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About Being_Ali33

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  • Birthday 06/10/1993

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    United kingdom
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  1. Wow! fascinating!!
  2. What??? Is this a elaborate joke? I'm really curious
  3. Ego death doesn't necessarily have to haunt you, it depends on the person. Leo is a rare human being. You can't compare him to your average joe. And what Leo does displays the opposite of "consumed by fear of death"
  4. I don't know how to unquote, so Leo pls ignore me. yes exactly! why limit yourself to a single spiritual ideology, why not just explore everything out there.@Danioover9000 @Leo Gura
  5. Psychedelics can open you up to what consciousness is capable of, in my case I would mediate while on psychedelic for up to 8 hours. So why not do both at the same time?
  6. I believe it depends on the individual, I have had extreme degrees of awakening on psilocybin. Never tried 5Meo dmt, but I have had direct consciousness of everything Leo describes in his awakening experience videos.
  7. The thing is no dream character ever wakes up, ONLY I WAKE UP!! Then I go back to sleep and dream the dream.
  8. Did you consume a psychoactive compound right before bed? I have had many trips that started late at night and every time I was not able to sleep until the next morning, as the psychedelic effect started wearing off.
  9. There are degrees of awakening, the more conscious one gets, the more one awakes to truth. At least in my experience. But I always go back to sleep, not completely. As I am aware now that I am asleep and somewhat deluded.
  10. In one of my awakenings on psychedelic mushrooms, where I was conscious of my absolute self (GOD) but I was also my ego self simultaneously? I would switch from ego self to Absolute self back and forth. It was mind boggling. I also had complete deconstruction of the ego on other trips.