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Everything posted by thierry

  1. How to Integrate the vilain without becoming one? Well that’s the hardest part. I think the best way would be to eat it and then having a shiet out of it or vomiting it ? Idk, I’m just guessing
  2. It means the only thing you have to do to be a hero is not living as a vilain until you die. But you certainly have to integrate it.* sorry
  3. It means only thing you have to do to be a hero is not become a vilain until you die. easy
  4. You either die a Hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the vilain. -Harvey Dent
  5. It is hard to explain siddhis cause you do not explore them, they explore you.
  6. Losing the rope to let other feel you with hope ♥️
  7. There might be more suffering if you go directly at God than if you intelligently avoid
  8. I’m all for a fun movie. That just ain’t the full Truth.
  9. I do not know if you are or are not God. All I know is that no matter how Awakened you are you should fear God. If you do not fear God, you certainly ain’t Awake.
  10. Okay I can feel I’m reaching insanity rn. sorry to have polluted this post with my delirium. Will calm down and come back later.
  11. First thank for all the good tips. I love all of it except it misses one thing for me which is going down the rabbit hole. I want a very rich story. I Love all that you said and of course it will be part of my journey to embody all of it but I want more.
  12. I do not think I can be a cashier at the store. Since I am a child I always wanted to become the highest possible embodiment of Love. That’s all I really want. Dying knowing I OutLoved 8Billions people. sounds maybe narcissistic. Maybe I am narcissistic in a way.
  13. I feel like the universe is grooming me to ground myself, then learn how to fight, then go training intensely with Peter Ralston and then becoming mma champion and then redirecting all religious dogmatic people towards higher consciousness ressources: eckart tolle adyashanti mooji jordan peterson Sahdguru Leo gura peter Ralston brendan Lea Am I becoming insane or that’s it ? I’ve already been 4times in psych ward. I’m certainly a little bit insane but I have reach very unrealistic states of consciousness through psychedelics and have a real taste for violence eventhough I hate it and want a peaceful world
  14. And what about when you’re caught up in the lies of social and your family but still want the Truth ?
  15. It feels more like truth is biting me and lies are resonating with me now
  16. When two psychos are so high is psychopathie they can’t understand each other:
  17. You can Love from a place of not love. You can :not love: from a place of Love but you can’t escape it, in fact you have never escaped it. That’s what you always have been, and always will be. That’s what You ARE.