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Everything posted by nhoktinvt

  1. i understand you have stress and anxiety about what gonna happen if things dont happen like how you want it to happen, you'll be feeling guilt right ? is that the result of you successfully getting gaslighted and guilt tripping on ?
  2. omg i get it @meta_male is doing social circle game OF COURSE
  3. didnt realize how big he was until he took off his black shirt lol
  4. let me guess women doesn't approach me because of my look
  5. sometimes you talk to girls just because your intuition says so
  6. lgbt culture they still look like a man tho
  7. yea the best place for nightgame here is Nguyen Hue walking street in Ho Chi Minh city
  8. nightgame on the crowded walking street i say it's better than nightgame in the club bc even the best club here is relatively small
  9. i think aggressive, discipline, intelligent and happy what do u guys think ?
  10. we go to the arcade put in the chips and go home when we get tired
  11. politics is just human concept not the truth
  12. get back to your life purpose or sth boi
  13. spirituality before women (i am a narcissist)
  14. i think women want to be held DOWN on the bedsheet hoho
  15. trannys arent real just hallucination !
  16. bro lost 11kg in a year and a half like christian bale or sth
  17. if you are having negative unwanted interaction (even though you haven't do anything wrong) that is because of your environment is really polarized and unharmonized this might be caused by you gaining reputation the solution is to go home or chilling and take a time off then continue to approach when the time is right (context and social calibration 101)
  18. this is when you center yourself be balance between what haven't and what already happened
  19. ahaha i used to be where u at, i tried to be active and move from this corner to that corner, eventually a bartender told me to stand still at one place
  20. just do it ? see what happens ? this (whatever u think this is) is (lowkey) funny