As an aspiring classical musician struggling with performance anxiety, are there ways that the integration of non-duality can ease anxiety and tension when performing for others?
Even with the understanding that there are no others or self as well as reality being imaginary, it still seems as though there is conditioning to freak out in high-pressure situations. Obviously the “high-pressureness” of the situation is created in the mind, but nonetheless anytime I perform for a large crowd there is always shakiness and brain fog. Even with the knowing that all fears are illusory, they still appear and screw things up! As soon as I’m about to play, no matter what centering or meditation practice I did that morning, the survival mechanisms always kick in full force.
Is managing this inner conflict purely a matter of accepting what IS and learning how to perform with these emotions in the body, and not try to get rid of them? Or is there a workaround so the anxiety and shakiness can be eliminated altogether?
Any thoughts are appreciated!