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Everything posted by LoseYourvelf

  1. im imagining Leo listening to this with blacked out shades on
  2. hi People Who Aren’t There Anymore by Future Islands just really good, funky and listenable and groovable Also great lyrics, vocal performance and song ideas
  3. Nvm I just didn't realise we were talking about bad mental health lol
  4. Do literally anything you can to make that "reach" "action" "starting the thought process of doing the attempt" something that shuts down in a few seconds because it has so many contraditions/worries/fears. fear damaging ur body/attempting it, fear the other side the unknown BADLY. fear it fear it fear it fear it fear it . fear that plunge so bad you would never do it. its terrifying, what if it taints the plunge ugly. idk man just fear the otherside and fear bringing harm to ur body when out of ur own mind/head
  5. Honestly I don't think anyone is putting bad mental health past YOU in particular per your activity here
  6. We're talking real veganism, not the weak willed bullshit, some minor supplementation isn't making anyone fat/libido-less come on, how many vegans are out there thriving while u type this. The thing is it's truly possible to be that absolute fucking goat on a vegan diet and have great sex with beautiful people, you're probably just not ready to say you want to eat animals just to kill them and eat them and taste them mercilessly which most none vegans actually are in touch with
  7. Me and my brother invented a new stage called Stage Beige Hybrid, its after Coral, you're welcome to join us there
  8. Some scientists will make great spiritualists look like roughed up and spat out half wit demon body manipulators of mess
  9. And if you think brilliant art or science will fair you any better than good spiritual guidance you're completely wrong lol that's just pussying out stuff (don't point at me im not after a pussy wagon personally!) but yeah the stakes are raised in every sense with any of three of these and they all have as much art/science/spirituality as each other in the background involved it's just labelling and semantics
  10. Spriitual is as good as a modus-comprende as science or art lol
  11. WEEN. Quebec, Chocolate and Cheese, The Mollusk, White Pepper (all albums of theires)
  12. Thanks in Punjabi
  13. Sweet Jesus Christ
  14. ਖੁਸ਼ਕਿਸਮਤੀ
  15. As to body language/behaviour, it probs has an essence built after a long time but as to the drive/push for it thru life I think its p much subjective
  16. My god that clip is absolutely awesome. The DBZ one. He just truly doesnt give a fuck about their comeuppances. Almost like the psychs or w/e