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Everything posted by Grandmaster

  1. So i've started intensive learning a few weeks ago. It's going pretty well, but questions arised. I use videocourses with suggested reading lists. I watch courses, take notes and (if possible) practically apply learned information. If i have some questions, i ask for a help on forums (preferably specialized on given topic). Can you give any advice on how to better obtain and process information? For people who have mentors: is there something, that can't improve or figure out without them? If no, what are reasons to have one?
  2. Let's skip my sad life story and get straight to the business. For one year I have been gathering books (i read few in a process), courses (massive variety of topics) and apps (ios and android) that will help me to become better person, both internally and externally. Welp, i finished preparation stage and from now on i will be writing about my progress here. Daily. Toolbox Few apps i will be using to track my progress and improve productivity Wunderlist. It's not that useful, just archive of personal goals. Atracker. App that tracks time i have spent on different activities (which I put in app myself). Beeminder. Online services that's takes my money if i don't get things done (for some motivation). Pomodoro. Technic that helps to refill concentration by dividing activity into work (in my case 45 minutes, more than default) and break (short 5 minutes and long, after 4 work stages, 20 minutes) stages. Scheduleplanner. To-do app. I prefer this one because it have task "start" and "end" time. Still calendars viable alternative. Books. Variety of topics: nutrition, biology , yoga, mindfulness, psychology, philosophy, science and etc.. Habitica. Gamificator that adds RPG-element to habit cultivation. Plan Ok, here how it's going to be. I will work for next 6 years with full intencity and we'll see how it will work. Tasklist underneath. Wake up at 5 am. Start working out (right after waking up) Add 1 and 2 to beeminder. Finish learning yoga essentials. Start learning nutrition (3 hours per day, untill finish). Start learning math (3-5 hours per day, untill i finish calculus II). Track everything with atracker and write results down, tomorrow. Update my journal.