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Everything posted by thierry

  1. I think the reason one of the reason I like Andrew rate is because he is wounded like I am
  2. I felt in danger too running from something. I do not know what it was but I felt trapped. Her boyfriends confronted me while I was running from something and encountering them and trying to avoid contact with them
  3. No it was just « AND SHE STILL WON’T fuck you » I added hero because it is watch this is question about in the video he talks about it
  4. I brought the light of awareness before sleeping. Just had a nightmare where I saw my ex running in the park with her family and her new boyfriend. This was very painful. There were also Andrew tate in my dream saying: « you hero and.. SHE STILL WON’T FUCK YOU » very weird but very funny have to admit
  5. Just wait until there is no difference between you and Leo, then he’ll release all of this !
  6. So basically, I was walking to my room looking at a picture of me when it hit me. the exercise: -take a material picture of you when you and hold it in your hand -then look at you in the eyes and say to yourself « this is me, this is me this is me… » -then realize me is also you right here right now but in fact « me » is nowhere ! the me right here right now is no more real than the picture of you in your hand ! « me» is no where except in YOUR imagination ! (ps: do not hesitate loving deeply this imaginary me as you do this exercise!)
  7. The word addiction has a very bad connotation. It depends on the impact it has on your life. And of course overwatching porn is bad. But you can certainly watch porn for 30 minutes everyday while living a very healthy life. So it really depends on the impact on your life, if you do it and you feel good after and go back to living a productive life. It is not a problem. If you feel you have no control over it and it is a burden definitively be hard on yourself for a while and change this bad habit. You can easily replace it by sport or other activity.
  8. I see more and more of « very smart people » warning about all the dangers that comes with AI and that we should be worried about that. To me it sounds like an irrational fear if you have just an understanding of how consciousness works. I could give details on my point but it would be long. Anyway why all this people warn us about AI. Do they really believe AI could be a threat to humanity? Do they want to infect normies with an irrational fear ? Or maybe I am wrong and AI is a threat to humanity? Would love to hear your thoughts about this
  9. I quit chelating because I felt it was doing myself more harm than good but with the recent point of Leo on water I’m thinking I was maybe doing things wrong.. (for real I kinda doubted I did something wrong) anyway I chelated while drinking tap water. I guess it is not recommanded. I’m thinking about maybe giving chelation another shot. Is bottle water fine while chelating ?(I’ve not yet access to purified water)
  10. After Cumming I love to listen to good music ! Is it abnormal ?
  11. @SQAAD What is your condition? (You do not have to answer if you do not want to) I would suggest to stop the medication cold turkey if you can and if you don’t feel you can, then take a few when you need them with the objective of progressively stoping them
  12. @zurew @Basman thanks for your replys, it is really appreciated. (Ps: this idea of nanobots really is scary :p)
  13. From direct Experience. I can tell you psychedelics will increase your sensitivity on the long run and antipsychotic will destroy your sensitivity on the long run.
  14. @dualnon Of course I’ve watched this movies but they are fictions. And I totally understand why some people are afraid. I just do not understand why someone like Elon musk is afraid or pretend to be afraid.
  15. I think they mean most people want easy stuff like a big mac or pitbull songs(I can enjoy both..) which is not hard to appreciate and the best things requires high sensibility (wich is a rare quality of a human being) to be appreciated.