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Everything posted by joseph--

  1. wouldnt it be like living in the film purge without moralizing? no laws? all kinds of butterfly rape going on
  2. To tell someone my present life situation and to say im the most content i have been since about the age of 16 (34 now) would not make much sense but its how it is thanks to some massive realizations over the past year reading and watching videos on self development. Through school, childhood, as an adult, iv always been able to make friends very easily. Though since watching leos eye opening video on approval seeking i realize i was just a dancing monkey and whoring myself out to have friends and be popular. Being massively stifled and stuck in my head. Having read 'how to win friends and influence people' recently i noticed how i had been doing nearly all the principles my whole life and it doesnt fulfill you. People just like you, and do favours for you, it aint that great. keeping people happy is a game you cant win either. At present i am in massive debt and have companies chasing me for money. I have to move out in 3 weeks and im not sure where im going. There is a big chance i will have to do a short amount of time in prison for stupidly selling counterfiet dvds in 2014 a year i struggled with a cocaine problem. was diagnosed with adhd- although i believe this has been behind some harder limiting beliefs to let go of. The genetic ones! I only took my speed pills for a month before binning them.... i didnt give myself much choice though i snorted half of them at christmas But this past few months i feel liberated knowing i have the power to create anything i desire and can be like a lighthouse in a storm not letting anything external affect me emotionally! its working too-through postive thinking, meditation, clearing my mind when something that usually annoys me happens, i just accept that its a thing that with it! so this is my journey to continue raising my esteem by not needing approval from anyone but myself. changing from scarcity mindset to abundance. Try to make sure im expressing rather than impressing and get slight enjoyment from someones disapproving look as i know im heading in the right direction. Not wanting any outcome when i say a joke im just doing it to self amuse and give value to the group. Most importantly i feel is live in the moment more. Thanks leo for showing me how some beliefs and patterns of thinking have been holding me back and making me suffer- for showing me a new passion in self development.
  3. Does anyone seem to have a lot less things to be able to talk about and things to relate to other people about since doing personal development? since trying to cut out judging, moralizing, gossiping...etc. I know it might be a bit of a sad indictment of myself and friends but still i don't fancy turning to a mute.
  4. Thanks mal! I do feel more uncomfortable around certain people now and drawn to others so maybe my vibration is changing. Seems a shame to feel like this around people you care about and even family though.
  5. hey guys, Been reading about law of attraction and putting it into practice but my cynical voice is still asking why is it any different from daydreaming? Iv spent probably 20 year of daydreamsing from time to time. Visions of punching people in the face who annoy me. scoring loads of goals at football etc etc. If in these fantasies it makes me happy and my sub-conscious cant determine whats real and whats not, how come im not punching people in the face when they dont leave my tea bag in for long enough, and why did i spoon my penalty wide last week when iv smashed it in the top corner a zillion times in my mind? why are most people not living out there fantasies for that matter?