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Everything posted by LoseYourvelf

  1. That would involve cleaning my room lel Do I look like this guy
  2. Love seeing your face man. As wicked as Lucifer
  3. Mfer ate-ing Eugenio what in the eff
  4. good luck
  5. DUDE HAHAHAHAHHAHA im fucking dying. incredible/awesome
  6. Forget bad trips Forget handling it Psychedelics love me, they told you to come back sooner... remember why!
  7. LMFAO well its ur age and i dont envy u
  8. Honestly I think an Indian would need to confirm this I just suspect this is where the region is going LOL ;);):0;0 vegan BBQ meat feast with chicken of the woods amongst other meat subsitutes
  9. Hey man, try raising the dose. I find these lusty dirty feelings only persist if you're taking too little Also I feel like generally they're unwanted and rightfully so. I came for the spiritual, i don't want sexy UV brats doll grafitti red light district visions of dancers and strippers bleeding in and wow would you believe it, when I max the dose there's ZERO of it look you might have done more than me but incase you haven't, don't worry if u can "handle" the higher doses in the future just think about taking enough as optimal even despite the extra cost (usually). discard the whole "handling it" thing if you've had that like me. if you have the free space/free time you will handle it/compose urself in the face of adversity/interruption maybe the lust is reflecting your flirtatious approach to dosing these things/letting them act upon you
  10. Yes yes Let me put some good Indian street food in your hands Extremely cheap service in beautiful luxury hotel resort a fine ice cold beer in the heat Spiritual India is one thing but India is the new Thailand
  11. Yeah I hate the vast beauty and culture out there
  12. your country is my next visiting destination your country is so nice it's devastating
  13. Yeah U right men are just these things
  14. Yup, Why/how come? can u drink there