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Everything posted by LoseYourvelf

  1. Gonna be doing 5DGISD soon, definitely a good bit worried but I know I'm locked in now, gulp
  2. Just gotta hold out hope and have a legitimately passionate/involved/nerdy grip on the other side of ur life that isnt that
  3. I like how the real is what is left after, not some basis
  4. Preload magnesium a week before
  5. She was having phone sex the whole time, unbelievable. I thought she was shocked at his Truths
  6. This man's music is brilliant... I'm talking... Sisters of Mercy and Master song are so gripping in how they feel to deal with the metaphysical and spiritual/intrapersonal
  7. Spiders are multi dimensional pedal strollers for sure
  8. Try to interview trump, trick them into it
  9. Long breaks from ur bae if she seems like she needs it
  10. Is the case you described conducive to the way you're gonna date/partner up w women going ahead or like an example from the past?
  11. I think Leo means "the difference between doing those things" here but maybe he disagrees
  12. Do you reckon this is decently appliable to the inner masculine/feminine of the mind or is it better to separate those works, or is there a better distinction? (meaning yeah 100% hearing you on women and would only try to be that godly but what troubles me is conflating the dating with your greater life) thanks/sorry
  13. What life "means" is nothing without other people, if your purpose isn't people, you have to look at your state of mind for answers on which treatment/medicine/research you might need, just saying. Or in other words, the one thing you can never break your focus away from could be "your big gift". You will choose to either give it to others or hide it from them for further impact and results according to your own tastes/influences. This applied to art and spirituality draws in my opinion the only line in the sand we should draw for one another at the minute, the line between intention and meaning. Think about this applied to SSRIs vs Psychedelics for severe mental illness and what we mean when we say about that "ending horribly"; if we're giving enough ammunition to the people around us mentally, someone is going to fire misfire a bullet and hurt someone eventually. How many people do you think really consider the mental health warning on Leo's videos? This initial breaking into someone else's mind for their own good is the hardest thing to pull off and Leo just kept it legally correct imo. Also smiling at strangers and pleasant interactions with passers-by in public spaces can't really go amiss if you're just genuinely showing them you're polite and caring the best you can. You can be pretty safely sure that most people outside are just going from point A to B and it's harder than you realise to misfire social signals. The more people put excellent coincidences we can't explain into the belief bag, the more we'll keep searching generally for "value". The only answer is to rationalise the coincidences at your own comfortable pace. There's no rush though.