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About DayTraderEdward

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  1. According to Maslow, love is a deficiency need.
  2. Call me crazy, but I find sex to be more like food, simply a biological need. I do not desire possession of a woman, nor am I emotionally needy. In fact, I would prefer sex with many women as a way to "eat," as in "nourishment." Am I insane for being content? I love being friends with women, but feel like the people in "Brave New World." "In love with what?" indeed.
  3. The perfect way to change the world: convert all people to be motivated by growth - easier said than done.
  4. I love to masturbate. I have no idea why society tries to tell people it is wrong. I am not lonely either. I am content. And, I am motivated by growth, not respect. People will hear this and say: impossible. Sex with women is great, but the reality is, most women are motivated by deficiency-needs, making them quite incapable of a serious "relationship." As Maslow said, what most people consider "relationship" is actually just glorified neediness, or "selfish love." Self Actualized love is unconditional.
  5. Becoming motivated by growth and not being hung up on having to be a certain way is almost a sure-fire way to make progress.
  6. Being motivated by growth cut out most of the junk I would collect. Now it is mostly about experiences, something junk can no longer satisfy.
  7. I became satisfied when my motivation became growth. By the way, this is incompatible with the way society thinks. "Prepare to be unpopular," as Maslow said.
  8. I find it hard to carry on relationships with ordinary people. This is not to say that I am lonely or unsatisfied; I find it easy to determine that virtually everyone is attempting to satisfy deficiency-needs, while I am motivated by risk and growth. Also, need for "small talk" implies one is searching for something other than "small talk." People will find me self-righteous or amoral, while they forget that I am not motivated by acceptance or relatedness, but self improvement. This state may appear as sort of a chasm for most. All I can say is, I find deficiency-needs quite boring. This, of course, will appear as though I am "self absorbed," while in reality, my "self absorption" is really just a motivation to grow.
  9. Self Actualization, in its most simple definition, is being motivated by growth.