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Everything posted by thierry

  1. Si basically yesterday morning as I woke up I saw a mosquito. I wanted to kill it out of fear but I had resistance cause it did not do anything to me and I did not want to kill something that had not done anything to me so I spared it. The in the evening, I went to sleep and at 2 Am I woke up feeling the sting of the mosquito. Suddenly I’m getting stressed as I realized where I am, mosquito can transmit sickness. I get up out of Love for myself and give it a quick death with decisiveness. Should I be that cruel before it did not do anything to me ? Decisiveness of killing it without remorse felt good, I’m still a little bit stressed for the possible sickness though.
  2. heaven will emphasize the devil within you hell will emphasize the angel within you once your angel and your devil are One, you are in Heaven. (sorry for writing hell with a capital letter, there is no such thing..)
  3. To experience the highest Heaven, you must incorporate the Hell within it. That’s the main reason why almost nobody enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
  4. I hope, when we physically die. We get sometimes to look at our cristallized dream and appreciate the perfect piece of art it is.
  5. That’s a rule. No social interaction the day you do psychedelics. Do not blend your need social with the divine.
  6. Do not interact with anyone the day you do psychedelics
  7. I need to be a better listener. I do not listen.
  8. By twisting consciousness, you get a twisted Mind. That’s what you deserve. Time to pay for the bad karma to « untwist » that. (It takes some kind of intelligence to twist consciousness so we might say there’s at least something positive)
  9. Beautiful, except the only difference between Will and « his teacher » is that Will does what you are talking about
  10. Don’t be scared of being truthful. Being truthful now will force you to be more truthful later and later again and again.. And in the end it will be very smooth
  11. I have to find another intimate journal sorry
  12. Whatever you are imagining for your futur. The actual future will be better
  13. If you zoom in : consecutives arc-tan if you zoom out: exponential
  14. I am definitely sure. It is all about investments. Investments very often know an exponential curve or you might say an arc-tangente(inverse tangente) as after a burst of improvement, you generally stabilize a little bit other wise you would mahasamadhi very soon after your first improvements. But even then the more you have epiphany and stabilize the more it is likely to happen again, so you can not really escape the exponential growth if you are serious about life.
  15. Even the songs I listen to need to be softer and kinder.
  16. You are still a lot too rigid about life. There’s tremendous progression to do here.
  17. Your family has a problem with your ego, not with you
  18. « You’re cooler than Batman » Leo
  19. And fuck my ego really. It’s not that I’m trying to suppress. It’s just that I’m actually telling you to go fuck yourself.
  20. Ego is weak just be Strong
  21. Why does God play hide and seek ? Someone ? Love ? No, Poetry.
  22. All your desires are on your way anyway.. Chill out
  23. WARNING: only strong Gobelins are allowed here, there’s a limit to the shallowness of your desires motherfuckers, don’t push it THANKS