Eddie A

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About Eddie A

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  1. Option #2 Always have a cold. But your extremely happy
  2. "I would greatly appreciate any information you can provide. I apologize in advance if any of my questions seem unintelligent, but I am struggling with this subject. Different people seem to have conflicting opinions, and it's causing me confusion. I find myself going back and forth between amoral and moral perspectives, and it's become quite a mess. Thank you for your help."
  3. "Please share your gamer tag with me and I'll send you a message. If we don't click or have a good chemistry, that's fine. We can part ways and I won't bother you. I'm just looking for someone to play games with and have meaningful conversations about self-actualization. I mostly play Call of Duty, but I have Game Pass Ultimate and I'm willing to try out new games. I'm a 27-year-old straight male."
  4. "I think it's impossible to completely trust anyone all the time. However, it's also true that people won't always disappoint you. Can you please elaborate on what you mean? I have a feeling I understand, but I'm not entirely sure." No one can be trusted is too absolute IMO.
  5. @Consept "I can understand where you're coming from. It seems like you're doing better in life than me, but please don't take it the wrong way. I believe it's natural for us to strive for excellence in everything we do. However, I've noticed that sometimes, I don't think about how well I'm doing in life. It's similar to what you're describing. I have a few beliefs that help me in such situations. Firstly, I believe that everything happens for a reason and is God's will. Secondly, everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Lastly, there are no mistakes in the universe. Have you ever seen a grain of sand out of place or a misshapen cloud? -Alan Watts paraphrasing. But, please remember that these are just my beliefs and not objective facts. So, take everything I say with a grain of salt."
  6. @Sabth I understand that you may feel like you're behind in life compared to others, but it's important to remember that everyone has their own journey and timeline. It's okay to take things at your own pace and not compare yourself to others. One thing that has helped me personally is the idea of self-actualization. It may take time to see results, but focusing on personal growth and improvement can lead to a more fulfilling life. When negative thoughts arise, it's important to remember that we have control over our minds and can choose to think positively instead. Starting small with consistent actions that improve our lives can lead to bigger changes in the long run. Remember, progress is progress no matter how small.
  7. What triped me up was that if he is telling "you" that you are the only one alive or something like that he is telling multiple people that so you see where I'm tripping . But I fixed this with an adyashanti video where he says it's all I , this cat is I this person next to me is I (i) . The ego is not the only one that exists , what is real I think is that it's all connected and that all is one Wich is i As for your questions if your using solipsism as an idea + ego I think you got the wrong idea like I did , also . But how I explained it in the previous paragraph . Is more concise with me IMO I believe everything matters even the smallest things , but I think me and you are using the word matter different With all respect*
  8. Yeah no I take everything back psychosis or any mental health issues , should never be mixed with psychedelics . IMO now
  9. Loud and clear, helps a lot talking about this subject for me . Helps me see the blind spots, and now i see so many reasons why I should not go back into it. All the replies helped .
  10. @P Michael It’s mostly delusional, and very very rarely hear someones voice in my head that is not me . And the voice thing is mostly when im on a substance An example of the delusions would be something like . Someone i know is trying to hurt me from an alternate dimension When im not psychotic, i function fairly normal is society , but when i go psychotic i have to be interned into a psych center. Seeing what i just typed makes me think . I might not be able to enjoy psychedelics again. But i still mostly think , that it makes sense that I should be able to work my way out of this .
  11. Just wanted any information or personal experience with these two subjects in the title (psychedelics & schizophrenia) . I know its not a good idea to mix both . I just have a strong desire to use again (psychedelics) , but not abuse them . Im a firm believer that with self actualization you should be able to handle psychedelics , with enough results and honesty of where you are at before you use Them . It makes more sense that you should be able to fix the problem I mentioned above , than never using a substance ever again.