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Everything posted by nhoktinvt

  1. i think 'weak spots' means compulsive, destructive behavior caused by fear therefore weak spots = fear
  2. bro is leon haven't gone through puberty and of course is not AWAKE ( probably)
  3. what do you believe in ? what do you obsess about ? what results do you want ? you're suffering ? you're not alive ? you're not alone you must change you must awaken ! it's only YOU (capital on purpose)
  4. if you're tired of not getting laid and have no excuses then do it if not then don't if you're not getting result you want or feeling like you can't do it, it's ok, sometimes you win sometimes you lose, it's a game a game of chance and your chance of getting laid is VERY low if you don't play it proactively trust that a small part of girls that you approach will love you very much just because you're attractive in her eyes (approaching her makes you more attractive)
  5. just have sex with her i guess ? if the logistic is right and she's horny of course
  6. bro trust me some girls won't get attracted to your true authentic funny introvert self but the best girls will and they'll almost guaranteed to sleep with you if you stick in there (but don't be too attached and clingy, let them breathe and be their true self too ) BUT FIRST all of that will never happen if you don't approach ! get excited going in the battlefield you'll die a brave man or live a brave man either way you still gain experience
  7. the mistakes are : 1.not being persistent 2.not going to better place for approaching 3.being creepy -guy with 20+ approaches
  8. i mean it depends on what you find meaningful right ?
  9. mann that sucks, people have their own world or reality which can seem different from yours , i guess you gotta find someway to balance order and chaos, accept the difference but take action like talk to her in a grounded mature way basically you want to stop her unwanted behavior
  10. @Arcangelo leo is not that old he probably still in 30-40s
  11. just last night i approached a set of 3 girls and my opener was like "i want to have more experience with girls" and now hamza saying you gotta avoid girls because girls are distracting you from growing yourself as a man, and the high quality girls are attracted to "avoidance cold guys" , ok hamza
  12. power is ability to make someone do something (i think)
  13. ancient puas be gaming
  14. @SonataAllegro they just stare, i keep talking after awhile i talked to another girl in that set, we build some rapport, she's 17 and she's a scorpion (astrology) her mom called (9pm) and they left 15min after, roughly
  15. banning people for making positive change is like cringe af and stupid yes
  16. my advice for you is to just do it, embrace the pain !
  17. different strokes for different folks i guess