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Everything posted by thierry

  1. Okay okay so I am asking myself this question. I often hear from Jordan Peterson or even Peter Ralston, to a lie there will be consequences and you could lose yourself . I get what they say and totally agree with them but I’m asking myself the question of can I lie and manipulate reality for a greater Truth eventhough I know there will be consequences. Can One make a « conscious lie » or Am I bulshiting myself it is always better to tell the truth ? Would love to hear your thoughts about that. Love
  2. I know this post is a bit old but I’d like to come back to it. I’ve been lying to me shrink for 6months now telling her I take the antipsychotic whereas I do not. She keeps saying I’m on the good way and I look way better on antipsychotic. My next meeting with her is next week. Should I tell her the Truth ? I’m scared she puts me in forced psych ward. I’ve already been forced in psych ward 4times.
  3. I see it is your first post so I allow myself to tell you this: be careful using the forum. People here are more about their path ms than your. Last time I tried to Thank Leo I ended up in psych ward. Leo saw your thank you and he knows what you know. Good luck for your journey Kind regards.
  4. Désolé de polluer ton post. Bravo pour tes réalisations ! En te souhaitant le meilleur pour le futur
  5. We all have an Idea about what Truth taste like until we taste it.. 😂
  6. I did not understand everything but I love it.
  7. Leo sent me to Hell but Thank you anyway. It was necessary and what I wanted
  8. -l-o-n-g—l-o-n-e-l-y—s-uF-fE-r-i-n-g—w-i-t-o-u-t—A-n-d-r-e-w—t-a-t-e—l-i-k-e—r-e-a-c-t-i-o-n——>
  9. Yes, romantic relationships are still conflicts of the mind. But it does not mean it can not be amazingly beautiful.
  10. I’ve come to a point in my life where I wish I had never learned about Spiral dynamics in the first place. I feel it’s limiting more than anything else. Even on the dating area. The idea that you have to find a girl close to you is toxic I think. Moreover I do not like how it subconsciously give a Scale of consciousness. Leo studied spiral dynamics gives it credit and he is Turquoise. How convenient. And à Jordan Peterson would be blue so 4stages down Leo ? No all that spiral dynamics is BS. I’m working of deconstructing my mind out of it. But if it is useful to you, keep using it. I’m just posting this cause it starts irritating me anytime I see someone using spiral dynamic terms on the forum.
  11. I can’t. He’s 10 time more woke than I am. But hard to have compassion on people who are ready to sacrifice a large part of population.
  12. I had sex 5-10Times with prostitutes in this Lifetime. I do not recommend it. Felt bad before the act, felt worst after.
  13. Sorry if it is childish for a serious subject as the one talked about here. I really do not know what to say and I felt I needed to post something here.
  14. (It was a coward move from me, I’m so politically correct, I feel like a sucker.)
  15. Yes Boxing people has never been the right way: Best to open up the way like Leo:
  16. It is just really hard for me to imagine that Someone as Jordan Peterson which I consider to be a Warrior of Love. Speaking the truth, putting himself in danger on a regular basis be lower than a
  17. But to be honest, I’ll certainly never read this books, I’d rather read Leo’s futur book. My reading time is precious.
  18. Thanks, I’m very far from a « good reader »
  19. Maybe restraining yourself a little bit before meeting God would be a good Idea ?
  20. Connections beyond sex are available after sex.. euh… after death* sorry ! 😅 you will not need sex if you have the connections I’m talking about (I still need sex myself)
  21. Thanks and how to I let go of the hope of having her back? Cause my mind sometimes play a trick on me on saying you are choosing the easy path, cause you know trying to get her back would be more scary and painful than letting her go and the really courageous move would be to try to get her back.
  22. Spiral dynamics only exists in the mind of those who believes to be high on this frame. Just like IQ only exists in the mind of those who are High on this Scale. That’s why everyone someone talk about IQ, you can be sure he has tested his IQ to be 130+ and those who bring spiral dynamics are all Turquoise in the same way.
  23. Lol if there really are still doubters. Just go in your bathroom. Put your head under water until you can no more breath. Now understand that you could have survived 2-3min more if you could no put your head out of water. This 2-3min would be equivalent of 3lifetime of torture in your mind. Now just see how many people drown each years. Tadaaaa