I have come to you for help, help in proving a point.
Some time ago, I finished a set that creates a unique trip experience. Unfortunately, people don't seem to be interested in it, so the question arises as to why. This set creates a one-of-a-kind world that you want to be in. In my opinion, once you try it on a trip, you won't be able to resist it.
And here is my request to you: to each of you who is reading this now, I ask for few minutes of your time. The next time you eat mushrooms and you're feeling good, change your music on this set and try it. Don't listen to it now. Many of you will say that this music is not for you. That u dont like it. I know. But in my opinion if u listen it when u r "there" u will love it, no mater your sober music taste. In my opinon, this music will hit anyone.
Try and prove me wrong, please.
Regards, Thomas