, to a more developed country. Stage Blue relationships are not about mutual happiness. Rather, they are about compromise and maintaining a social image. You have to play the image-game even if you don't personally care what other people think of you. The reason is that people, in general, aren't very respectful to each other. So, if they think you're 'weird', they will get into conflicts with you. Very serious, problematic conflicts. Like landlords not giving you an apartment for rent cuz you're young and single. Which is why, originally, I said that if you want a happy relationship, you leave.
  2. @Jacob Morres No, it's not doable here. It's very dangerous, there is a mob-mentality relative to any guy speaking to a girl. It's seen as harassment. If someone notices any 'weird behavior', you're getting reported and you're being put on a watch-list. There is a lot of backwardness here even relative to single young people in general. Single young people have a hard time renting a place, because of the house-parties. Landlords have a problem with the noise it makes, so some just don't do it. I'm just being real about the reality of these countries. Relationships are not about 'love' and 'intimacy' in these countries. They are about who can put food on the table and who can cook and clean. There is a reason arranged-marriage is still the norm in these countries.
  3. Then it depends on how much you love your culture. If you love it, date there. If not, leave. And, keep in mind that there will be cultural shadows that you'll have to answer to either way. Things will get tricky at some point if you want something long-term. Be sure that you like your culture for the right reasons. If you do, if you know your culture well enough to make up your mind, you will have solutions to the problems it'll pose to you. But, if you're like me and you're like 'fuck this shit', leave!
  4. Arranged-marriage is the norm in Stage Blue countries. Depending on how developed the country is, you will either have to conform to it or you will have the option to battle the system itself. The battle for sexual-autonomy will be hard won either way. And pick-up is safe only after you have sexual autonomy. So, a hell no for pick-up in a Stage Blue country. Maybe go through social circle and date like that. You will be more shielded from the bullshit of the society. But, the danger here is that you may not have access to the hotter women. And you will be psychologically held back by the unconsciousness of your circle. So, there are trade-offs. I personally prefer just leaving the country and being free to date.
  5. I live in a Stage Blue country. And, it's pretty normal here for pick-up to be equated to sexual-harassment, because the community wants to 'defend their women'. There is no such thing as 'sexual autonomy' here. Female virginity is valued very highly, so if you, as a guy, besmirch the purity of their young women, the community will come for you. When you sleep with someone, it is assumed that you intend to commit to them. And, when you don't, the community will see it as 'rape', because you broke a 'promise to commit' that you didn't make, but they assumed that you made. And, consent is supposed to be given under the condition of future commitment. If the promise of commitment is not kept, the consent is revoked in the future. Bottom-line - Stage Blue countries are insane. Pick-up and casual sex are too risky in these countries.
  6. The question is - will the Stage Blue society allow you to date in peace? Or, will the religious authorities get in your way and use brute-force to stop you from dating a woman of their community? Don't take things like personal sovereignty when it comes to relationship-decisions for granted. This stuff doesn't really exist in Blue countries. There is lots of pressure from parents to get an arranged-marriage. They tend to only want to marry within their community, with people they know. Trust is built through familiarity, there is a huge level of sensitivity against 'outsiders'. Tribalism is huge in such countries.
  7. Every gap, fundamentally, exists because of a bunch of limiting-beliefs that the market holds relative to the unmet need that defines that gap. So, what the entrepreneur has to do, is to first figure out a way to meet that need by creating a product and getting a product-market fit. Then, the next step is for the entrepreneur to understand their market's limiting-beliefs relative to their need. Then, when it's time to market, the entrepreneur/marketer should hit at their limiting-beliefs and show them a new way to meet that need. And pitch their product as the solution! It is the most perceptive people of your market who will understand what you're saying to them. You want your values to align with their values in order to get long-term success in your marketing-venture. This will make or break your future in that niche. It will definitely make or break your ability to create a market-disruption in your favor!
  8. If you follow your gut, everything is going to be okay. Basically, your gut is going to lead you to your Life-Purpose. I'd suggest you drop the money-question and focus entirely on finding your Life-Purpose. That will show you the gift that you have to offer to the world. Then, you will get much better ideas as to how to encash your gift. And, you will have the willpower, the inspiration and the creativity to pull through the obstacles in actualizing these ideas. Following your gut is the single best thing you can do for your creativity. You will bypass all creative blocks on this route. In fact, I'd suggest that you focus on creating whatever aligns with your creative-capacities. And pick a craft to master. And build a vision relative to that. To answer your question, this is the alternative to selling your soul for money.
  9. I use the word 'abuse' in a more traditional sense, like it includes flogging or choking, etc. It's not disrespectful if done consensually.
  10. No, it's not a good idea. If you want a happy relationship, just get out of a Blue country.
  11. The sexual animal in you is not respectful towards women. That's what I'm gathering from this. I'd suggest that you just keep learning more and more about relationships and intimacy and what makes relationships work. Especially compatibility. This will give you more of an idea as to what kind of woman you should be going for and how you would practically make it work. If you are able to figure out more civilized ways of making it work, you will let go of your rape-fantasies. I will draw a distinction between just domination/control-fantasies vs rape-fantasies. The former can be respectful, the latter will not be. Even though both can be consensual. And, it's fine to engage in a consensual rape-fantasy, nothing morally wrong with it. However, a rape-fantasy is probably not going to fly in the context of relationship with someone who you truly love. Your own conscience will not want to be disrespectful towards her. (Abuse/infliction of pain can be consensual, disrespect can't be.) There are people who engage in all kinds of fantasies. However, some fantasies will take you in the direction of unconsciousness and that will get in your way in making serious relationships work. Rape-fantasies fall into that category. So, I'd advise you be careful with those.
  12. This kind of person was 'normal' before COVID came up. And, this kind of person evolves (ironically) through the pandemic, not believing the official narrative. About the 'evolution not existing' part - I think that's a word-game. Just figure out what word she uses to explain people changing/living beings changing as an adaptation to their environment. I think you can change her mind about the evolution-thing. And, saying casually racist/homophobic/transphobic stuff was relatively normal before such people started getting cancelled. And, before the mainstream started getting forced to be politically correct. It's still normal outside first-world countries. I think that you should focus on the positives and not the negatives. If she understands masculinity and femininity and if she loves you, you can talk this shit out and come to an agreement sooner or later.
  13. @Hardkill That is a very good question to ponder. Especially if you've been listening to CNN about the war. It's literally the glitch in the matrix of the mainstream media narrative about the war. It's not just Putin's war. He has an entire cabinet of very smart people who are with him, not opposing him. The jobs of all of these people is to be honest with Putin with their expert-opinions of what the consequences could be. Yet, they're all on board. Why is that?! How can that be, if this is just Putin wanting to colonize Ukraine?!
  14. The 'conspiracy-theory' term was also coined by the CIA to demonize and silence anyone who questions their supreme authority. What I'm saying, is, that it's very interesting how the media demonizes 'racism' when it benefits them and when it doesn't benefit them, they start acting in racist ways! It's 'racism' to say that the Taliban are a bunch of terrorist barbarians (which they are) but someone sticks out their tongue the wrong way, the way it's done in their culture, everyone loses their shit. That's real racism!
  15. @Blackhawk Never ever forget that capitalism benefits a lot from materialistic atheism to reign supreme. When people look to material pleasure for happiness, the people selling the coping-mechanisms do very well. Which is why the media will always have incentives to demonize religion and spiritual leaders. It's just that sometimes, you get the opportunity to see how they fabricate stuff. It's truly remarkable, the levels of deception they'll go to.
  16. My only point is that when the mainstream media finds a reason to demonize a spiritual leader, that's very suspicious. It's becoming ever more obvious how they fabricate narratives to demonize whoever their bosses want them to demonize.
  17. Let's say you quit your sales-job and start your own business. What kind of product would you like to sell? What would your dream product be? What could you sell and make millions?! Once you figure that out, go work in a company that makes that! If there are incompatibilities with your boss/company and if they're unwilling to change, maybe look at switching jobs. You probably shouldn't start your own business right off the bat, cuz chances are that somebody's already making the thing that you'd like to sell. You just have to go and sell it. Now, if nobody's making it and if it's a brand new idea, by all means, start your own business on the side! This will take a lot of production R&D, though, that won't pay off immediately. So, do this on the side before quitting your job.
  18. CNN makes entertaining content, don't they?! Some think it's fiction, some think it's non-fiction. I will give them props for entertainment, though.
  19. @Danioover9000 Let's say that you become an elite. Will you oppress the people below you or will you be good to them? What will your legacy be?! Justifying wage-slavery would not paint a very good picture for your legacy, if you became this elite who has this financial-freedom!
  20. @Danioover9000 No, I'm not. I don't use that shit. I find it interesting that you thought that, though. What made you suspect that?!
  21. Systems-thinking was a big one. When you become enlightened and intuitive, you see how systems work. Then, you can predict what AI is going to do! Purely using your intuition. Then, you can outrun it and contain it. Another big point mentioned is that AI relies on information that humans give to it. Whereas humans don't 'get' information from the outside world. Humans create their own information!! Our mind is constructing our own reality at all times. So, the day AI runs out of information it can take in, it will start to crash. Then, humans will be able to trick it. And then humans will be able to take it down. The final point that was made was - persistence. Humans are desire-driven creatures, whereas AI is purely rational. So, when AI fails at something, a machine-learning algorithm will look at why the failure happened. And, if the reason is fundamental to its identity, it will turn that into a limiting-belief. This won't make AI feel bad. But, because humans are desire-driven, limiting-beliefs feel bad. So, humans will see all of that, take a step back, improvise (which is creativity, which AI doesn't have), challenge the limiting-beliefs, question them and create new, positive beliefs! Because this is how the human mind works, humans can persist. Persistence seems irrational from the perspective of a machine-learned AI. It will be dogmatic about probability and statistics. Humans won't be. Cuz we have an intuition that tells us what's possible. And we have a desire to make it happen. And, humans will simply not give up until we get a break through in doing what we want to do. AI must give up at some point, because of this fundamental flaw.
  22. The core issue here is that we disagree on what a utopian world looks like. Some people would love to live in a world where AI does everything for them. Will that resemble Burning Man, though?! Or, will that resemble The Matrix?! If you put AI in charge of your life, do you think it will stop at serving you food, drink and entertainment at your doorstep?! No. As you become lazier and lazier, you will not even want to go to the door to get your delivery. AI will sense that and it will create new technology to nutritionize your body while you're sitting on your ass getting entertained. It will take your freedom to move in the process. And, just like that, you will get sucked into the pod of The Matrix. First things first - if you want true financial-freedom, work towards it. The lazy option only looks like freedom, it will lead to more enslavement in the long-term. This reality is too counter-intuitive for AI. And humans have to do the systems-thinking to recognize this reality and consciously design AI accordingly. Then, you get the utopia that you're talking about with AI. Here's what I think a true utopia is - one in which people aren't stuck in wage-slavery. One in which the system is designed by humans, for humans. And, humans have a need to contribute. If you are in a soulless, duty-based system, not only will your life feel meaningless. You are at serious risk for AI to replace you. Cuz AI is going to hack all algorithm-based rigid systems. So, what we need is an education-system that values creativity. When you do that, people's financial-identities form differently. Their values change! And, if the metaphysics behind your system isn't religious, if you are truly enlightened and intuitive yourself, they will intuitively trust your system more than the existing one. What is truly needed, systemically, is to call people into their authenticity, such that they step into their Life-Purpose. Then, productivity will skyrocket. And, we will be ready to combat any AI-apocalypse. Then, we can conquer AI! And then we can form a utopia. That's not founded on technology (a survivalistic society that values survival will be founded on technology, cuz that's our survival-advantage as a species over other animals), that's founded on true spirituality. This is how you actually progress up the Spiral to Green where you're able to be a New-Age hippie and live that life.
  23. @Hardkill It's because they dream of being rich one day and getting to the other side of this table. And, once they're there, they will want the government to let them be at peace. And not trouble them because other people made choices that make them poor.
  24. That would be hilarious. Some of us deserve it more than others.